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[英语2017年七年级寒假作业答案仁爱版] 七年级上册寒假作业答案2017

时间:2018-12-04 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版


第一节1—5 CCBBB 第二节1—5 BABCA
  第三节 1—5 CBBAC 第四节 1—5 CEDBA
  21—25 CBCBD 26—30 CCCDA 31—35 BDCDA 36—40 CADBC
  41. helps
  42. swimming
  45. make
  46. be
  47. am playing
  49. criminals
  50. strawberries
  51. washing
  53. waiting
  54. message
  55. candles
  56. went
  57. ride
  58. took
  59. expensive
  60. stayed
  61.On the first night
  62. played badminton
  63.feel about the trip
  64. learned a lot
  65. took the (a) bus
  66. one bowl of mutton soup
  67. What kind of noodles
  68. drew many pictures
  69. long brown hair
  70. medium build
  71—75 CABCD 76—80 CABAD 81—85AACBC 86—90 CABGF

标签:英语2017年七年级寒假作业答案仁爱版 仁爱版七年级英语听力 仁爱版英语七年级下册