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时间:2017-03-30 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

篇一:unit 4-5作文句答案版


It’s the best movie theatre in the town mainly because it has the most comfortable seats and the biggest screen. More importantly, it’s the closest to my home.

2. 这是城里最好的服装店主要因为它有最好的服务和最好质量的衣服。

It’s the best clothing store in the town mainly because it has the friendliest service and the best quality clothes.

3. 它是最好的广播电台因为DJ们选歌选得最仔细。

It is the best radio station because the DJs choose songs the most carefully.

4. 这是中国最古老最迷人的小镇之一。

It is one of the oldest and most attractive towns in China.

5. 每个人都擅长某事,但是一些人真得很有天赋。

Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented.

6. 汤姆是一位有天赋的男孩。他不仅在班里钢琴弹得最好而且唱歌唱得最优美。Tom is a talented boy. He not only plays the piano the best but also sings the most beautifully in my class.

7. 一些人不喜欢才艺展示因为他们觉得表演者的生活都是编造的。其他人认为他们给了人们一种把他们的梦想变成现实的办法。

Some people don’t like talent shows because they think the lives of the performers are made up. Others think they give people a way to make their dreams come true.

8. 你能最安静地享受你的时间的地方是在靠近公园的其中一家咖啡店。你能在那阅读和放松。每个人都可以找到适合自己的东西。

The place where you can enjoy your time the most quietly is at one of the small coffee shops near the park. You can read or relax there. There is something for everyone.

9. Spring Park是城里周末最受欢迎的地方。许多家庭带着他们的小孩子们去那。许多老人也喜欢在那散步。

Spring Park is the most popular place in the city on weekends. Many families go there with their young children. Lots of old people like to take walks there, too.

10. PEP高中是这个镇子里最好的学校。他们有大的教室,很棒的老师和一个优秀的运动中心。

PEP High School is the best school in this town. They have big classrooms, fantastic teachers and an excellent sports center.

1. 我每天晚上看新闻因为我想找出在世界上正进行着什么。

I watch the news every night because I want to find out what’s going on around the world.

2. 我喜欢肥皂剧。我喜欢跟随故事情节并且看接下来会发生什么。 I love soap operas. I like to follow the story and see what happens next.

3. 我最喜欢的电视节目是谈话类节目。它们也许不是很令人兴奋,但是你能期待从中学到许多。

My favorite TV shows are talk shows. They may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them.

4. 看情景喜剧是一个很棒的放松办法。你也能学会一些很棒的笑话。

Watching sitcoms is a great way to relax. You can learn some great jokes, too.

5. 我认为娱乐节目比情景喜剧更有教育意义。你能试着猜问题的答案。

I think game shows are more educational than sitcoms. You can try to guess the answers to the questions.

6. 我认为谈话节目更令人愉快。我喜欢找出不同人对同一个主题怎么看。 I think talk shows are more enjoyable. I like to find out what different people think about a subject.

7. 主要原因之一是米奇像一个普通人,但是他总是努力去面对任何危险。 One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger.

8. 他有许多问题比如弄丢房子或女朋友。然而,他总是准备着尽最大的努力。He had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend. However, he was always ready to try his best.

9. 花木兰是一个令人振奋的动作片。它来自一个中国古老的故事。这部电影是关于一个乡村女孩木兰。她打扮成男孩的样子,代替她的父亲去军队打仗。Mulan is an exciting action movie. It comes from an old Chinese story. The movie is about a village girl, Mulan. She dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army.

10. 我认为女主角把木兰的角色演得很好。其他的演员也很精彩。他们在电影中做得很好。

I think the actress played Mulan’s role well. The other actors are also fantastic and they did a good job in the movie.

11. 我非常喜欢花木兰。这部电影展示了她对家庭、朋友和国家的爱。

I like Mulan very much. The movie shows her love for her family, friends and country.

12. 假如你计划这周末看一部电影并且你想看一些令人愉快的东西,选择花木兰吧。

If you plan to watch a movie this weekend and you want to see something enjoyable, choose Mulan!


ages keep borrowing words from other languages. This is one of the reasons why languages

keep changing almost every day. What we should do about the increasing number “borrowed words” in

our vocabulary is something people disagree about. In England today, there is no one to decide which

foreign words should be included in the language. A standard was first set for the English language

when Hey vii was king of England. That is why we have the phrase “the King’s English”. King

Hey vii was a poet and a man who cared about language. He set a standard for how people were to

speak English, but who can make a decision like that today is anyone’s guess!

In France, however, there is a department to make decisions like this. How French will be used is

decided by a government department. At one time the department banned some words from English,

including “weekend” and “email”.

Some people feel borrowed words are making languages less special, while others think this is

good because languages become more easily understood by foreigners. Which group you agree with is

for you to decide.

语言保持借用其他语言的文字。 这是为什么语言保留更改几乎每天的原因之一。 我们应该怎样,

增加数 '借用词汇在我们的词汇量,是人不同意。 在英国今天,没有人可以决定哪些外国的单

词应列入该语言。 英王亨利七世时英语语言被先定一个标准。 这是为何我们包含短语王的英语。

王亨利七世是一位诗人和关心语言的人。 他为一个标准如何人讲英语,但谁能像今天的决定是

任何人的猜测 !

在法国,不过,有一个部门来作出这样的决定。 将如何使用法语是由政府部门来决定的。署禁

止某些词与英语 — 这互都包括周末和电子邮件。



P253 Ladies and gentlemen, I feel highly honored to have the opportunity to talk about my life


My aim in life is to save the environment for future generations. I want to become an

environmentalist after I finish school. Too many people think that pollution can’t be stopped if we want

the industry to continue developing. But that is ridiculous. We can reduce dangerous and dirty waste

from factories if we are smart about what we buy. I want to teach people to buy recycled products. The

production of recycled things is much better for the environment, because it means we do not need to

cut down more trees and cause the destruction of more forests. The economy will still grow, but the

earth will not have to suffer. We should also pay attention to what we eat. People should take

responsibility for not buying certain kinds of fish, because there are not many left in the ocean.

We have a problem with population too. The number of people in the world keeps growing, and we

are producing more rubbish. What if we run out of space? If we all work together, we can solve these

problems and keep the earth clean and healthy.








我们也有了人口问题。 世界上的人的数量不断增长,与我们现正制作更多垃圾。 如果我们运行

没有足够的空间吗? 如果我们都一起工作,我们可以解决这些问题,并保持清洁和健康的地球。

P263 rafting. It’s quite dangerous, but very exciting! You have to wear special clothing, a helmet and

a life jacket, just in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks.

since we’ll be walking every day for almost two weeks, I’ll need to buy a large, strong light

backpack to carry my supplies of food and water. During the day, we’ll walk across the land, following

the footprints of big animals such as elephants, lion and giraffes. We’ll try to get as close as possible to

the animals, even though they’re dangerous, so that I can take some really good photos. But don't

worry about me our guides will have guns with them to scare the animals away if they come too close.

I really want to see an elephant up close.

后骑骆驼旅行,我们要去旅行了尼罗河。 我们将开始在维多利亚湖。 有点沿着这条河从维多利

亚湖,水实际获取很粗糙。 因此,我们将去泛舟。 这是相当危险的但非常令人兴奋 ! 你必须

穿特殊的衣服、 头盔、 一救生衣在万一您排获取倒置或接收器。


应。 在的一天中我们会走过了的土地后的大象、 狮子和长颈鹿等大型动物足迹。 我们将尽力

为获取了的动物尽量关闭,即使他们是危险的这样我可以把一些很好的照片。 但不用担心我们

的指南将有枪,吓怕动物如果他们来太接近我。 我真的想看到大象近视。模拟卷二

Winter Break. Two whole weeks without homework. Two weeks to relax. I imagined myself

getting plenty of sleep.

But soon I noticed something: I couldn’t sleep. It would be 12: 30 a.m. and I would be trying to

fall asleep. I would begin thinking that I haven’t done anything today! I was eating when I wasn’t

hungry I was playing a computer game even though it was boring.

The truth, I concluded, is that relaxation doesn’t mean doing nothing. Relaxation means doing

something enjoyable. I planned to swim at the local high school. I set up a practice schedule of an hour

and a half per day. I decided to read two books and do a little community service work. After that, I’ll

write e mails to my friends, watch DVDs and sleep 12 hours a day. And I’m truly having fun relaxing.

After each past winter break, I haven’t been able to say what I did, how I used my time. This

winter break will be different. I am relaxing by working. 寒假。整整两个星期没有功课。两个星期的时间放松。我想象自己获得充足的睡眠。








模拟卷四People usually don’t like mice. But mouse has been one of the most famous film stars

in the world. That is the well known Mickey Mouse.

One night a man called Walt Disney was drawing when he heard a strange sound. The sound came

from the waste basket. Walt went over and saw a family of mice eating pieces of bread in it. For many

nights, they played there. Walt began to like them. Walt liked one little mouse better than any of the

other mice. This little animal gave him some new ideas for his drawing. He started to draw it. But in

the picture, it looked more like a funny man than a mouse.

Walt wanted to make this little mouse talk in his pictures and soon it was able to speak. Later he

named it Mickey mouse. People laughed when they saw the film because they enjoyed seeing it. Soon

Mickey became very popular with both old and young people. Children loved their lovely friend

became it brought joy and pleasure to them. Perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse though

they don’t like real mice. 人们通常不喜欢老鼠。但是,鼠标一直是世界上最著名的影星之一。这











Doing projects helped me grow up. I used to be shy and didn’t want to talk in front of others. But

doing projects with others helped me become outgoing and talkative. I was the leader of a group of five.

Our teacher asked us to choose a social problem and find a solution to it.

Each group had to write a report on what they found. The report was to be checked by other

groups to see if they thought the solution would work well. For the report to pass, you had to have

approval from at least four other groups.

As a group leader, I badly needed other members’ ideas. But it was hard to get them to talk! Some

just waited and listened to what others said. So I talked the most and did most of the work. I talked with

the teacher, collected information and decided on the topic. Fortunately, when it came to dividing the

job nobody said no.

I was proud when my group got more than four approvals! Our teacher gave us a high mark.

做项目帮我长大了。 我曾经是害羞,不想其他的前面。 但做项目与其他人帮我成为传出和爱说

话了。 我是一组五的领袖。 我们老师要我们选择一个社会问题,并找到一个解决办法。

每个组不得不写一份报告对他们的发现。 该报告是希望如果他们认为解决方案会工作,好的其

他组织进行检查。 传递报告您不得不从其他至少四个组批准。

作为一个组领头羊我急需其他成员的意见。 但很难让他们说话 ! 有些只是等待,听别人说什

么。 所以我最讲和了大部分的工作。 我跟老师、 收集信息并决定对该主题。 幸运的是,它来


当我组四个以上批准的时候,我很自豪 ! 我们的老师给了我们一个高分。

2010模拟试卷二Tom was crossing the road the other day when he saw a red car coming in the

distance. He though the car would break, however, the car was going too fast and tom soon realized

that it couldn't stop in time. He tried to move out of its way but it was too late. Tom was knocked down

by the red car and lay almost dead on the road. Passers-by quickly went to him and an ambulance was

called for. The driver of the red car did not stop, but one of the men had written down the number of the

car, which he gave to the police who arrived at the site. At the same time, tom was taken to the hospital

and his parents were called for. They were very surprised to hear of the accident and quickly rushed to

his side. For three days tom was not able to feel or think and his parents were worried that he might die.

But on the fourth day tom woke up and spoke softly. His parents were glad. The police by then had

followed the owner of the car and caught hold of were glad. The police by then had followed the owner

of the car and caught hold of him at last.

汤姆正在横过马路时,他看到一辆红色小汽车进来的距离那天。 他虽然会破坏汽车、 但是,汽

车太快和汤姆很快就意识到它不能及时停止。 他试着移出其方式,但太晚了。 汤姆被红色的汽

车撞倒了,躺在道路上的几乎死了。 途人快速到他那里去,呼吁,一辆救护车。 红色的车的司

机并没有停下,但其中一名男子把记在他给该警务人员到达现场的汽车的数目。 同时与汤姆被

送往医院和他的父母被调用的。 他们感到很吃惊,听的那次事故,并迅速赶到他身边。 三天不

能感觉或认为汤姆和他父母担心他可能会死。 但在第四天汤姆一觉醒来,轻轻地说。 他的父母

很高兴。 届时警方听从了车的车主和捕捉的住而高兴。 届时警方听从了车的车主和然后由警方

已沿用了车主和抓住了就欢喜了。然后由警方已沿用了车主在最后抓住他的手臂。 2010模拟试卷三If I were mayor, I would provide homes for animals. I would build an animal

shelter, for all the homeless animals, and for people who can no longer care for their animals. There

would be food provided for the animals and I would allow for people to come or visit the animals.

If I were mayor, there would be more parks, so kids could be more active. The parks would already

have basketballs, soccer balls, baseballs, and mitts provided for the children or adults. There would also

be fishing poles to fish in the lake.

If I were mayor, there would be more books in the library for children to read, and a bigger

playground to play on. Every week I would have a police officer come to the school, to a certain class

and teach kids how to be drug free. I would also have the officer have the kids play a little game on

ways to be drug free. If the officer wanted to, I would have him teach the students on how to be clean,

and healthy, such as: having a good personal hygiene.

If I were mayor I would have all of our neighborhoods be much cleaner. I would have the road

cleaning trucks go through and clean the streets so we would have a smooth road. Well, that is all I

would do if I were mayor, and I am sure that it will help us all! 如果我是市长,我会为动物的家园。











2010模拟试卷四Once upon a time there was a girl named Judith duns and she was 15 years old.

She was turning 16 the day before Halloween so normally she would get a birthday/Halloween party.

The day that her birthday was on her mom would wake her up and say, “happy birthday!” then she

would bring her into the kitchen where 10 perfectly wrapped presents would lay but this time she

wasn’t woken up or found a kitchen full of presents.

She didn’t want to pressure her mom into where her presents were because what if she forgot or

was low on money. She figured that it was just a short delay and at least one surprise would come today.

She waited all day…not a word. She fell asleep crying her eyes out.

Then in the morning (Halloween) she went into the kitchen and her mom placed 3 waffles neatly on

top of each other on one of the plates. She sat into the chair and started eating it piece by piece.

Later she went to her friend’s house because they had to plan what places they were going to trick

or treat at… an hour later she went back to her house into her room and “surprise!” there were about 20

wrapped birthday presents on her bed and all of her friends. She gave her mom and dad a hug. What

they had done had surprised her so much that she almost went to the bathroom in her pants. From that

day on she never thought that her parents would forget her birthday.






然后在早上(万圣节),她走进厨房,她的妈妈整齐地摆放在彼此顶部板块1 3松饼。她坐在椅



回到她家到她的房间和'' ''惊喜!大约有20包生日礼物在床上和她所有的朋友。她的妈妈和爸爸


一天,她的父母从来没有想过会忘记她的生日。 2010模拟卷一When Jane was a little girl, she liked keeping pets. She had many books about

animals and there were many pictures and stamps on the walls of her bedroom. She often said that she

would work in a zoo when she grew up.

Most of Jane’s pets were quite small parrots, cats, dogs and so on. But one day she met something

quite big.

That afternoon, Jane’s mother was surprised to see a big animal with long hair in the kitchen. He

wore a T shirt and was sitting on a chair, trying to put on a pair of glasses and making faces at her. In

front of him, on the table, were a basket of fruits and a glass of water. “Jane, where are you?” the

mother shouted. Then suddenly she remembered that a few days before a young gorilla called Gor had

run away from the zoo.

“I found him in the city square,” Jane said. “He seemed so lonely. I talked to him. We became

friends at once and he followed me home.”

“Well, you know you can’t keep him,” her mother said. “You must send him back to the zoo. You’d

better phone the police.”

Soon a teacher came and also a truck from the zoo. Nobody was angry with Jane when she told her

story. The policeman knew Jane loved animals. And the zookeeper said, “thank you for kindness. I can

see Gor likes you, but we need him back.” Jane agreed. She hugged Gor and said that she would go and

see him at weekends.

These days Jane has stopped collecting animals, but you can still find her with her friend go at the

zoo on Saturdays and Sundays!


Dear Sarah,

You have every right to feel betrayed by your friend if she did tell your secrets to others, but it

seems unlikely that she did. You say that you are best friends; well, best friends talk about their

problems and try to solve them. If she is a good friend, you should apologize for blaming her.

If you still have doubts, you should think about why you don’t believe her. Was it because you

were ashamed of your mark or your behavior? Did you feel jealous of your friend’s marks? If so, the

篇三:关于香港的英语作文 高中水平 小学 初中用很显示风采哦

ort area located on Hong Kong Disneyland theme park, which is Disney's fifth seat Disneyland. Hong Kong MTR

Disneyland Resort Line has dedicated railway between Sunny Bay Station and Disneyland Station, the second around the world and from Disney's railway line. Hong Kong Disneyland theme song "Let the Magic fly" by the Hong Kong Disneyland spokesperson Jacky Cheung singer. The park's official

communication language is English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese). Hong Kong Disneyland has some unique attractions, the two Disney

themed hotels, as well as exciting shopping, dining and entertainment facilities. Featured attractions include the

Dream scenic Main Street USA, Adventureland, Fantasyland and

Tomorrowland, in the park can also be find a Disney cartoon character Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Mulan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and so on. Hong Kong Disneyland area of 126 hectares, is the world's smallest

Disneyland. However, the next theme park there are multi-phase expansion project, the first phase of the expansion project currently under construction. Paradise generally cover four subject areas (California, USA 8, Florida and Tokyo, all 7, Paris 5), similar to other Disney theme park, including: Main Street USA, Adventureland, Fantasyland and Tomorrowland.

Hong Kong Disneyland is the world's fifth model in the construction of Disneyland, Disney's 10th theme park world, and the first under California

Disney (including the Sleeping Beauty Castle) theme park modeled. Of tourists visiting Hong Kong Disneyland will be temporarily away from the real world, into the colorful fairy tale kingdom, feel the future of the mysterious land of fantasy and thrills of the adventure in the world.

In addition to well-known Disney classic stories and recreational facilities, the Hong Kong Disneyland is also the cultural characteristics of Hong Kong, the idea of some of Hong Kong set for recreational facilities, entertainment shows and parades.

香港迪士尼乐园度假区是香港迪士尼乐园主题公园,是全球第五个迪士尼乐园位于座位。香港地铁迪士尼线一直致力于与欣澳站及迪士尼站,周围的世界第二和迪斯尼的铁路线铁路。香港迪士尼乐园主题曲“让魔术禁飞区”由香港迪士尼乐园名誉大使张学友主唱。公园的官方沟通语言为英语和中文(普通话和粤语)。 香港迪士尼乐园有一些独特的景点,这两个迪士尼主题酒店,以及令人兴奋的购物,餐饮和娱乐设施。特色景点包括








Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favorite game. We sat in a cup; it is green with a lot of waves pattern on it. The cups have different colors and patterns. When the game started, the cup turned and turned and turned around. It went faster and faster gradually. When it’s time up it stopped slowly.

Welcome aboard the Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad taking you on a round the park circuit of Hong Kong Disneyland. Our next stop is Fantasyland Station. We ask that you stay seated until the Train has come to a complete stop. Thankyou!

Disneyland opened in September 2005 and is the first Theme Park inside the Resort. The park features four lands that consist of Main Street U.S.A., Adventureland, Tomorrowland and Fantasyland.

As you may have picked up being a Disney fan, there is no Frontierland which was just one of the things that amounted to the biggest criticism brawl in Disney history. Not really but many things went wrong for the first year of operation.

The first item on the criticism agenda was the lack of attractions. The park ran just over 20 attractions when it opened compared to Disneyland in California which now has over 60 attractions open. That was quickly changed as they then added a Tomorrowland extension which included interactive and water play areas.

Disneyland has since planned plenty of future attractions including "it's a small world" which has been reported under construction already. Other attractions planned are Peter Pan's Flight and Big Thunder Mountain. More news on these another time.

There were also alot of problems with the Mainland Chinese. One third of the entrants to Disneyland on opening day were Mainlanders. Some of them had

very poor etiquette which included offences such as urinating in flower beds, cutting through queue lines and spitting in public.

But back on track. The good news for foreigners is that most of the shows and performances are either shown in English, Cantonese or Putonghua. This is what really sets this park out from the rest. It's so new and international but after all, Hong Kong is the gateway to the world!

Other than the minor troubles, Hong Kong Disneyland has turned into the latest and greatest Disney Park that offers so many new experiences and dreams for everyone. From the newly paved Main Street U.S.A. to the drastically changed Jungle River Cruise and Adventureland area, Hong Kong Disneyland is the place to be!

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