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时间:2017-05-11 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版




【2013河南】每个人都是独一无二的,都有与众不同之处,人们喜欢你一定会有很多原因。请以“What makes me a good friend?”为题写一篇英语短文。

要求: 1.语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺;



What makes me a good friend?



One possible version

What makes me a good friend?

I am a boy easy to get along with. I never get angry easily. That's the most important reason that makes me so popular.

I'm always ready to help others. Whenever my friends meet with troubles, I will give them a hand without even a moment's thought.

Besides, I'm quite humorous. I can always tell some jokes or funny stories to make my friends laugh. They say time spent with me is full of fun.

I'm honest I never tell lies. So I'm a friend worth trusting.


91.假如在英语课上,老师请你们就“Lucky Money (压岁钱)”这个话题分组进行讨论, 但你认为同学们对“Hobbies (爱好)”更感兴趣,建议老师更换话题。请你根据下面的提示和要求,写一篇发言稿,谈一谈你的理由。

提不:(1) Why do you like talking about hobbies?

(2) What’s your reason for not talking about lucky money?




参考词汇:one’s own hobby, a proper topic (合适的话题),personal, unhappy I think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money. It is




One possible version

I think talking about hobbies is better than talk(转载自:www.dXf5.cOm 东星资源网:初三英语作文题)ing about lucky money. It is easy and interesting. Everyone has his own hobby,like playing ball games, listening to music,drawing and so on. It can bring us pleasure and make us relaxed. We have a lot to say when we talk about it.

Lucky money, however, isn’t a proper topic for us, because it’s too personal. What’s more, not all of us can get lucky money. Some may feel unhappy if we talk about it.

So talking about hobbies is really a good choice.


丰富多彩的课外活动(after-class activities)可以充实校园生话,减轻学习压力.同学们还可以在活动中强身健体、在合作中增进友谊。请以“Our After-class Activities”为题,写一 两短文,介绍你们学校以及你本人参加课外活动的情况.


2. 毎天活动时间:下午4:20--5:20:


4. 交到更多朋友:

5. 从中学到更多东西,身体更健康.


要求:1. 题目已给出,不计入总字数内.

2. 包括所有内容要点,用上所给参考词汇,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥。

3. 语句通顺,语法正确,80个词左右.

4. 文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、地点和所在学校的名称.


Our After-class Activities

We have all kinds of after-class activities in our school. They are colorful. We have after-class activities from 4:20 pm. to 5:20 pm. everyday. We can do sports, play instruments, study English, and so on. My favorite activities are swimming and playing table tennis. I’m not the best, but I’m very happy when I beat my companies. We can make more new friends here. And we can also learn more from each other. It’s important that playing sports can keep me fit. I like after-class activities very much. What about you?

【2013广西南宁】 假如你叫李华,是“中华好少年”(China's Good Child)的候选人之一。请你写一份材料.介绍你在家里、在学校、在社会上(in society)的表现。




My name is Li Hua. I am lucky to be chosen as one of China's Good Children.___________



My name is Li Hua. I am lucky to be chosen as one of China's Good Children. I am a good boy in my home, I get up early everyday and do some reading, then I do exercise. Doing exercise can not only help us keep fit, but also help to train a person’s character. I often do some housework at home.

At school, I study hard and do the homework carefully. In class I often answer questions and after class, I often help the students with their lessons. In society, I often help the children. Give them books, warm clothes, raise money for charities. And on weekends, we can visit old people, spend time with them and help them as much as possible. Whenever and wherever, we can show our kindness.


最近,你们学校开展了以“中国梦,我的梦”为主题的活动,作为一名中学生应该有自己的梦想,你的梦想是什么呢?请你以“My Dream”为题写一篇英语短文。




3. 80词左右,可适当发挥,短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。


My Dream

Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a doctor. When I was in Grade Seven, I

was sick and often went to see doctors. The doctors were very friendly to me and they often cheered me up. With the help of them, I was getting better. Now I’m very healthy. Since then I have hoped to become a doctor. In order to achieve my dream, I will study hard. I’ll give my love to the patients as much as possible and help them out of danger.

To be a doctor is really great. I think my dream will come true one day.


假如你叫刘明(Liu Ming),你班上进行了“Is daily homework necessary?”的分组讨论,你代表第五小组,向全班用英语汇报讨论结果。请你根据提示和要求,完成汇报稿。

要求:1. 汇报内容包含三大要点:




2. 以第一人称写;

3. 90词左右(已给出部分不计入总词数)。


Dear Class,

It is our turn to report.





That's all. Thanks.

【答案】Dear Class

It is our turn to report.

I’m Liu Ming. I’m in Team Five. I’ll give a report about different ideas on daily homework. Two thirds of students think homework is necessary. They say practice makes perfect. While one third of students disagree. They think homework took them too much time. They have little time for their hobbies. They often feel tired and less interested on study. In my opinion, daily homework is necessary for students. But they shouldn’t be too much. They can improve our skills. It might be some extensive reading, a paper or even just a game. It should leave enough freedom to us so we could do things we really like to do. That’s all. Thanks.


随着家庭生活条件的提高, 现在的孩子或多或少会有一些零花钱。请以How to Spend Our Pocket Money为题写一段话, 内容必须包括以下提示要点, 词数在80-100之间。

1. 你从哪里得到零花钱;

2. 你平常用零花钱做些什么(至少两点);

3. 你觉得用零花钱还可以做些什么更有意义的事(至少两点)。

注意:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名:

2. 文章的标题和开头已付出, 不计入总词数。

How to Spend Our Pocket Money

As families are now living a better life, we kids can have some pocket money ________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

How to Spend Our Pocket Money

As families are now living a better life, we kids can have some pocket money. I usually get my pocket money from my parents. Sometimes, I can get some by selling waste paper and bottles. I often use my pocket money to buy breakfast on my way to school. I also buy some books to help me with my lessons with my pocket money. I think I can do something more meaningful. For example, I can go travelling to a tourist attraction to enjoy myself in the summer holidays. I can also donate my pocket money to help poor children in western areas of China so that they can live happily.

【2013 湖北黄冈】第三节书面表达(1 题,满分10 分)





假如你是Li Hua,并担任校学生会主席,请你就安全问题,









管制刀具:restricted knives or things;

洗澡:have a bath;



交通安全:pay attention to the traffic

假如你叫李华,你班上进行了“Is daily homework








Dear Class,

It is our turn to report. That’s all. Thanks.










一. 训练方法

1. 记。认真系统复习和背诵基础知识和优美的句子、句型。中国有句古话,叫“熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会作”。


2. 练。每练一篇书面表达题,都要真正学到一点东西,不可贪多而边学边忘。平时可以采用循序渐进、灵活多样的练


3. 写。要进行实战写作。要求自己在20分钟内写出100个词的短文,并且质量高、内容全、形式正确。这样形成习


二. 应试策略

1. 审题目:要切中题意。《中考考试说明》指出,书面表达要切中题意。怎样才能切中题意?就是要认真审题,看到考题后,先不要急于动笔,要仔细看清题目要求的内容。在自己的头脑中构思出一个框架或画面,确定短文的中心思想,不要匆匆下笔,看懂题意,根据图画、图表、提纲或短文提供的资料和信息来审题。审题要审格式、体裁、人物关系、故事情节、主体时态、活动时间、地点等。

2. 圈要点:防止遗漏要点。要点是给分的一个重要因素。为了防止写作过程中遗漏要点,同学们要充分发挥自己的观察力,把情景中给出的各个要点逐条列出。

3. 列提纲:为写作做好准备。根据文章要点短文的中心思想将主要句型、关键词语记下,形成提纲。

4. 定基调:定出时态、人称、顺序、开头、结尾。

5. 写全文:写短文时要做到以下六个方面:








4)注意冠词用法,例如: He is an honest student.中的an不能写成a。

5)注意拼写、标点符号和大小写,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant等。


1)外表特征:tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak, ordinary-looking 等。

2)服饰颜色:red, yellow, blue, white, green, brown, black 等。

3)内心境界:glad, happy, sad, excited, anxious, interested 等。

4)感情描写:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, smile, shout 等。

5)动作描写:come, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch 等。



1)表示并列关系的:and, as well as, or… 2)表示转折关系的:but, yet, however… 3)表示时间关系的:when, while, after, before, then, after that… 4)表示因果关系的:so, therefore ,as a result… 5)表示目的的:in order to, in order that , so as to, so that… 6)表示列举的:for example , such as… 7)表示总结性的:in general, in all, in a word, generally speaking…









三. 注意事项



VII. 书面表达

假如你叫张强。请根据下面美国朋友Bob的来信内容,结合你自己的情况写一篇语言连惯、符合逻辑的英文回信。 要求:1. 认真阅读来信的内容,从中获得你需要的信息。

2. 词数:80左右。回信的开头、结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。 注意:回信中不得出现你的真实地址和所在学校的名称。

Dear friend,


I’m your new friend. My name is Bob. I’m fifteen. I’m American. I live in New York.

I am a middle school student. I’m good at maths. It is very interesting. My favourite sport is basketball. And I am not only a

basketball fan but also a good player. I like pop music. My friends and I often sing pop songs together.

After school, I am interested in getting on-line. I have known a lot about China from the Internet. Now I’m learning Chinese. I

hope I will visit your country one day.

Please write to me and tell me something about your life. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours, Bob

Dear Bob,



Zhang Qiang



2. 圈要点:根据来信判断,写回信必须包括以下要点:1、收到对方的来信;2、愿意和对方交朋友;3、自己的姓名、年龄和住址;4、自己的身份、特长和爱好; 5、自己的希望。

3、列提纲:1. got your letter 2. glad to be your friend 3. name, zhang Qiang, fifteen, live in Shaanxi 4. a middle school student, like English, like sports, good at drawing, 5. hope we’ll meet in China

4、定基调:1. 时态:收到来信用一般过去时,介绍情况用一般现在时,希望用一般将来时。2. 人称用第一人称。3.可按提纲的顺序来写。4. 开头和结尾题目已经给出。


Dear Bob,

I got your letter yesterday. I’m very glad to be your pen friend. My name is Zhang Qiang. I’m fifteen years old, too. I live in Shaanxi.

I’m a middle school student, too. I like English and physics very much. I also like sports, but I’m good at drawing. I know a little about America. Could you tell me something more about your country in your next letter?

I hope we’ll meet in China some day. I’m sure we’ll have a good time together.

Please write (to) me soon.


Zhang Qiang




1. 认真阅读提示,彻底理顺思路。


2. 紧扣要点,合理遣词造句。

根据试题内容,列出要表达的要点,找出能体现要点的词、短语和句型。如果是应用文体,还应特别注意各种应用文的格式。造句时应做到尽量使用考纲中要求的词汇,句子宜短不宜长,句型宜简不宜繁,同时也要适当用一些宾语从句、状语从句和定语从句等复合句,以增强短文的逻辑性。21世纪教育网 21*cnjy*com

3. 精心谋篇润色,仔细核对检查。

文章写好之后,还应注意句与句之间以及段与段之间的过渡。在需要的地方加上表示转折、因果、并列、时间等的过渡词或短语,如表示转折的词有:but, yet, however;表示因果的词有:so, since, because;表示并列的词或短语有:and, either...or..., neither...nor..., as well as, not only...but (also)...; 表示时间的词有:next, then, later, at last。适当使用这些词或短语能使文章更加自然、流畅。检查也是不可缺少的重要环节,可以起到及时纠正错误的作用,避免不必要的失分。具体做法是:通读全文,看行文是否通顺,要点是否齐全,词数是否符合要求,体裁是否恰当,单词拼写、大小写、标点符号是否正确等。

★ ☆图 表 作 文☆ ★





如今网上购物已经成为一种非常流行的消费方式,但是人们在网上通常会买些什么东西呢?请同学们参考下面的图片,以Shopping online为题写一篇100词左右的英语作文。

Shopping online


Simon分别测量了一天中六个不同时间点的温度,制成统计表。假如你是Simon, 请你根据所给图表写一篇80词左右的短文,简要说明图表的内容。21世纪教育网版权所有


One possible version:

For the coming summer vacation, different students have different plans, and ours are all interesting and meaningful.www.21-cn-jy.com

Han Lin is going to do something meaningful for the neighbourhood because he is really fond of helping others. Wang Fang will do housework at home to make her parents less tired. I am going to help protect the environment by planting trees

around our city. Moreover, I will tell more people to care for the environment.21cnjy.com

In short, although we have different kinds of plans, we all want to try our best to do something meaningful.


One possible version:

Shopping online

Nowadays shopping online is becoming more and more popular. People can buy whatever they want on the Internet. We can know from the picture that 30% of the people spend their money on clothes and shoes. The number is the biggest of all. 8% of them like buying movie tickets online. The number of people who buy food and books is almost the same. 15% buy books and 16% buy food. And it’s also a good way for people to buy electrical products online, because they can receive their products at home. 18% of people choose this way. There’re also 13% of the people buying other things online.


One possible version:

I measured some temperatures on October 10th. At four in the morning, the temperature was 5℃. Then it rose gradually. At eight in the morning, it reached 10℃. At noon, the temperature rose to 14℃. It was the highest temperature of the day. Later, the temperature began to drop. At 4 pm, it dropped to 11℃. At 8:00 pm, the temperature fell to 7℃. At midnight, the temperature was only 3℃. It was the lowest temperature of the day. 2-1





对于马航的下落,世人对此有着各种不同的猜测,请将下面的几种推测整理成文,并阐述自己的观点,请以Where has the flight gone ?为题写一篇词数为80——100的文章,开头已给出。以下所有信息都要包含在文章里面。

(1) 很多人说MH370一定坠入了大海,机上无人生还;

(2) 但也有人说MH370可能坠毁在沙漠(desert)无人区,可能还有人活着;

(3) 甚至有人说MH370被外星人袭击(attack),飞机上的人被带到了另一个星球,所有的人都还活着。

(一)One Possible Version:

The flight from Malaysia to Beijing lost information and disappeared at about 2 o’clock March 8th2014.People all over China are worried about it. People around the world care about it. Where has the flight gone? Different people have different ideas about the question. Many people said MH370 must fall into the sea and all of the passengers had died. However, some people said MH370 might land in a dessert where there isn’t a person but some passengers might be alive. Some people even said MH370 might be attacked by the aliens and all of the passengers had been taken to another planet and they are all alive now.I think something strange has happened to MH370. I hope that all of the passengers are still alive. And I hope that all of them will come back home some day. Where has the flight gone? Do you know?

(二) 禁烟

据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计,每年有200万人死于吸烟,60万人死于二手烟。为此,我国规定,从今年5月1 日起,严禁在公共场所吸烟。请你结合图片和下面所给要点,以“Saying No to Smoking”为题,谈谈吸烟的危害。

1. 吸烟有害;

2. 吸烟导致咳嗽、肺癌等疾病;

3. 吸烟影响青少年成长;

4. 二手烟同样有害;

5. 你的态度:面对别人吸烟、给烟怎么办?


1. 词数:80词左右;标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 应覆盖所有要点;可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:lung cancer肺癌; secondhand smoke二手烟。

标签:英语 作文题 初三英语作文带翻译 初三英语作文80词左右