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时间:2017-04-13 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版




1. 健康问题是中考常考的话题,出题形式多样,有必要下苦功掌握。How tokeep healthy /fit?

All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should be happy everyday. Because smile will make us younger. That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.

2.卫生健康饮食:健康一直是人们关注的问题我校要举行以“关爱健康”为题的主题班会,请根据下表内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇80字左右的演讲槁。 (1)保持健康的重要性(2)保持健康的方法(3)保持健康的结论9(4) 你的看法? How to keep healthy /fit?

Here is my advice about how to keep healthy/fit. As a middle shool student. first you’d better do more exercise such as playing ball games , running, swimming and jumping ropes(绳子). Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals. Don’t eat too much meat or suger ,but more vegetables and fruit.Third you need enough sleep or rest . Next keep yourself happy.As people often say smiling makes younger.Last you

mustn’t drink wine or smoke .They are bad for your health. That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.



1 、 6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重??。假如你是学生Jone.,你校要进行“如何保护我们的环境?”专题演讲比赛,要求:(1)、举例说明环境存在的问题1—3方面;(2)、如何保护好我们的环境,采取怎样的措施,举例1—3方面进行说明,字数80左右。As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places, we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt ?For example ,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags when we go

shopping ,and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better. “There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well.


从2008年6月1日起,国家将禁止商家免费提供塑料袋,掀起全国“拒塑”的环保运动。假如你是李华,准备以“What Can We Do for the Environment” 为题,写一篇保护环境的英语演讲稿。 内容包含:

(1).在购物时用布袋子替代塑料袋; (2).尽可能地再利用使用过的课本; (3).离开教室应关灯;(4).最好走路或骑自行车上学;(5).简述理由:保护环境,减少污染,节约能源等.

参考词汇:布袋子cloth bag塑料袋plastic bag保护protect能源energy


What Can We Do for the Environment

our environment is becoming worse and worse , what can we do for the environment? I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem.

The first thing we can do is to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the environment. The second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. We should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the

classrooms in order to save energy. What’s more, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. We should try our best to reduce pollution and waste.

In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in.

3.为了保护地球有限的资源,我们应该采取什么措施呢?请根据下面的提示写一篇约80词的短文,短文开头已经给出。提示词;1.save water, the source of life , protect drinking water, stop polluting, make full use of it;2.save electricity, crucial, turn off, other electric machines;3. save forests, useful ,stop cutting down;4.recycle useful rubbish, save resources 参考作文:

Although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them,something must be done.

Save water. Water is the source of life. No water, no life. So it’s very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it.

Save electricity. It is crucial. We can’t imagine what the life will be like without it.Everyone should do his best to save electricity. Don’t forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.

Save forests. They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead. Make our world a green one to live in.

Recycle useful rubbish. Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so on.

We can save resources in this way. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in.

三、语言学习 (热点)


例文 :请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以“My English Learning”为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示: When did you start learning English? (in ? /?years ago)

How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day?)

What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar?)

What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs?)


English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helpful. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.



Dear Linda,

I’m very glad that you’ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn’t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it’s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What’s more, you’d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day.

Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don’t give up whenever you meet with difficulties. I’m sure you will succeed through your hard work.

Best wishes and look forward to meeting you in China.


Li Hua



左右。 比赛contest


I read your ad. in the newspaper yesterday. I’m writing to tell you that I’d like to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. My name is Li Hua. I’m sixteen. I have many hobbies, such as drawing, sports, singing, speeches, and spoken English. I am proud that I won the first prize in our city’s English Speech Contest for Middle School Student in December, 2007.In fact I’m healthy and strong.

If I am lucky enough to become a volunteer, I will try my best to do this job well. Please reply to me soon. My telephone number is 0594—1356666.

Yours sincerely

Li Hua


1、回顾初中三年成长过程,你一定有很多感受,从学习, 生活,爱好等方面作出自我评价 ( 毕业 回顾评价)

I have studied in my middle school for three years. I have learned a lot. I have learned not only how to make friends but also how to talk to others. I have many hobbies. I like sports. I often play basketball, football and volleyball with my friends. Football is my favorite. Of all my subjects, I do best in English and Chinese. But my math and physics are a little weak. I think I will try my best to learn them well. I hope I can study in No.1 High School.

2、初中阶段的学习即将结束,回想自己在父母和师长的关爱和帮助下的成长过程,心中充满感激之情。请用英语给父母或老师写一封80词左右的信表示感谢。 范文(1)

Dear parents,

Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have taken good care of me since I was born.When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up.Once I argued with my best friend and was upset,you talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. With your help,I have become a good student.I am so thankful for your love that I will work harder and try to do better in the future.

Best wishes.


Zhang hua


Dear teacher,

Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have taken good care of me since I came to this school. When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up. You are kind but strict with us, you never allow us to pretend that we know what we don’t know. You often tell us that it’s no use memorizing new words without understanding. With your help ,my English has greatly improved. Thank you for caring about me, I will work harder in the future.

Best wishes.


Zhang hua


Shopping Online

With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out of the room.

It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap(陷阱) online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, you'd better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street.

So you must be careful, because everything has two sides.



初中英语作文:糟糕的一天 My Sad Day

Today, when I went home after school, I saw the delicious snack, so I wanted to buy one of the snacks, then I could not find my wallet, I searched it many times, at last, I had to admit that my wallet was lost. I felt so worried, so I turned back to find my wallet, I watched the road carefully, suddenly, a black dog was in front of me, I felt so scared. The hog yelled at me, so I ran, the dog run after me, I run into the shop and got rid of the dog. I have to went home because of it was dark, my mother came out and told me I forget to bring my wallet, how stupid I am.


今天,当我放学回家后,我看到了美味的小吃,因此我想要买一些小吃,然后我找不到钱包,我搜索了很多遍,最后,我不得不承认我的钱包弄丢了。我很着急,所 以我返回去找我的钱包,我一路仔细查找,突然,一条黑狗在我前面,我很害怕。那条狗朝着我叫,所以我跑了,狗追赶我,我跑进了一家商店,摆脱了那条狗。由 于天色已暗,我不得不回家,我的妈妈出来,告诉我我忘记了拿钱包,我是多么的愚蠢啊。

初中英语作文: 我身边的噪音The Noises Around Me

I live in the school now, I will go home on the weekend, at first, I thought living in school could make me focus on my study, while the fact is not. At noon, when I take a snap, the noise from the building machine is so loud, our school is under construction now, so the workers work day and night. But I couldn’t sleep well, my head aches, without not good sleep, I can’t focus my mind to study. What’s more, some students are playing games in the corridor, they laugh so loudly that do not realize they are bothering us. I hope the school could let the workers stop working at noon for two hours, so that it will be good to students.


我现在在学校住,我会在周末回家,刚开始,我以为住在学校能让我集中精力学习,然而事实并非如此。在中午,当我午睡的时候,建筑的机器发出很大的噪音,我 们学校现在正在建造中,因此工人日以继夜地工作。但是我无法好好入睡,我的头很痛,没有好的睡眠,我就无法集中精力学习。而且,一些学生在走廊外玩游戏, 他们笑得如此的大声,没有意识到打扰了我们。我希望学校能让工人在中午停工两个小时,这样对学生好。

初中英语作文:杜绝浪费Never Wasting the Food

When I was small, I like to eat a lot of food, but I have a habit, I will not eat up all the food, I just like to taste all of it. When my mother saw this, she felt bad for me, she told me that all the food was the farmers’ hard work, I should not waste it. Thinking about this, I felt so shameful about my bad behavior, I decided to eat up the food. Wasting the food should be condemned, especially in the cities, people like to waste the food, they want to keep thin and only eat small portion. Now, the government advocates people clean the plate, this movement is welcomed by the public, more and more people have the idea not to waste the food.


在我小的时候,我喜欢吃很多东西,但是我有一个习惯,我不会把东西吃完,我喜欢浪费食物。当我的妈妈看到这些,她对我感觉不好,她告诉我所有的食物都是农 民辛勤劳作的,我不应该浪费食物。想到这些,我对自己的坏习惯感到惭愧,我决定吃完所有的食物。浪费食物应该受到谴责,特别是在大城市,人们喜欢浪费食 物,他们想要保持苗条,只吃小部分。现在,政府提倡人们光盘,这个做法得到了大众的肯定,越来越多的人意识到不浪费食物。

初中英语作文:北京三日游 A Three-day Tour to Beijing

Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven’t seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile. It is my first time to visit Beijing, which is always the dream city for all the Chinese. All the information about the city came from the books and TV, now I could see and get know of it by myself, how excited I am!

There were so many tourist areas in my plan list, like Tian’anmen Square, Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Perking University and so on. However, due to my short holiday I only visit several places of my list, with my friend’s companion. I will take a long tour to Beijing next time if I have the chance.




初中英语作文:关于电力的重要性的初中英语作文 The Importance of Electricity

When you go to work in the morning and find that traffic lights don't work, the traffic jam will certainly happen. A patient needs to be operated on at once. What will happen if the operation cannot be made because of the electricity. Without electricity, we can neither watch TV, listen to the tape, nor chat on line. Electricity is closely related to our daily life.

How terrible it would be if there were no electricity!





押题1 我们应该欢迎“宅”生活吗?


The popularization of computer and Internet service has created a group of people called“indoorsy men” or “indoorsy women”. They prefer to spend most of their time at home ratherthan going outdoors and having face-to-face contact with others. Should people choose tobecome indoorsy? The following are opinions from both sides. Read carefully the opinions fromboth sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize brieflythe opinions from both sides and give your views on the issue.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and languagequality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


In modern times when we can buy everything we need on the Internet, and communicate andeven work through the Internet, becoming indoorsy men or women is simply a choice of differentlifestyle. In the past, if you want to buy something, you need to go out of your house, go to thestore, and spend an hour or two choosing the product you want to buy. But now you can just sitin front of a computer and click your mouse, and the product can be delivered to you. Beingindoorsy can save people a lot of time.

Being indoorsy can allow people to think and work in a peaceful environment. For example, writerscan be quite creative when they are alone at home without being interrupted.

Being indoorsy does not mean that people will never go out of the door. Indoorsy men or womenare good at making full use of the modern technology to facilitate their life and work.


Some sociologists warn that the indoorsy lifestyle will make people become self-centered and naive.If people stay at home for a long time, they will have little interpersonal contact with others. Theydo not know how to have face-to-face communication with others, and they may become shy,uncomfortable, or self-centered when they are involved in real-life interpersonal communication.This indoorsy lifestyle will have a bad effect on their normal interpersonal relationship and theirnormal work.

Indoorsy men or women spend most of their time sitting in front of a computer, and they seldomattend outdoor activities. Watching the computer screen for a long time will do great harm to theireyes. Also, many indoorsy people do not like to attend sports activities, and in the long run, theirhealth will get worse.




Should We Embrace Indoorsy Lifestyle?

With the globalization of modern technology, especially the world-wide access to Internet service,people’s lifestyle has been greatly influenced. Some enjoy indoorsy lifestyle. They hold thatindoorsy lifestyle is time-saving and peaceful. In contrast, those against the idea claim that keep anindoorsy lifestyle will do harm to people both psychologically and physically.

As far as I am concerned, modern technology is a double-ed(本文来自:Www.dXF5.com 东星资源 网:初中英语作文范文大全)ged sword. If we consider it as a usefultool to improve our life, it will certainly bring unprecedented convenience to us. With the assistanceof the Internet, one can save his time through working, shopping, or communicating with othersat home. Also, solitude isn’t always equal to loneliness. Free from outside interruption, one can becreative and keep his mind sharp. On the other hand, too much reliance on or indulgence in theInternet will certainly have an impact on our normal life and work. For instance, indulging in socialnetwork online may corrode peoples’ social skills. To be specific, they may feel lost when talkingwith people face-to-face, which may affect their normal relationship with family members andfriends. What’s worse, sitting in front of a computer all day long means little outdoor activities,which may damage one’s health.

In conclusion, while enjoying all the benefits the virtual world has brought to us, indoorsy peopleshould also step out of their home and engage themselves in the real world.

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