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1.首先, 第一: initially, to begin with, to start with;

2.其次, 第二, 第三, 第四??: furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides

3.最后: finally; last but not least:(提及最后的人或事物时说)最后但同样重要的

4.现在(目前), XXXX现象是不可避免且难以否认的

Currently, there is an inevitable and undeniable fact that ……

At present, it is inevitable and undeniable that …..

例句: Currently, there is an inevitable and undeniable fact that computer is playing a significant role in our daily lives

At present, it is inevitable and undeniable that advertisement has been flooding into our daily lives


Along with the advance of the society (science and technology), people are attaching much importance to ……

例句: Along with the advance of the society, people are attaching more and more importance to the interview in the job-hunting

6.最近, XXXXX现象引起了人们的广泛关注

Recently, the phenomenon that …… has aroused wide public concern

例句: Recently, the phenomenon that CPI keeps increasing has aroused wide public concern

7.一部分人认为??., 而另一部分人认为??

Some people argue that….., whereas others maintain that….

8. 就我个人而言(老实说), 我全力支持前者(后者

eg. As for me, I am in high favor of the former (latter).

Personally, I side with the former (latter)

Frankly speaking/ To be frank/ To be honest/ Honestly speaking, it is the former (latter) that I approve of

9.我认为(在我看来,就我看来,我的观点是, 我想?.)

I am convinced that….

As far as I am concerned, …..

From my point of view, …..

From where I stand, ……

11.因此, 基于以上讨论, 我们很容易得出??的结论

Based on the discussion above, it is easy for us to draw the conclusion that…..


important—significant;good—stunning/ fabulous/ sensational ; way—approach/ method

use—adopt;understand/know—figure… out ; but—nevertheless;so—consequently/ therefore

because of—due to;like to do/want to do— be willing to do;finish—accomplish;

13.According to the statistics provided by..., it can be seen that...

14. There is good/sufficient evidence to show that...

15. No one can ignore/overlook the fact that...


1) From what has been discussed above/taking into account all these factors, we maysafely arrive at/draw/come to/reach the conclusion that ...

2) It is high time that we put considerable/great/special emphasis on ...

3) There is no immediate solution to the problem of..., but... might be helpful/beneficial.

4) No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of ..., but the general awareness of the necessity/importance of... might be the first step on the right way.

5) There is little doubt/denying that ...

6) It is, therefore, obvious/evident that the task of...require immediate attention.

7) In conclusion,...

8) Personally, I prefer to...

9) In short,... should learn to...; Only in this way can the most difficult problems be solved properly.

10) As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that...

三、常用谚语 (在议论文中):

1) As a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides”.

2) As a proverb says, “Everything has two sides”. On the one hand, physical exercise is good for your health. On the other hand, if you dont deal with it properly, it will do harm to your health. So we should look at the matter from two sides.

3) As a proverb says, “Where there is a will there is a way.” (有志者事竟成)

4) As a popular saying goes, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”(观其交友,知其为人)

5) As is known to all, “No pains, no gains”.(没有苦,就没有甜)


1) There is no doubt that ...

2) It is obvious/clear that ...

3) As is known to all, ...

4) (It’s) no wonder... (难怪) He didn’t work hard and no wonder he lost his

5) It goes without saying that ... (不用说,不成问题,很自然??)

6) What is more important, ...

7) I am convinced that ... (我深信??)

五、英文作文 活用句型

I. 用于文章主题句

1 (It is) needless to say (that)子句

= It is obvious that子句

= Obviously, S. + V.

2. ?是不可能的; 无法?

There is no Ving= There is no way of Ving.= There is no possibility of Ving.

= It is impossible to V.= It is out of the question to V.= No one can V.

= We cannot V.


There is not denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind.

3. 我深信?

I am greatly convinced (that)子句= I am greatly assured (that)子句


I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure.

4. 在各种?之中?

Among various kinds of …, …= Of all the …, …


Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.

5. ?是很容易证明的。

It can be easily proved (that)子句


It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time.

6. ?无论如何强调都不为过

? cannot be overemphasized


The importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.

7. 就我的看法?;我认为?

In my opinion, …= To my mind, …. = As far as I am concerned, …

= I am of the opinion that子句 job.


In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.

8. (A) 每个人都知道?

Everyone knows (that)子句

(B) 就我所知?

As far as my knowledge is concerned, …


As far as my knowledge is concerned, the following ways are of great help to me.

9. 毫无疑问地?

There is no doubt (that)子句


There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.

10. 根据我个人经验?

According to my personal experience, …= Based on my personal experience, …


According to my personal experience, smile has done me a lot of good.

11. 在我认识的人当中也许没有一个人比?更值得我尊敬。

Of all the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more than …


Of all the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more than Miss Chang, my English teacher.

12. 在我的求学过程中我忘不了?

In the course of my schooling. I will never forget …


In the course of my schooling. I will never forget the great difficulty I encountered in learning English.

13. (A) 随着人口的增加? With the increase/growth of the population, ?

(B) 随着科技的进步, ? With the advance of science and technology, ?


With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.

14. (A) 在这信息的年代?扮演重要的角色。

In the age of information and communication, … plays an important role.

(B) 在今日工业社会中?是生命不可或缺的。

In today's industrial society, … is indispensable to life.


In this age of information and communication, the computer plays an extremely important role.

15. 在讨论?一个人不得不承认?。

In dealing with ?, one cannot but admit (that)子句


In dealing with one's future career, one cannot but admit that it is very important to decide one's future career as early as possible.

16. 世上没有什么比?更令我高兴。

Nothing in the world can delight me so much as …


Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast-food restaurants.

17. ? 是必要的 It is necessary that S (should) V

? 是重要的 It is important/essential that S (should) V

? 是适当的 It is proper that S (should) V

? 是紧急的 It is urgent that S (should) V


It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.

18. 每当我听到?我就忍不住感到兴奋。Whenever I hear ?, I cannot but feel excited.

每当我做?我就忍不住感到悲伤。 Whenever I do ?, I cannot but feel sad.

每当我想到?我就忍不住感到紧张。Whenever I think of ?, I cannot but feel nervous.

每当我遭遇?我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with ?, I cannot but feel frightened.

每当我看到? 我就忍不住感到惊讶。Whenever I see ?, I cannot but feel surprised.


Whenever I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot but feel sad.

= Every time I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad.

19. 据说? It is said (that)子句

一般认为? It is thought (that)子句

大家都知道? It is known (that)子句

据报导? It is reported (that)子句

一般预料? It is expected (that)子句

一般估计? It is estimated (that)子句

一般相信? It is believed (that)子句


It is believed (that) reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.

20. ?的主要理由是?

The main reason why ?.. is (that)子句


The main reason why the juveniles commit crimes is that social environment is becoming worse.

21. 俗语说得好:「?」。

Well goes an old saying, "?"= As an old saying goes(runs, says), "?"= An old saying goes, "?"= It's an old saying (that)子句


As an old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy."

22. (A) ?用下列方法? ? in the following ways.

(B) ?有三个主要理由。 ? for three major reasons.

(C) 要?至少我们可做三件事。 To ?, there are at least three things we can do.

例︰(A) 我用下列方法增加信心。

I increase my confidence in the following ways.

(B) 人们学外语有三个理由。

People learn a foreign language for three major reasons.

(C) 为了维护健康,我们每天至少可做三件事。

To keep healthy, there are at least three things we can do every day.

II. 用于文章承转句

23. 那就是(说)?;亦即?

That is to say, …= That is, …= Namely, …


We need to live a regular life. That is, we can keep good hours and refrain from smoking and drinking in the daily activities.

24. (A) 基于这个理由? For this reason, ?

(B) 为了这个目的? For this purpose, ?


For this reason, I have decided to take practicing medicine as my future career.

25. 我们有理由相信?

We have reasons to believe (that)子句


We have reasons to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.

26. 事实上?

As a matter of fact, …= In fact, …


As a matter of fact, it is health that counts.

27. (A) 例如? For example, ?

(B) 拿?做例子 Take ? for example.


For example, we elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life.

28. 此外,我们不应忽视?

Besides (In addition), we should not neglect …


In addition, we should not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.

29. 相反地?

on the contrary, …= by contrast, …


On the contrary, a few students, it seems, are still fooling around.

30. 另一方面?

on the other hand, …


The government should enforce laws strictly. On the other hand, the public also should develop the good habit of reducing pollution.

31. 然而,很可惜的是?

However, it is a pity that子句


However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour.

32. 换言之?

in other words, …= to put it differently


In other words, I will try my best to attain (gain, live up to) my goal.

33. 别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为?

It may be true as assumed by others, but I don't. I believe that子句


It may be true as assumed by others, but I don't. I believe that if you have strong determination and perseverance, the success will certainly come to you in the end.

34. 从此之后,我已发现?

Ever since then, I have found that子句


Ever since then, I have found smile the best way to avoid any possible conflicts in our daily lives.

35. 这样说来,假如...当然毫无疑问地?。

In this light, if?, there can surely be no doubt (that) 子句


In this light, if we can make good use of time, there can surely be no doubt that we will get somewhere.

36. 更严重的是?。

What is more serious is (that)子句


What is more serious is that we do not cherish the wildlife.

37. 鉴于社会的实际需要?。

In view of the practical need of society, ….


In view of the practical need of society, there are more and more people interested in learning English.



after all 毕竟;终究whatever may happen 无论发生什么事

on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面

in the same way 用同样的方法

With humans , smiles work in the same way .

for this reason 为此,因为这个原因 due to/thanks to/because of /owing to 因为,由于

Most important of all/ above all最重要的是

On the contrary相反 For one thing,For another一方面……,另一方面,

in addition/what’s more另外……

every coin has two sides/ everything has both its good and bad sides凡是都有两面性

I fully agree with the statement that ……because…….. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

As far as I am concerned/in my view/in my opinion

In a word/in conclusion总之

Only in this way can we solve the problem in the future只有用这种方法才能解决问题

Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to……然而把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)…… 随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自己的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

With the development of society, ……So it's urgent and necessary to ……If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

as a result /as a consequence结果

on the whole总的来说

to sum up总而言之in brief简言之in summary总之It was obvious that …很显然,….

From my point of view,在我看来

There is no doubt that...毫无疑问 can' 't help doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事

It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.

It goes without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的)

It can be said with certainty that...不用说...;...是肯定的。

As the proverb says .有句谚语是这样说的...;常言道...

It has to be noticed that... .必须引起注意的是...

It`s generally recognized that... 通常认为...

It`s likely that .很可能... 表否定,...不被经常说起 我们很少谈到... 不被经常说起;

It’s hardly too much to say that... .hardly 表否定,...不被经常说起;我们很少谈到...

What calls for special attention is that... 9.需要引起特别注意的是...

There’s no denying the fact that....事实不容否认...

Nothing is more important than the fact that... .没有比这更重要的是...

what’s far more important is that....意思同上,更重要的是

As time goes by,.....随着时间的流逝

It is said that...据说...

Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。

.It is important for sb to do sth.

It is high time that we did sth.是我们做..的时候了。.

.To be honestTo tell the truth 老实说来 .

书信开头:1.How is it going? 最近怎么样?

2.I am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信。

3.You asked me about(+problem question 等),now let me give you some advice.你在来信中询问我....,现在,让我给你一些建议。

4.It has been a long time since we met.我们很久没见面了

书信结尾:1.I am looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着你的来信。

2.Thank you in advance.提前谢谢你。

3.Please wirte to me as soon as possible.请尽快回信

英语写作加分的 24 个点睛句

笨鸟先飞早入林 Clumsy birds have to start flying early。

冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze threefeet deep。 OR: The ground is frozen three feet deep --a rather longprocess。

长江后浪推前浪 In the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on thosebefore。

滴水穿石 Constant dripping wears away a stone。

光阴似箭,日月如梭 Light travels like an arrow, and time like a shuttle。

老马识途 An old horse knows the way。

麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 The sparrow may be small but it has all the vital organs。

青出于蓝而胜于蓝 Indigo blue is estracted from the indigo plant, but is bluer thanthe plant it comes from。 山外有山,天外有天 There are mountains beyond mountains, and heavens beyondheavens。

山重水覆疑无路,柳暗花明又一村 A sudden glimpse of hope in the dark mist of bewilderment,it`s along lane that has no turning。

万事开头难 The first step is always difficult。

万丈高楼平地起 High buildings rise from the ground。

有利必有弊 Everything has its advantages as well as disadvantages。

机不可失,时不再来 Don`t lose a golden opportunity, it is never foud again。

谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, God disposes。

人逢喜事精神爽 People are in high spirits when involved in happy events。

人生如梦 Life is but like a passing dream。

仁者见仁,智者见智 A true man loves the mountains, a wise man loves the sea。

人非圣贤,孰能无过 All men but saints are apt to make mistakes。

失败是成功之母 Failure is the mother of success。

一失足成千古恨 A single slip can cause a lasting sorrow。

有所不为,而后有所为 You must be able to refrain yourself in some matters in order toaccomplish others。 饮水不忘挖井人 Don`t forget the well – diggers when you drink from thiswell

己所不欲,勿施于人 Don`t do to others what you don`t want others to do to you 。


掌门1对1教育 高中英语



1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.

A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem).

2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.

3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...

4. The factors that contribute to this situation include...

5. The change in ...largely results from the fact that...

6. We may blame ...,but the real causes are...

7. Part of the explanations for it is that ...

8.One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ...

9.Another contributing factor (cause ) is ...

10.Perhaps the primary factor is that …

11.But the fundamental cause is that ...


1.The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.

2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.

3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...

4.It is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that...

5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.

6.Like anything else, it has its faults.

7.A and B has several points in common.

8.A bears some resemblances to B.

9.However, the same is not applicable to B.

10. A and B differ in several ways.

11. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.

12. People used to think ..., but things are different now.

13. The same is true of B.

14. Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks.

15. It is true that A ... , but the chief faults (obvious defects )are ...


1)It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.

2) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.

3) Some people say ..., but it does not hold water.

4) Many of us have been under the illusion that...

5) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.

6) It makes no sense to argue for ...

7) Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ...

8) Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...

9) Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that ...


1. It may give rise to a host of problems.

2. The immediate result it produces is ...

3. It will exercise a profound influence upon...

4. Its consequence can be so great that...


1) A good case in point is ...

2) As an illustration, we may take .



3) Such examples might be given easily.

4) ...is often cited as an example.


1) No one can deny the fact that ...

2) The idea is hardly supported by facts.

3) Unfortunately, none of the available data shows ...

4) Recent studies indicate that ...

5) There is sufficient evidence to show that ...

6) According to statistics proved by ..., it can be seen that ...


1) Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...

2) Recently the problem has been brought into focus.

3) Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.

4) Recently the issue has aroused great concern among ...

5) Nowadays there is a growing concern over ...

6) Never in our history has the idea that ... been so popular.

7) Faced with ..., quite a few people argue that ...

8) According to a recent survey, ...

9) With the rapid development of ..., ...


1) From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ...

2) It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...

3) It is necessary that steps should be taken to ...

4) In conclusion, it is imperative that ...

5) There is no easy method, but ...might be of some help.

6) To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must ...

7) In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.

8) With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.

9) We might do more than identify the cause ; it is important to take actions to ...

10) Taking all these into account, we ...

11) Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...

标签:英语 句子 高考作文 高考英语作文万能句子 英语高考作文漂亮句子