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一、教学课题:unit2what should i do?

the first period




in this unit students learn to talk about problems at school and at home and how to give advice to solve them. the first period serves as an introduction and lead-in part. activity 1a introduces some key vocabulary. activity 1b gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. activity 1c gives students an opportunity to practice their speaking skill using the target language. in this period students can learn to explain their problems in their daily life.



1.key vocabulary:

keep out; play; argue; wrong; what’s wrong?; style; out of style

2. key structures:

what’s wrong?

my clothes are out of style.

maybe you should buy some new clothes.


to train students’ ability of communication and listening skill.


1. to be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in an english class.

. 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。

2. train students’ communicative conscious. to speak out their thinks

s(3): her brother plays his cds too loud.


t: now listen to a conversation to check what you guess and circle the problems you hear the girls talking about.

play the recording for the first time. students only listen. and then play it a second time. this time students circle the problems they hear. correct the answers.


the following problems should be circled:

my parents want me to stay at home every night.

my brother plays his cds too loud.

i don’t have enough money.

my clothes are out of style.

step 6 pairwork

first ask two students to read the sample dialogue.

s(1): what’s wrong?

s(2); my clothes are out of style.

s(1): maybe you should buy some new clothes.

t: make conversations like this about the problems in activity 1a. after a while, i’ll ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

step 7 summary

t: this class we’ve learned some key vocabulary. and we’ve learnt how to give somebody advice if he or she has some problems. if you are interested in joining all kinds of activities in class, you’ll make great progress. step 7.homework

talk about one’s problems and give advice in groups.

step8 the design of the blackboard



尊敬的老师,大家好。我说的课是《新目标英语》八年级下册第一单元阅读理解部分。题目为Do you think you will have your own robot?本课是学生初次接触的较长的阅读课文。无论在知识含量还是在阅读技能的培养上都是重点,课文的冗长,对机器人知识的匮乏都是教师上课的难点。因此需扩展相应知识,教授阅读方面技巧,从而提高阅读能力。










2、采用直观法. 导入播放机器人的视频,引起学生共鸣,激发学生学习兴趣;






(一) 导入新课(1’)

运用多媒体课件,播放有关机器人的视频,引起学生共鸣,激发学生学习兴趣。 边看边展示与课文相关的新单词。让学生想像机器人都是什么样的,机器人能做什么?




Get the main idea of the whole passage.


Tips: Reading for meaning , not for details(细节).不必逐行阅读






首先由四人一组,分组讨论,给文章分段并归纳出段落大意,找出topic sentences。这样以来不仅体现了学生之间合作与探索意识,同时又有助于培养学生分析归纳能力与合作解决问题能力。 然后是解释explaining: (15’)





(五)拓展延伸: (4’)




1. Read the passage.读课文要求:要求B层的学生要求能流利朗读;其余的学生会读并能熟练读出部分段落(可以自选段落但要求能占课文的三分之一)。

2. Write a letter to a robot scientist. Tell him what other things you think robots can do. Or tell him why you think robots are dangerous and help them to improve robots.(A层要求)





我说课的内容是人教版八年级下册unit2,Section A,课题是“What should I do ?”本节说课内容分五个步骤:一、说教材 二、说教法 三、说学法 四、说教学过程 五、教学反思。




第二单元承接八年级上册What’s the matter?中有关情态动词should 的用法,并作进一步的扩展和综合运用;本课是本单元的第一课时,集中呈现了本单元的基本词汇和语言结构,因此,本课教学有着承上启下的重要作用。


1 Knowledge Objects: 学会使用情态动词should、could.掌握本课重点词汇keep out , play, loud, argue, wrong, What's wrong ? out of style , could, should,

2 Ability Objects 培养学生应用英语谈论日常生活问题,提高学生听、说、读、写等能力。

3 Moral Objects:通过谈论问题以及给出别人建议,培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣。

4、Teaching important and difficult points:


本课主要句型:What should I do?? Why don't you talk to him about it?








篇三:八年级下人教版英语unit 6 说课稿

Unit 6 “An old man tried to move the mountains”

Section A (1a-2c)说课稿

Ladies and gentlemen. It’s my pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. . The content of my lesson is Junior English Grade Eight Book Two unit six.This unit is mainly about stories. Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects. Part1. Analysis of teaching material:

The lesson is the first period of this unit. Such topic is very practical in real life. Good start is the half of success. And it has laid a solid foundation for the further study. Moreover, this lesson is also tell the Ss to learn the spirit of Yu Gong.

Part2.Analysis of students:

The Ss have learnt English for many years, they have deep interests in it, and the most important is that the topic relates to their daily life. Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, to stress the key point and break through the difficult point, the key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods, I’ll talk about my teaching methods below.

Part3. Analysis of teaching aims:

on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of Ss’s growing of mind, I put forward the following three teaching objects according to my overall teaching idea.

1. Teaching aims

A. Knowledge objects:

To learn the target words: remind bit silly instead of in this lesson. The target sentence construction in this lesson is:

How does the story begin?

What happened next?

What do you think of the story of Yu Gong?

What could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains?

B. Ability objects:

(1).To develop the students’ abilities of listening,

(2).To train the students’ ability of working in pairs and groups.

(3).To develop the students’ ability of communication by learning the useful


C. Emotion objects:

T(本文来自:WWw.DXF5.com 东 星 资 源 网:新人教版八年级英语下册说课稿)o train the students to learn the spirit of Yu Gong.

Part4. Teaching method:

According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories. I adopt the Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.

At the same time, make use of all kinds of teaching means, such as ppt, flash-cards…it can mobilize the Ss’ enthusiasm and creativity in learning English.

Part 5. Teaching procedures

As to teaching procedures, I designed the following steps to achieve my teaching aims. They are “ Lead-in ,presentation ,reading task, home work ,blackboard design.”

Step One: Lead-in

3. Teaching Procedures

I’ll finish this lesson in 7 steps.

Step 1 Lead in

1. Let the Ss watch the flash “Yu Gong Moves a Mountain” to lead the topic of the Unit. I will ask the questions like this:

T: What’s the name of the story?

S1:It’s Yu Gong moves a mountain.

S2: It’s a traditional Chinese story.

T: Do you know other traditional Chinese stories?

… …

Step 2 Presentation

Lead the Ss to read the new words and phrases and then the Ss try to remember them. Step 3 Writing

1. Look at the pictures in 1a, and then read the names of the story in the box.

2. Ss discuss with their partners and match the names of the stories with the pictures. Step 4 Listening

1. T: Tell Ss they will hear a great Chinese traditional story. Listen and see who know the name of the story.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen.

3. Ss who know the name of the story may hand up.

4. Play the recording again. Let Ss check the facts they hear.

5. Check the answers.

Step 5 Pair work

1. Read the questions in the box in 1c.

2. Ss discuss the questions with their partners.

3. Let some pairs ask and answer the questions.

e.g. A: How does the story happen?

B: There were two very tall mountains in front of their house.

A: What happened next?

B: A very old man tried to move the mountains.

A: Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains?

B: They would put them into the sea.

Step 6 Listening

Work on 2a:

1. Look at the pictures in 2a. Discuss the things they are going to do. When you listen to the story, please number the pictures.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the pictures.

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

Work on 2b:

1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to circle the correct words in the brackets.

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

Step 7 Group work

1. Tell Ss to make a story chain. Ss tell the story one by one with the pictures in 2a.

2. Let some Ss tell the story to the class.

Step 8 Homework

Tell the story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain in English to your parents.

Once upon a time, there was a very old man…

Step 8: Design of blackboard

To be a good teacher is my dream. I think a teacher is not only a guide for the Ss but also a friend of them. So I’d like to build close relationship with my Ss. Helping them not only on their study but also on their life. In order to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden, and we still have a long way to go.

“An old man tried to move the mountains”

Section A (1a-2c)说课稿


八年级英语组 冯漫利2015年4月

标签:英语 下册 八年级 人教版八上英语说课稿 人教版八年级下册英语