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时间:2017-03-21 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

篇一:A Special Mother's Day(写一件事的英语作文)

class="txt">What do you do for your mom on Mother’s Day? Every year on that day, I just call my mom and tell her that I love her and wish her always happy and healthy. I sometimes really want to buy her some gifts but I am afraid this action can bring my mom and me an unhappy memory which we all tried very hard to forget. It is what happened on the Mother’s Day when I was fourteen years old.

Several weeks before that day, my English teacher first delivered the message of Mother’s Day to me.I therefore decided to buy some gifts for my beloved mom to show her my gratitudes towards her. I started to collect plastic bottles after class and hid them in my bedroom with the aim of earning my own money. Till that very day,I had successfully earned 24 yuan. You may think it would be a wonderful Mother’s Day,but you are totally wrong.

On that afternoon,I found an excuse to go out and slipped into a small shop to buy the gift. Upon entering it,I began to realize the money that I owned was too little,for I saw many beautiful accessories and wanted to buy almost all of them. After picking them up and putting them back for many times,I settled on three of them. My first impulse was to bargain with the shop owner since it would take 28 yuan to buy those three thi(本文来自:WWw.DXF5.com 东 星 资 源 网:写事的英语作文60字)ngs,but I gave it up out of fear. Puzzled and hesitated,I touched them one by one again and again.

With people coming in and going out,I suddenly came up with an idea:I put the smallest one into my porket without being noticed and then I bought the other two. Like being led by a devil,for the first time in my life,I stole. I did this perfectly well.

I walked quickly home but stopped in front of the door. I finally went in and showed my mother all the three things. From the expression on her face,I knew it was a delightful surprise to my mom. She told me that she loved them and thanked me which made me felt a little better. I began to think that I would be forgiven as I did this just to make my mom happy. My mom asked me each thing’s price ,and I told her casually. The turning point of this joyful situation was that my mom picked up the smallest one and said that it didn’t suit her. She was dertermined to return it for the money. As she was a strong-minded woman, the only thing I could do was to bring her to the shop. On the way to the shop ,my thought was on the remote chance that the shop owner couldn’t clearly remember the things that I bought.

But this time I was abandoned by the merciful Gold.

My mother argued with the shop owner who decisively said that I didn’t buy the thing in his shop. My mom asked me to tell him the process of buying things in his shop. I was blushed. And I knew I couldn’t cheat my mom any longer. I told her and all the people around me the very truth. After staring at me for a while, my mom signed and shook her head. She

apologized to the shop owner and gave the thing I stole back to him. Wordless and expressionless, she went home. I followed her with a sinful heart. She didn’t speak to me that night. I felt sorry for her but I dared not to speak to her.

The next morning,I found a piece of paper in my favourite book on which my mother had showed me all her feelings in a few sentences. She said she felt proud that I was aware of showing her my love,but she would rather hear my words than receive a thing which was gained by my immoral behavior and what’s more ,she requested me to remember this incident and promise her that I would never do this kind of thing again. I cried for a long time.

From then on, my mom never mentioned the incident and I never made that mistake again. Actually, that special Mother’s Day has never been forgotten.It is always in my heart,teaching me something.















我家的趣事 有很多,但有一件事 令我记忆 犹新,至今历历在目。

昨天晚上十一点,我问妈妈 :“晚上要不要吃点心?”妈妈说:“好吧!”我一蹦三尺高。

我拿出俊逸(>我的朋友 )送我的“合味道”,仔细地打量一下,上面写着“用温水泡三分钟,即可食用”。我把瓶盖弄开,又将温水倒在“合味道”里,过了三分钟,我把它全部弄开,拿起筷子,轻轻地舔上一口——啊!真像神仙吃的饭呀!妈妈看见我这副样子,也忍不住尝上一口,“太好吃了!”妈妈吃惊地说。就这样,这碗“合味道”就被我们消灭掉了。吃完后,我们还一直回想着刚才的味道。




到了车站,我们下了车,我们一起进了公园大门只见大门里有花有草,五颜六色的,很漂亮 !然后我和姐姐 、妈妈 来到了广场>放风筝,我扯着风筝线像抓着>我的理想 。














6 在我成长的沙滩上,有许多美丽的贝壳,它们就像一个个灵动的音符,串成了一首美妙的成长进行曲,时刻在我的耳畔飘荡。

7 在我成长的道路上,一件件往事就像那一张纸泛黄的照片,随着岁月的流逝,渐渐地模糊不清。唯有一件事,真真切切,记忆犹新。


9 童年是什么?是一片鸟语花香,是一片欢声笑语,更是一块调色板,使我们的生活变得五彩缤纷。那一件件**的往事,就像天上闪亮的小星星,总是闪烁在我的心底。









标签:作文 英语 英语写家60字作文 中秋节英语作文60字