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时间:2017-05-11 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版


1.Talk about a dream place you want to live in

A:Do you have a dream place where you want to live in?

B:Of course

A:So,tell me what kind of a place it is.

B:It’s a big and beautiful city.There is peaceful,no crime and no quarrels.People live very happy and they greet with a smile.In the city,there is a lot of green belts,beautiful trees and green grass and so on.The most important is I have a big family,and we are happy to live together.

A:Wow,what a wonderful place!

B:How about you?

A:What you want is what I want.

2.Talk about one of my sickness experience.

A:Have you ever had a sickness experience what makes you unforgettable?

B:Sure.That makes me remember in my life.

A:So,do you mind if I ask your privacy?

B:No,I’d be glad to share whit you.One day,I had a fever in hospital.But no one visited me.In the evening,the ward(病房) was deserted and I felt so lonely,so sad.What’s worse,the doctor told me to only eat porridge(稀饭).The whole thing was a nightmare(噩梦).

A:I’m so sorry to hear that.But,I hope I can accompany you when you get sick next time.

B:How nice you are!

My dream place

I have a dream place.A place of my dream is to live in a beautiful and large city.The whole city is full of harmony.There is no crime,no quarrels,and people have a comfortable life.The city is so beautiful.A lot of tall trees and pretty flowers were planted.Moreover,where there is a road,there is a green belt(绿化带).In the city,my family and I live together,and all the people greet with a smile.

I very much hope that it becomes a reality.But it sounds uealistic(不现实).The only thing I can do is living happy.

Sickness experience

Everybody have one memorable(难忘的)sickness experience.Here is mine.A few years ago,I had a fever in hospital.It was not an ordinary fever but a typhoid(伤寒). The doctor told me that I just can eat porridge.How poor I am.But no one visited me and comforted me.In the evening,the hospital was very quiet,and the ward was deserted.I felt so lonely,so sad.This time,I fight alone.

When I get sick,I just hope someone who can accompany(陪伴) me.Because I need some inspiring words.



Make a dialogue of at least 8 sentences on the topic according to the topic given

Kate has got a toothache, she is at the dentist's. The nurse is speaking to her.


N: Can I help you?


K: I have got a toothache. I want to see Doctor Smith.


N: Do you have an appointment?


K: No, I haven't.


N: He is busy at the moment. Would you please take this medicine first? N:他现在正忙,请先吃点儿这个药吧。

K: Do I have to?


N: I'm afraid you do. It will help you a bit. And I will tell him to look after you first.

N:我想是的。它能帮你减轻疼痛。我回去请史密斯医生待会儿先帮你看。 K: Thanks.


N: Will you please fill in this form. The magazine are over there. You can have a look if you like.

N:麻烦先填一下这张表格。如果你有需要的话,那边有杂志。 K: All right.



1、It’s Nice Meeting You. 很高兴见到你。

A: Hi, Stone. I’d like to introduce my friend, Lisa.嗨,石头,我想介绍一下我的朋友,丽莎。

B: Hi, Lisa. It’s nice meeting you.嗨,丽莎,很高兴认识你。

C: Nice meeting you, too, Stone.我也很高兴认识你,石头。

B: Lisa, you know, I’ve heard a lot about you.丽莎,你知道,我听说过许多关于你的事情。

C:Really? I hope it’s not anything bad about me.真的吗?希望不是关于我的坏事情

B: Not at all. You are very popular. Everything I’ve heard has been good!根本不是。你很受欢迎。我听到的都是关于你的好事情! A: Hello, let me introduce myself. I’m your new neighbor. My name is Andy.你好。让我自我介绍一下。我是你的新邻居,安迪。

B: Hi, Andy. I’m Judy. It’s nice meeting you.你好,安迪,我叫朱迪,很高兴认识你。

A: Nice meeting you, too.我也很高兴认识你。

B: Come over and visit when you have time.有空过来聊聊天。

A: Thanks for the invitation. I will!谢谢邀请,我会的!



I’d like to introduce my friend.我想介绍一下我的朋友。

It’s nice meeting you.很高兴认识你。

Nice meeting you, too.我也很高兴认识你。

I’ve heard a lot about you.我听说过许多关于你的事情。/ 久仰大名。

Let me introduce myself.让我介绍一下自己。



2、 It’s My Pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。

A: Linda,it’s really late. Let’s call it a day.琳达,太晚了我们今天就做到这儿吧

B: Good idea. We can finish this project the first thing tomorrow morning.好主意,我们明天早上第一件事就完成这个项目。

A: Sure thing. Do you want me to give you a ride home?当然。要我开车送你回家吗?

B: That’s great. Thanks for the ride. I really appreciate it. You know my car is still in the shop.太好了,多谢你送我,我真的很感激。你知道我的车还在修。A: Don’t mention it. It’s my pleasure.没关系,这是我的荣幸。

B: It’s very nice of you.你真好。

A: Mike, these flowers are just gorgeous.迈克,这些花真是太漂亮了。B: I’m glad you like them. Happy birthday!很高兴你喜欢。生日快乐!

A: I can’t thank you enough. I’m really touched. I don’t know what to say.真不知该怎么谢你。我真的很感动,不知该说些什么才好。

B: Forget it. It’s my pleasure. You mean a lot to me.


A: You’re the best!你是最好的!


★ Let’s call it a day.我们今天就做到这儿吧。

★ You mean a lot to me.你对我来说太重要了。

超级短语 (the)first thing 早上第一件事;马上,立刻

* We can finish the project the first thing tomorrow morning.



* She makes tea for the boss the first thing at work every day.


* Please call me first thing tomorrow morning. I can’t help you now. 现在我帮不了你,请你明天一早打电话来。

* I’ll call on you first thing I arrive.我一到就会立刻来拜访你。

五星级形容词gorgeous 华丽的,灿烂的,辉煌的;极好的,令人愉快的

* The fall is a gorgeous time in Beijing.秋天是北京的黄金季节。

A: Your wife is really gorgeous. I can’t take my eyes off her.


B: Yeah, well maybe you should try!是吗?那你最好别看!

3、I’m Working on It. 我正在努力。

A: Kim, have you made contact with Mr. Lee?金姆,你跟李先生联系上了没有?B: Not yet, Mr. Wang. But I’m working on it.还没有,王先生。我正在联系。A: What seems to be the problem?是怎么回事?

B: I just keep getting a busy signal.我打的时候老是占线。

A: Maybe his phone is out of order. Anyway, keep working on it. I really need an answer about the contract I sent him.也许是他的电话坏了。不管怎么样,继续联系吧。我确实想知道他对那份合同的回应。

B: All right, I’ll let you know when I get through.好的,接通了我就告诉你。 A: Peter, have you finished your English composition?彼得,你的英语作文写完了吗?

B: No. But I’m working on it.没有。我正在写。

A: Class starts in twenty minutes. You have to turn it in at the beginning of class today. 还有20分钟就要上课了。你得今天上课前交作业!

B: I know. I know!我知道。我知道!

A: Do you think you can finish it on time?你觉得你能按时完成吗?

B: Don’t worry. I’ll get it done very soon. I’m almost finished.不用担心。我马上就写完,差不多写完了。

A: You’d better hurry!你最好快点!

B: Well, it would be a lot easier to finish if you stopped talking to me.你要是不跟我说话,我会完成得更轻松。

A: Sorry!对不起!


make contact with 取得联系

* Have you make contact with your uncle in Taiwan?你跟台湾的舅舅取得联系了吗?“取得联系”还有很多其他说法:

*Have you reached Mr. Lee yet?

*Have you gotten in touch with Mr. Lee?

*Have you gotten a hold of Mr. Lee?

*Have you connected with Mr. Lee?

*Have you been able to connect with Mr. Lee?

额外成就感lose contact with 失去联系

I’ve lose contact with most of my school friends.我跟大多数同学已经失去了联系。

4、It’s a Piece of Cake. 这很容易

A: Jim, I heard you’ve bought a new computer.吉姆,我听说你买了一台新电脑。B: Yes. Look, it is on my desk.是的,看,就在我的桌子上。

A: Your office looks different with a computer. By the way, is it difficult to use a computer?有了一台电脑,你的办公室看上去大不一样了。噢,对了,用电脑难吗?B: Not at all. It’s a piece of cake.一点也不。这很容易。

A: A piece of cake?很容易?

B: Yes. It’s easy and convenient to use a computer. But it takes a long time to really master it.是的,使用电脑很容易,也很方便,但要真正掌握它就需要时间了 A: Jim, could you do me a favor?吉姆,你能帮我个忙吗?

B: Sure, just ask. What can I do for you?当然,说吧。要我做什么?

A: My car has a problem starting. Could you please take a look at it for me?我的车启动不了。你能帮我看一下吗?

B: No sweat. It’s a piece of cake.没问题。这很容易。

A: Are you sure?你肯定?

B: Absolutely. I’m a great mechanic.绝对。我修车很在行。

A: Thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate it.多谢帮忙。我真的很感激。B: Anytime.愿意效劳。

5、I Couldn’t Agree More.我完全同意

A: Jim, how was your weekend?吉姆,你的周末过得怎么样?

B: I went to the beach with my friends and had a barbecue there.我跟朋友去海滩玩了,还在那儿吃了烧烤。

A: That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you go swimming, too?那一定很好玩。你们也游泳了吧?

B: Sure. I think it’s a fantastic place to go.当然。我觉得那是个好去处。A: I couldn’t agree more. That’s an ideal place for a vacation.我完全同意。那是个理想的度假场所。

B: It sure is.当然。

A: I can’t wait to go there myself.我都巴不得亲自到那儿去玩玩。

A: Beautiful weather, isn’t it? 今天天气不错,是不是?

B: Yes, it is. Are you here on business?是的,的确不错。你来这儿出差吗?A: No, I’m on a vacation to see the famous Three Gorges. 不,我休假去著名的三峡旅游。

B: I’m going there for a tour, too. Is this your first trip to China?


A: Yes, it is. 是的。

B: Why don’t we go together? I can show you around. I think you’ll have a better time.我们何不结伴而行呢?我可以带你到处走走。我想你会玩得更开心的

A: I couldn’t agree more.我完全同意。

B: Great, let’s go!太好了,走吧!

5、I Couldn’t Agree More. 我完全同意

A: Jim, how was your weekend?吉姆,你的周末过得怎么样?

B: I went to the beach with my friends and had a barbecue there.我跟朋友去海滩玩了,还在那儿吃了烧烤

A: That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you go swimming, too?那一定很好玩。你们也游泳了吧?

B: Sure. I think it’s a fantastic place to go.当然。我觉得那是个好去处

A: I couldn’t agree more. That’s an ideal place for a vacation.我完全同意。那是个理想的度假场所

B: It sure is.当然

A: I can’t wait to go there myself.我都巴不得亲自到那儿去玩玩

A: Beautiful weather, isn’t it? 今天天气不错,是不是?

B: Yes, it is. Are you here on business?是的,的确不错。你来这儿出差吗?A: No, I’m on a vacation to see the famous Three Gorges不,我休假去著名的三峡旅游

B: I’m going there for a tour, too. Is this your first trip to China?我也是去游三峡的,你这是第一次来中国吗?

A: Yes, it is. 是的

B: Why don’t we go together? I can show you around. I think you’ll have a better time.我们何不结伴而行呢?我可以带你到处走走。我想你会玩得更开心的

A: I couldn’t agree more.我完全同意

B: Great, let’s go!太好了,走吧!

6、Thank You for Everything. 感谢你做的一切

A: Jenny, are you having a good time?詹妮,你在这儿玩得开心吗?

B: Yes, of course. This is a really wonderful party with interesting people and great food.当然开心,这场晚会有美食、佳宾,真是棒极了

A: I’m glad you are enjoying yourself很高兴你在这里玩得开心

B: Thank you for the invitation.感谢你的邀请

A: It’s my pleasure. Can I get you another glass of champagne?这是我的荣幸。再来一杯香槟吗?

B: Yes, I’d love another glass. You’re a wonderful hostess. Thank you for everything.是的,我还想再来一杯。你真是一位出色的女主人。感谢你做的一切A: It’s my pleasure having you here. 你能来是我的荣幸。

A: Mrs. Lee, I’ve stayed here for almost a week. I really must leave tomorrow.李太太,我在这儿已经住了差不多一个星期了。我明天真得走了

B: Please feel free to stay as long as you want. You know you’re always welcome here.请随意,想住多久就住多久吧。你总是受欢迎的

A: Thank you. You’ve been so nice to me.谢谢,你对我真好

B: Is there anything else I can do for you before your leave?在你走之前还要我做点什么吗?

A: No, thanks. You’ve done a lot for me already. Thank you for everything.不用了,多谢。你已经为我做了很多。感谢你做的一切。

B: Don’t mention it. I’ve really enjoyed your company.不必客气,有你的陪伴,我也很开心。

7、Don’t Worry about It. 别担心

A: Jodi, I must get a hold of Jim today, but I forgot his address and phone number. 祖迪,我今天一定得跟吉姆联系上,可是我忘了他的地址和电话号码了

B: Don’t worry about it. I have his pager number right here.别担心。我这儿有他的呼机号。

A: Really? You’ve helped me a lot. Thank you.真的吗?你帮了我大忙,谢谢B: Forget it. It’s nothing.不用客气,这没什么。

A: Anna, Would you like to dance?安娜,你想跳舞吗?

B: I’d love to, but I’m a terrible dancer. I’m afraid I may step on your toes. 哦,我很乐意。可是我跳得很糟糕。我担心踩着你的脚。

A: Don’t worry about it. I’ll show you how. It’s a piece of cake.别担心。我教你怎么跳。简单得很

B: Thank you. I’ll try my best.谢谢,我会尽力的

I Apologize. 我很抱歉

A: Jessie, I’m afraid I can’t come back home for dinner tonight.


B: Not back home for dinner again? That’s the third time this week!又不回家吃晚饭?这个星期你已经是第三次了这样了!

A: I’m sorry. Our company has just opened. There are always too many things to handle. You know that.对不起。我们的公司刚刚开业,总是有太多事情要处理,这你是知道的

B: You don’t have to explain. Suit yourself.你不必解释了,随便你。

A: I apologize. You have my word, I’ll spend some time with you on the weekend. I promise.很抱歉。我向你保证,周末抽时间来陪你,我发誓。

B: We’ll see.再说吧

A: (转载自:www.dXf5.cOm 东星资源网:英语作文:对话)Thank you for understanding. I promise I’ll make it up to you.谢谢你能理解。我保证一定给你补上。

A: Sam, you’ve got to forgive me.山姆,你得原谅我。

B: Forgive you for what?原谅你什么?

A: I used your computer. And I’m afraid I’ve erased your personal files accidentally.我用了你的电脑。恐怕我不小心把你的私人文件删掉了。

B: No! Are you kidding me?不!你跟我开玩笑?

A: I’m afraid not. I apologize.不是,我很抱歉

B: I can’t believe it! I have all my important personal documents stored in that computer. It’s no laughing matter.我简直不敢相信!我将所有重要的私人资料都存入电脑了。这可不是闹着玩的。

A: I told you I’m sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?我都跟你道歉了。我怎样做才能弥补我的过错?

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