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时间:2017-03-29 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版


txt">9.化学在工农业生产、科技发展和社会生活中发挥着重要作用,下列说法不正确的是() ...A.用铝合金制飞机外壳是因其硬度大、密度小、耐腐蚀 B.无土栽培的营养液中常含有K2SO4是一种复合肥 C.发射火箭采用的液氢、液氧都是无污染的纯净物 D.生活中常用加热煮沸的方法降低水的硬度 答案:B





12.正确使用和理解化学用语是重要的科学素养,下列说法正确的是() A.H2O、H2CO3中均含有氢分子

B.KClO3、KCl中的氯元素的化合价不相同 C.Na+、Mg2+、Al3+原子核内质子数均为10

D. 表示的粒子都是阴离子 答案:B


A. Mn、Ni、Cu B. Mn、Cu、Ni C. Ni、Mn、Cu D. Cu、Mn 、Ni 答案:A

答案:D 解析:酸碱盐性质在实验中的考察。含氢元素的可燃气体也会燃烧产生水。不可用过量BaCl2溶液,引入新杂质。NaOH变质生成的碳酸钠也显碱性。

15.室温时,随着向盛有稀硫酸的烧杯中逐滴加入Ba(OH)2溶液,烧杯内溶液中溶质质量变化如右图所示(忽略溶液温度的变化)。下列分析正确的是() A.a点溶液中有两种溶质

B.b点溶液中滴加紫色石蕊溶液,溶液变蓝 C.c点烧杯内液体的pH=7

D.d点溶液中有较多的Ba2+、OH-、SO42-、H+ 答案:C



(1)大气中二氧化碳含量升高的一个主要原因是 燃料的大规模开发使用。



尿素的反应:CO2+ 2NH3═CO(NH2)2+X,则X的化学式为。

(3)下列行为符合“低碳生活,保护环境”这一理念的是 (填序号) ①焚烧纸质垃圾②步行上学③用电动牙刷刷牙 答案:(1)化石 (2)H2O(3)②


(1)大部分手机外壳是用塑料或镁合金制成,二者中属于有机合成高分子材料的是 。 (2)手机线路的主要原料是铜,微电子材料还用到金、银、钽等,在此主要利用了铜的 性。 (3)手机屏幕大部分用的是硅酸铝玻璃,下列关于硅酸铝玻璃性质的推测不正确的是(填序号)

①透光性好 ②常温下不易于氧气反应 ③易溶于水 答案:(1)塑料 (2)导电 (3)③


请回答下列问题, (1)A组的溶液为(填“饱和”或“不饱和”)溶液。 (2)C组X的值为 。


Ca(OH)2的溶解度随温度变化的趋势与NaCl相反,则室温时,向饱和石灰水中加入少量生石灰,并恢复到室温,此时溶液中溶质的质量 (填“<”、“>”或“=”)原溶液中溶质的质量。 答案:(1)不饱和 (2)120(3)36、<

19.(5分)化学课上,小亮与老师一起演示了下图所示的实验: 请回答下列问题:

(1)甲中铜丝受热时因生成了氧化铜而变黑,该变化属于 (填“物理”或“化学”)变化。 (2)小亮将变黑的铜丝a伸入试管内的稀硫酸中,再取出时,铜丝表面又变红了,试管内发生反应的化学方程式是 ,该反应属于基本反应类型中的反应。 (3)老师将加热变黑的铜丝b趁热迅速伸入试管内的活性炭中,再取出是,铜丝表面也变红了,则试管内活性炭的质量一定会(填“增大”或“减小”) 答案:(1)化学 (2)CuO+H2SO4═CuSO4+H2O(化学式错误扣2分)、复分解(3)减小




操作1的名称是 ,溶液B中的溶质是 。



三、实验及探究题(共2小题,计12分。化学方程式2分,其余每空1分) 21.(5分)请根据下列实验图回答问题。

(1)仪器a的名称是 。

(2)上述三个实验中,水对实验仪器起到安全保护作用的是 (填字母)。 (3)A实验中发生反应的化学方程式是 。


上图改进实验与B实验相比,明显的优点是 (写一条即可)

答案:(1)集气瓶 (2)C (3)2H2O2═ 2H2O +O2 ↑(条件错误或未配平或无“↑”符号扣1分,化学式错误扣2分)





【讨论交流】同学们讨论后一致认为若鸡蛋壳里含有CO32-,实验时广口瓶中一定会产生气泡,,玻璃片上石灰水会变浑浊,据此写出有气泡生成的化学方程式: 。 【进行实验】小明和小红在各自的实验中均看到广口瓶中产生气泡,小明还看到玻璃片上石灰水变浑浊,而小红却未看到。他们很好奇,于是进一步探究。 【提出问题】小红的实验中,玻璃片上的石灰水为什么不变浑浊呢?




依据所学化学知识和生活常识,你认为的猜想是不合理的。 【实验验证】小红分别取适量等体积的自己实验所用的盐酸a和小明实验中所用用的盐酸b于2试管中,试管内各盛有同一鸡蛋壳的碎片,塞上带导管的橡胶塞,并分别将导管伸入AgNO3溶液中,实验过程如右下图所示:

实验中,甲、乙两试管内均有气泡产生,同时甲试管中有白色沉淀生成而乙中没有,白色沉淀的化学式是 。

【实验结论】上述实验说明盐酸a中的溶质的质量分数一定(填“大于”或“小于”)[ 【反思应用】(1)实验室制备CO2时,最好选择 (填“稀”或“浓”)盐酸。

(2)实验中发现,与相同溶质质量分数的盐酸反应时,鸡蛋壳碎片比大块鸡蛋壳更剧烈,说明增大反应物 可以加快反应速率。

答案:CaCO3+2HCl═CaCl2+CO2↑+H2O(未配平或无“↑”符号扣1分,化学式错误扣2分) 小红AgCl 大于 (1)稀 (2)接触面积 四、计算与分析题

23.小王同学想测定某Cu-Zn合金中铜的质量分数,取合金粉末13g,向其中逐渐加入一定溶质质量分数的稀硫酸,所得稀硫酸与生成氢气的质量关系如右下图所示。 请完成下列分析及计算:

(1)反应生成氢气的总质量为g。 (2)计算合金中铜的质量分数。 答案:(1)0.1(1分)


Zn +H2SO4 ═ ZnSO4 +H2↑………(1分)65 2

x 0.1g ………(1分)









21. Good words can touch not only your heart but also ____________.

A.I B.myC. myselfD.mine

22. Yesterday I saw _________film. It moved me deeply.

A.a B.an C.theD./

23. The dress is really beautiful, _______ it is too small for me.

A.orB.butC.so D.and

24. It’s a good idea to send the old books________ the children who need them.

A.atB.of C.to D.by

25. --Could you tell me_______ it takes to walk to the Disneyland?

--About 20 minutes.

A.how far B. How long C.how oftenD.how soon

26.__________ you speak, ___________ your English will be.

A.The less; the more B.The more; the better

C.The less; the better D. The more; the less

27.Football __________ to our school subjects last year.

A.is addedB.addsC.was addedD.added

B.My mother_________ a good example for me since I was young.

A.wasB.has beenC.will be D.is

29. --Volunteers from Lantian Saving Team have saved many travelers in the mountains. -- ____________ they are!

A.How great a manB.How great man

C. What a great man D. What great man

30. I didn’t accept his help ________ I wanted to try it myself.

A.becauseB. though C.untilD.unless

IV. 完型阅读。

One day during a Spring Festival, I was walking a walk near my house when suddenly there came a voice,“Excuse me, sir.” I turned around and saw an old beggar(乞丐). “Have you _31_____some money, about fifty yuan, around here? I lost it just now.” He looked at me and ___32_____my reply. “Sorry, I haven’t.” I answered . He went away saying in a low voice,”Where is it?”__33________should I do now? I really need the money.”

I could sense that he was ___34______. Then I got an idea. I took out a fifty -yuan note (纸币) and dropped it on the ground. “Here! Here is the money!” I picked it up and _35______it to him. Then I walked towards my house.

A week later, on a snowy afternoon, I heard some knocking at the door. It was th


e old beggar with a heavy bag on his shoulder. He put down the bag_36_______and said,”Thank you so much. I knew you gave me your own __37_______that day, for the money I lost was in change(零钱)。But my wife was _38______, and I really needed to buy some medicine for her. So I didn’t return it to you.”He added, “I have nothing to pay for your_39________.Here’s some rice I got from door to door for your children. As the saying goes, ‘A child who is fed by many families grow stronger.’I will be pleased __40____you like it.” Hearing his words, my wife and I were so

moved that tears ran down from our faces.

31. A.made B.lent C.seen D.dropped

32. A.looked after B.paid for C.left forD.waited for

33. A.HowB.WhichC.WhatD.Why

34. A.worriedB.boredC.interestedD. Relaxed

35. A.pushedB.passedC.led D.threw

36. A.carefully B.easily C.carelesslyD.hardly

37. A.food B.drink C.clothD.money

38. A.well B.sickC.busy D.free

39. A.cuteness B.illnessC.kindness D.sadness

40. A.beforeB.whether C.though D.if



There are twenty bridges over the River Thames. And the Tower Bridge is the first bridge you have to pass if you go to London from the sea. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it got its name. It is a symbol (象征) of London.

The Tower Bridge was set up over the River Thames in London in 1894 and is one of the finest and most famous bridges in the world. It is the only bridge over the Thames that can be raised about 50 times a day, but now it is raised only 4 to 5 times a week. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two arms open high in the air,you will never forget it.

The Tower Bridge stands just on the south side of the Tower of London. People often think they are of the same age. But in fact, the Tower of London was built a thousand years ago, while the Tower Bridge only has a history of over one hundred years.

The Tower Bridge was first painted chocolate brown. Then in 1977, it was painted red, white and blue. Its picture also appeared in the opening of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games held in London. So come to visit the famous bridge. You are sure to have a wonderful experience.

41. The color of the Tower Bridge hasn’t changed for more than a hundred years.()

42. In 1894, the Tower Bridge was built in London.()

43. The Tower Bridge of London has a much longer history than the Tower Bridge. ()

44. The Tower of London Bridge is now raised less often than in the past.()

45. The passage means to introduce the Tower of London.() B

Li Chunlin, a farmer, used to live in a poor village in the north of Shaanxi. In the 1980s, he went to Shenzhen to make a living with his wife.

Years later, they became rich and returned to their hometown. To their surprise, the land around the village was covered with sand. That made them feel sad. After thinking carefully, Li and his wife made up their minds to fight against the sands.

They bought thousands of young tress and planted them around the village. However, only a few survived (存活), because the trees were not regularly watered. But how to get water was a big problem. They dug a well (井) but it became dry soon. Then they asked a drilling team to dig a deep well. Clear water appeared , but their money was used up. They couldn’t afford to buy young trees. They went to several banks for help but got nothing. Finally, they turned to a friend who was also from the village. The friend had a big business. Learning what they were doing, their friend was moved and decided to do something for their village too. So he offered the

money they needed.

With the money, they bought trees and had them planted. They looked after the trees as if they were their own children. After some time, green leaves came out. When the villagers saw the changes, some started to join Li and his wife in the fight. Then more joined. Years went by, and now larger areas around the village are covered with green trees.

46. When Li and his wife returned from Shenzhen, they were sad because_______.

A. the land around the village was covered with sad

B. they didn’t have enough money to buy trees

C. Their village was not as beautiful as Shenzhen

D. they didn’t have enough water to drink

47. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Li and his wife dug a well with enough water themselves.

B. Li and his wife got much money from the banks.

C. The villagers didn’t join Li and his wife in the fight.

D. Their friend gave Li and his wife some money to buy trees.

48. This passage is mainly about how Li and his wife ___________.

A.tried different ways to find waterB. Made money in Shenzhen

C. fought against the sandsD. Bought and planted trees


Most animals on land are known to us, but many living things underwater are not. Now let’s get to know some of them.

Sea Cucumber

Sea cucumbers are strange animals living at the bottom of the sea. They wear brown or pale green coats with many sticks up. When summer comes, they stay deep to sleep because they are afraid of heat. And when it is autumn, they move to shallow(浅的) water and get their food.Pike

The pike is a kind of freshwater fish. They are good swimmers and like swimming near boats, waiting to be fed. They have sharp teeth to catch fishes. When they are young, they live in groups. However, when they grow up, they prefer to live alone.


A cuttlefish can swim quite fast, so it is also called rocket(火箭)fish. It has eight arms and two feelers on its head, just around its mouth. It ejects ink(喷墨)when it is in danger. Its meat is delicious , and it is often the first choice for many people.


An octopus has long arms, with which to catch food and protect itself. When it is sleeping, one or two of arms are still on duty, keeping moving. Once it feels something dangerous, it can wake up at once to take actions.

49. Sea cucumbers stay deep to sleep in summer because they__________.

A. are afraid of high temperatureB. want to get strong and fat

C. are afraid of their enemyD. want to live alone

50. According to the passage, ______ likes go to swim near boats.

A.the sea cucumber B. the pike

C.the cuttlefish D. The octopus

51. What happens if a cuttlefish meets its enemy?

A.It rushes at the enemy at once.B. It cuts of one of its arms.

C. It bites with its sharp teeth. D. It ejects ink to the enemy.

52. The _____ of an octopus can help protect it when in danger.

A.colour B.arms C.soundD.smells


Reading makes one wise, but many adults seldom read. They say they too busy to have time ti read. Sure. They have work to do. They have families to support. But these are only excuses. The fact is that they haven’t got a reading habit. A reading habit isn’t something natural. It needs to be trained. And it’s never too late to develop a reading habit.

Scientists believe proper books are very important for children to develop a good reading habit.

A book in rich colours and with simple patterns(图案) such as lines and circles is a good choice for babies of three months old. When they reach six months, they will become interested in simple story books in rich colours.

When children get old enough to read by themselves, it’s necessary to buy books that are both interesting and right for them to understand. Books which are either too easy or too difficult are not good for kids to keep their reading habits.

Only buying books for children isn’t enough. For kids, parents are their first teachers. So parents should read books to set an example. Children will follow them. Scientists say the adults is a born skill. And it is the most valuable way for children to learn. This will certainly help them develop a reading habit in the end.

53. According to the writer, many adults seldom read because they ____________.

A.don’t have enough time B. have to work all the time

C.haven’t got a reading habit D. Have to support the family

54. The underlined word “imitating”here probably means___________.

A.copying B.readingC.testing D.missing

55. We can learn from the passage that ____________.

A. story books are better than books in colours

B. a reading habit comes from certain training

C. a three-month-old kid likes simple stories

D. Too easy books help keep a reading habit


VI. 完成汉语句子。

56. 我想邀请他参加我们的俱乐部。

I want _______________________________ to join our club.

57. 窗户旁边有一架钢琴。

There is a piano_______________________________________________.

58. 聚会结束时我唱了一首歌。

I __________________________________ at the end of the party.

59. 每当国旗升起时,我们都很激动。

We all feel very exited when the ________________________ is being raised.

60. 没有知识,你成功的可能性就会很小。

Without _________________, you may have little chance to achieve success.

VII. 短文填空:用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。)

Last week I went to an art show. A painting caught my eye. To my surprise, it was painted by Steven, one of my 61_________. Then many things about him came into my mind.

Steven was from a poor family. His parents 62.___________ not afford to buy him some basic things that he needed. Once our school provided gloves for poor children. I put Steven’s name on the list. He was so 63._________ when he received a pair. He loved to wear them and they were always 64.__________ than anybody else’s.

Steven had a gift(天赋)for painting and he could65._________ understand what I described in class. But he didn’t have money to buy the paper for painting. So sometimes, I 66.________ him some. He practiced hard. And I often showed his paintings to the class. He was greatly


One day just before the summer vacation, he came to 68._______ some art books. When the new tern began, he showed some of 69.________ paintings to me. I felt shocked (震惊). They were very good. Then we talked a lot. He said he would keep on.

Later he was admitted (录取) to a famous art university. After graduation, he had many difficulties, but he never gave up. He was always 70.________ his best to improve himself. His hard work and strong mind led to his success.

VIII. 任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。

Stanford is a world famous university on the west coast of the U.S. It was built by Stanford and his wife in memory of their only son who died of s strange disease.

Tourists are often surprised at the beauty of Stanford. Among the green trees, buildings with yellow walls and red tops make up a beautiful picture. Many tourists wonder why yellow and red were chosen. That’s because they were the favorites of Mrs. Stanford.

The Big Church is the most important building in Stanford. It stands at the center. It was built by Mrs. Stanford to remember her husband who devoted(贡献) himself to the university. There, students and teachers can communicate with God and hold great activities, such as concerts and celebrations.

The tallest building in Stanford is Hoover Tower, which is the land mark of the university. A man named hoover had done a lot for the university. The things he once used can be seen on the first floor. On the top of the tower, tourists can have a good look at the whole campus(校园)。

As one of the world top universities, Stanford has many subjects that stand among the top ones in the world. And computer science has been the first for many years. If you want to study computer in a university abroad, maybe71. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Stanford build the university?

Because they wanted to remember_________________.

72. What color did Mrs. Stanford like best?

She preferred _____________________ to other colors.

73. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?

It tells us the Big Church is ______________________________________ in Stanford.

74. Where can visitors see the whole campus of Stanford?

They can see the whole the whole campus on the top of ________________________________.

75. What does”it” in the last paragraph of the passage refer to?

It refers to _____________________________________.

IX. 补全对话


class="txt">学而思中考研究中心 孙琦




















标签:西安 中考 答案 2016西安中考试卷 2016泰州中考数学答案