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篇一:仁爱版英语 中考词性专题


life n. lives nf live v. lively adj. lovely adj.

shelf n. shelves nf leaf n. leaves n. wonder n. wonderful adj interest n. interesying interested bore n boring adj. bored adj. easy adj. easily adv. hard adv./adj. hardly adv. near nearly adv. write v. writer n. mouse n. mice n. music n. musical adj. sun n. sunny adj. bright adj. brightly adv. heavy adj. heavily adv. rain v./n.

生命 face n./v. facial adj. 生活

paint v. 生动的,有生机的 painting(s) n. 可爱的 helpful adj. helpless adj. 书架 frighten v. 书架 frightened adj. 树叶 disappoint v. 树叶 disappointed adj 奇迹 disappointment n. 美妙的 sad adj. 兴趣,

sadness n. 令人感到有趣的 internation n. 感到有趣的 international adj.

speak v. 令人感到无聊的 speech n. 感到无聊的 pride n. 简单的,轻松的 proud adj.

choose v. 努力地,困难的 chose ved. 几乎不 choise n. 在...附近

几乎 polluted adj. 写 decide v. 作家 decision n. 老鼠 mean v. 老鼠 复数 meaning n. 音乐 meaningful adj. 音乐的 east n. 太阳 eastern n. 晴朗的

western 明亮的,聪明的 southern


重的,交通拥堵的,雨下的大的 push

pull 下雨,雨

pollut v.


脸,面对 面部的 画画 油画 有帮助的 没有帮助的 使受到惊吓 受到惊吓的 使失望 感到失望的 失望

伤心的,难过的伤心,难过 国际 国际的

说 演讲 骄傲,自豪 骄傲的,自豪的选择 选择

受污染的 决定 决定 意味,意思 意思 有意义的 东 东方的 西方的 南方的 北方的 推 拉 污染

rainy adj. fog foggy snow snowy cloud cloudy wind windy friend n. friendly adj. luck n. lucky adj luckily adv. unlucky adj. decorate v. decoration n. nation n. national adj. win v. winner n. health n. healthy adj. heathily adv. unhealthy adj. fit adj. invent v. inventor n. intention n. ill adj. illness n. hero(es) begin v. beginning n. real adj. really adv. suggest v. suggestion(s) n. advise v. advice n.

雾 雪 云 风 朋友 友好的 好运 幸运的 幸运地 不幸的 装饰,装修 装饰 国家,民族 国家的,民族的赢得 胜利者 健康 健康的 健康地 不健康的 健康的,合适的发明 发明家 发明物 生病的 生病 英雄 开始 开始 真的 真地 建议 建议 建议 建议

pollution n. center n. central adj. ride v. rider n. care v./n. careful adj. careless adj. break broke broken post v. poster n. Africa n. African adj. invite v. invitation n. success n. successful adj. successfully adv. succeed v. cook v./n. cooker n. noise n. noisy adj. noisily adv. fine adj. finely adv. polite adj. impolite adj politely adv. sell v. sale n. regular adj. regularly adv. congratulate v. congratulation n. suit n. suitable adj. busy adj. business n. correct adj.


污染 中心

中心的,中间的 骑车 骑行者 关系

细心的,小心的 粗心的 打破

邮寄 海报 非洲

非洲的,非洲人 邀请 邀请 成功 成功的

烹饪,厨师 厨具 噪音 吵闹的 好的 精细地 礼貌的 不礼貌的 礼貌地 卖 卖 有规律的


西装,套装 合适的 忙的 生意 正确的

tooth teeth act v. action n. activity n active adj. actor n. tomato(es) patato chemistry n. chemical adj. final adj. finally adv. crowd n. crowded adj. happy adj. happiness n. class n. classical adj. collect v. collection n. fun n. funny adj. own v. owner n. comfort v. comfortable adj. beauty n. beautiful adj. please v. pleasant adj. pleasure n. die v. died ved. deadadj death n. miss v. missing adj. safe adj.

牙齿 牙齿 行动 行动 活动

活跃的,积极的 演员 番茄 土豆 化学 化学的 最后的 最后地 人群 拥挤的 快乐的 幸福 班级,阶级 古典的 收集 收集 乐趣 有趣的 拥有 拥有者 使感到舒适 舒服的

美景,美人,美 美丽的

请,使高兴,使满意高兴的 荣幸,快乐 死 死 死的

想念,错过 丢失的 安全的

correctly adv. tradition n. 传统 traditional adj. 传统的 Asia 亚洲

Asian 亚洲的,亚洲人 person n. 人

personal adj. 私人的,个人的 attract v. 吸引 attraction n. marry v. 结婚 marriage n. 婚姻 celebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n. 庆祝 communicate v. 谈论 communication n. rapid adj. 快速的 rapidly adv. 快速地 satisy v. 使感到满意 satisied adj. 感到满意的 medicine n. 药 medical adj. 医药的 recent adj. 最近的 recently adv. 最近地 social adj 社会的 society n. 社会 nature n. 自然 natural adj. 自然的 difficult adj. 困难的 difficulty n.


probably perhaps



policy policies 政策 Russia 俄罗斯

Russian 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人breath n. 呼吸 breathe v. 呼吸 breathing adj. 呼吸的 produce v. 生产 product n. 产品 harm n.



safety n. 安全 safely adv. 安全地 environment n. 环境 environmental adj. 环境的

protect v. 保护 protection n. organize v. 组织 organization n. 组织 recycle v. 回收 recycling n. 回收 agree v. 同意 agreement n. disagree v. 不同意 electric adj. 电的 electricity n. 电 weight n. 重量 weigh v. 称重 history n. 历史 historical adj. 历史的 different adj. 不同的 difference n. 不同 German n. 德国人 Germany adj. 德国 nod nodded


shake shook shaken 摇 battery batteries 电池 wide adj. 宽的 widely adv. 广泛的 foreign adj. 国外的 foreigner n. 外国人 lead v. 领导 leading adj. 领导的 power n. 能量 powerful adj. 强大的 Europe n. 欧洲 European adj. 欧洲的 Spain n. 西班牙 Spanish adj. 西班牙的French n. France adj.

harmful adj. lose v. loss n. lost adj. dancer n. general adj. generally adv. introduce v. introduction n. proper adj. properly adv. certain adj. certainly adv. express v. expression n. effect n. complete v./adj. completely adv. behave v. behavior n. heat n./v. hot adj. short adj. shortage n. include v. including pre. press v. pressure n. affect v. strange adj. stranger n. peace n. peaceful adj. silent adj. silence n. magic n. magical adj. wise adj. wisdom n. able adj.


有害的 丢失 失去 丢失的 舞者介绍 介绍

合适的,正确的 确定的 表达 影响

完成,完整的 行动 行为 热,加热 热的 短的 缺点 包括 包括 压 压力 影响 奇怪的 陌生人 和平 和平的

安静的,沉默的安静,沉默 魔力 有魔力的 有智慧的 智慧 有能力的

tour n. tourist n tourism n. possible adj impossible adj. possibility n. lay laid laid lie lay lain lie lied lied

fly v. sleep v.pronounce v.discuss v. translate v.write v. easy adj.think v.

design Imagine v.direct v./adj. explore v. cover v./n. main adj.

know knewknown Important adj. 基数词 序数词

旅行 旅游者 旅游业 可能的 不可能的 可能性 放置 位于 撒谎

飞 睡觉 发音 讨论 翻译 写 想,思考

设计 想象

指导,直接的探索 覆盖,封面 主要的


ability n. effect n. effective adj. advantage n. disadvantage n. science n. scientist n. scientific adj. dance n. flight n. sleepy adj. pronunciation n. discussion n. transtation n. writing n. easily adv. thought ved. n. redesign Imagination n. direction n. explorer n. discover mainly. Adv

Importance n.


能力 影响 有效率的 有利的 有弊的 科学 科学家 科学的 跳舞 航班 困的 发音 讨论 翻译 写作

想,想法 重新设计 想象 方向 探索者 发现 主要地 重要性


e.g. you ---- your ---- yourself (yourselves) (反身代词)主格作主语,宾格作宾语

their (形容词性物主代词)+ n. = theirs (名词性物主代词)

* 冠词 + n.

不定冠词:a/ an (用于元音前)定冠词:the * 名词(作主语)

可数名词:单数/复数(+s, +es …)不可数名词:water, bread, fish … * 名词变复数

以–sh, -ch, -s, -x 结尾的词,变复数 + es

以–o结尾的词,变复数+es: heroes, potatoes, tomatoes ( 黑人,土豆,西红柿),其余以–o结尾的词+s

以 –f, -fe 结尾的词,f 或fe 改 v + es: wife ---- wives不规则名词变化:child ---- children woman ---- women

man ---- mentooth ---- teeth

当性别+职业时,两个名词同时都变复数: womn teacher, mn doctor * 名词所有格 -’s/ -s’

a teacher’s teachers’ children’s

* ―—‖ 连字符的作用相当于名词所有格three-week = three week * 动词(作谓语)

be动词:am/is/are, was/were 实义动词:like, run, …

助动词:do/ does/ did, have/ has + done

情态动词:can/ could, will/ would, need, dare, must,

should, have/ has to, may

* 情态动词

can 表能力---- can’t/ cannot/ can notmay 表可能

should 表应该:shouldn’t be allowed 不应该被允许must 表必须---- mustn’t 表禁止

need 表必要---- needn’t 表没必要= don’t have to

(为对Must … ? 问句的否定回答)

e.g. -- Must I…? -- No, you needn’t./No, you don’t have to.dare 表敢于

will 表意愿 ---- will not = won’t

所有情态动词后面所跟的动词都用原形do的形式 * 使役动词 (使/让某人做某事)Let sb. do sth.

make sb. do sth./ be made to do sthto do sth. * 不定代词

some + thing/ body/ one, any + thing/ body/ one 不定代词 + to do

不定代词 + adj. (形容词后置):something different * 基数词和序数词

基数词:one, two, three, four, five …序数词:first, second, third, fourth, fifth/twelfth (以-ve结尾,去-ve改-f加-th), eighth, ninth, twentieth (整十的数,去-y改-ie加-th) * 分数表达法

1/4:one fourth; 2/3:two third* 数量表达法

数字+ ten/ hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion +名词复数 ten/ hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion + +名词复数 * 祈使句

以开头的都为祈使句 * 反义疑问句

肯(be/情态动词/),否(be/情态动词/)?否(be/情态动词/实义动词,肯(be/情态动词/助动词)?祈使句的反义疑问句,后面用 will you? * 以-ed结尾的形容词 修饰 人以-ing结尾的形容词 修饰 物 * 感叹句

What + adj. + 不可数名词

How + adj. + ( + 不可数名词+谓语动词)

e.g. What delicious food we had at your birthday party!= How delicious food was!

* 比较级与最高级:

good ---- better ---- best a.well ---- better ---- best ad.bad ----worse ---- worst a.

much/ many ---- more ---- mostlittle ---- less ---- least

busy ---- busier --- busiest 忙 * 比较级(用于比较两者事物) 用于比较级

a lot/ much/ a little/ even/ far +比较级:far less远远少于’d like to choose the one

to save money for a book.

* 最高级(用于比较三者或三者以上事物)one of + 最高级+可数名词复数

* 最高级、序数词+ to do, 如:the best to do, the first to do * 就近原则 there be 句型

not only … but (also) … (不但…而且…) * 就前原则

with/ together with/ as well ase.g. with you (be) with I (be) * many + 可数名词复数much + 不可数名词

* a few + 可数名词 复数 (表肯定意思) / few + 可数名词 复数 (表否定意思)

a little + 不可数名词 (表肯定意思)/ little + 不可数名词 (表否定意思) * 双宾语结构

give sth to sb = give sb sth

lend sth to sb = lend sb sth 借出去

borrow sth from sb = borrow sb sth 借进来teach sb sth

* 动词不定式 to do

order sb (not) to do sth 命令某人做某事ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人做某事tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人做某事

encourage sb (not) to do sth 鼓励某人做某事try (not) to do 尽力做某事hope to do 希望做某事

expect sb to do 希望某人做某事want to do sth 想要做某事

would like to do sth 想要做某事

feeling like doing sth 想要做某事,喜欢做某事be made to do sth 被迫做某事 * 时间介词:on/in/aton + 具体某一天/星期in + 年/月/季节at + 点钟 * 时间表示法

past 超过(6字之前)to差(6字之后) e.g. a quarter to nine 8:45 a quarter past nine 9:15 nine 9:30

nine twenty-seven 9:27 = twenty-seven past nine 9:27 * that指代不可数名词

in Beijing. (这里的that指代前面的weather, weather为不可数名词) * each of them = every of them 每一个 * 也:also (用于肯定句 句中) too (用于肯定句 句末) either (用于否定句 句末)

* 也是:so + 助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语确实是:so +主语+助动词/情态动词/be动词 * 提建议:How/What about + doing? …怎么样

Why not do? = Why don’t you? 你为什么不…? * see/ hear sb. doing sth. (正在进行时)

see/ hear sb. do sth. (句中常出现often, usually, always…)* in + 颜色

e.g. The girl __A___ pink is my young sister, Susan. A. in B. wears C. is wearing

* Could/ Would you …? (委婉语气中,some不用改成any) * Look!/ Listen! (用进行时态) * too (太) + adj.: too big

* What’s the matter (with you)? = What’s wrong? (怎么了) * It’s time to do sth =It’s time for + n. * I’m afraid … (我恐怕…)

I’m afraid so. 我恐怕会这样。 * - How soon …? – In …- How far …? – 距离 * Thank you for doing sthThank you for sth

* A be proud of B A为B感到自豪B be the pride of A B是A的骄傲 * die of 死于内因die from 死于外因 * by的用法

by bus 乘坐…

by在…旁边,到…为止:by the window 在窗户边上 by + doing 通过…方式 * every 每一(三个或以上)

each 每一(两个,三个或以上)both 两个都

all 全部(三个或以上)none 没有(三个或以上)

either 二者择一:either … or …neither 两者都不:neither … nor … * Summer comes after spring. 春去夏来。

* enough + 名词形容词+ enough

* the + adj. 表示一类人

the rich 有钱人the poor 穷人 * provide sb with sth 提供某物给某人provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物 * so + adj. + that … 如此以至于such + adj. + that … 如此以至于too … to … 太…而不能…

* nine more = another nine 又九天,再九天other adj. 其他的others n. 其他人或物

* It is + adj. + (for sb) to do sth

It is sb to do sth * allow doing 允许做某事

allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

sb to do sth 某人被允许做某事 * alone 单独的; lonely 孤独的stay/ live alone; feel/ be lonely

* at … age (在…年龄)at … speed of (以…速度) * be used by + 人 (被某人使用)be used for + doing (被用来做…)be used in (被使用在…方面) * 四个花费

主语 ↓

pay 人paid—paid: pay 钱 for sth

spend人spent—spent: spend 时间/钱 on sthspend 时间/钱 (in) doing cost 物cost—cost

take It/物 took—took: It taks sb 时间/钱 to do * happen to sb 某人发生了什么事 * beside 在…旁边

besides 除…之外还有(+)except 除…之外 (—) * France 法国French 法语

Frenchman/ Frenchmen 法国人 * With pleasure. 很乐意(帮助前) It’s my pleasure. 不客气(帮助后)

* what… do with = how … deal with 如何处理what to do = how to do it 怎么办

* a number of = a lot of = many (大量)+谓语动词复数 number of(…的数量)+ 谓语动词单数 * both … and … 两者都either … or … 二者择一netither … nor. … 两者都不not A but B 不是A而是B

* The + 比较级,the + 比较级(越…越…)The more, the better.

* if 条件句

If (如果,为从句) …, 主句 (主将从现) * when 当…时

while ①当…时 (必须用现在进行时) ②表对比 ③表转折,虽然 * 宾语从句

1. 引导词(一个句子中只能有一个引导词,不能叠加)that 无意义,用于肯定句,通常可省略if/ whether 是否,用于一般疑问句wh- 特殊疑问词,用于特殊疑问句

一般疑问句:Do/ Does/ Did/ Are/ Is/ Am/ Will/ Have/ Has/

情态动词/ …

(一般疑问句用Yes/ No 来回答)

特殊疑问句:Wh- …? What/ Who/ When/ Where/ Which/

Why/ How/ How many/ How much/ …

2. 语序:陈述语序,即 引导词+主语+谓语 在一般疑问句中,遇does,则去does + s 遇 did,则去did + ed 遇 do,则不变 3. 时态

主句 + 引导词 + 从句 ↓↓ 一般现在时任何时态 一般过去时相应过去时 客观真理永远用一般现在时

在I believe/ I think 句中,否定要前移,且反义疑问句看从句,若为否定句,则与从句保持一致。 I believe/ think …, 否?

I believe/ think …, 肯? * 时态

一般现在时 am/ is/ are/ do/ does (用于第三人称单数)一般过去时 was/ were/ did

一般将来时 will + do/ be going to do

现在进行时 am/ is/ are + doing (be + doing)过去进行时 was/ were + doing现在完成时 have/ has + done

for + 一段时间;since + 点时间 (自从) 都用于完成时in + the past + 一段时间,必须用现在完成时yet 用于完成时的疑问和否定句中

have gone to 去了某地,现在在途中,不在本地 have been to 去过了,现在在本地 have been in 一直呆在某地

在完成时中,短暂性动词要变成延续性动词,如: Buy ---- have (had); borrow ---- keep (kept) * 被动语态:be done

他没邀请我。= 我没被邀请。 * 定语从句

人 + who/ that物 + which/ that



七年级(上)Unit 1 复习要点


1、Good morning/ Good afternoon / evening .早上/下午/晚上好

2、(It‘s) Nice to meet/see you. = (It‘s)Good to meet/see you.= (I‘m) Glad to meet/see you

= (I‘m) Pleased to meet/see you= (I‘m) Happy to meet/see you. 很高兴见到你

3、Welcome to China欢迎到中国来. 4、Thanks /Thank you . 谢谢

5、You‘re welcome ./ That‘s all right (OK) .不用谢,6、Stand up . 起立 Sit down .坐下

7、This is…..介绍第三者的用语,复数用These are…

8、How do you do ? 您好 9、 How are you ? 您好吗? How is she\he? 她\他好吗?

10、I‘m fine . 我很好。

11、What‘s your/his /her name ?= May I know/have your/his /her name?

Could you please tell me your/his /her name?你/他/她叫什么名字?

12、My name is Jane . 我名叫简

13、Where are you from ? = Where do you come from? Where is he/she from?

= Where does he/she come from?你/他/她/他们来自哪里?

14、I am / He (She) is /They are from Canada/Japan/the U.S.A/England/Cuba/China.我/他/她/他们来自加拿大/日本/美国/英国/古巴/中国。

15、Cheers .干杯 16、How old are you ? 你几岁了?

17、I‘m five (years old) 我五岁了18、What‘s your phone number ?你的电话号码是多少?

My telephone number is……= It‘s…..

19、What class /grade are you / is he /she in ?你/他/她在哪个班级/年级?

20、I am / He /She is in Class Four , Grade One .我/他/她在一年级四班。

21、Who is that ?那是谁? 22、That‘s Lucy 那是露西。.

23、What‘s this / that in English ?It‘s ……这/那用英语怎么表达?

24、This / That is an orange 这/那是一个桔子。.25、What are these / those ? 这/那些是什么?

26、They are schoolbags / books /buses .它们是书包/ 书/公共汽车。

27、Is this /that a telephone ? 这/那是一部电话吗? 28、Yes, it is.\ No, it isn‘t.

29、Are these /those pencils ?这些是铅笔吗? 30、Yes, they are.\No, they aren‘t.

31、How do you spell it你是怎么拼写它的?M—A—P, map.

32、Can you spell it? Yes, M—A—P, map.33、Excuse me . 请问,打扰了

34、in the same class 在相同的班级 35、good friend 好朋友

36、.Mr. Mrs Miss Ms用于姓之前 (Mr. 表示先生,是对中年男子的尊称,婚否不限;Mrs表示夫人,是对中年已婚女子的称呼:Ms,是对不知婚否女子的称呼;Miss是对未婚女子或老师的称呼)


1、 be中am、is、are的基本用法,区别及其引导的一般疑问句和回答.

am接在I之后,is放在单数的名词或代词之后,are放在复数的名词或代词之后,否定句在be后加not,一般疑问句将be提前。回答:Yes,人称代词+ be./ No, 人称代词+be + not. He is Mr. Chen. He is not Mr. Chen.Is he Mr. Chen? Yes, he is. / No, he is not. I am a student. I am not a student.Are you a student?Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

They are teachers. They are not teachers. Are they teachers? Yes, they are. / No, they are not.


1)一般在名词词尾加—s car---cars; apple--apples

2)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词,在词尾加---es,如:box---boxes; bus---buses; watch ---watches.

3) 部分国人的复数:以an结尾的单词,在词尾加—s;以结尾的单词,单复数同形。如:

Chinese---Chinese, Japanese---Japanese, American---Americans Brazilian—Brazilians, Canadian---Canadians.


5)以fe、f结尾,变fe、f为ve再加s,如:life---lives. 6)特殊情况,如:mouse---mice; foot---feet,

tooth--teeth, Chinese--Chinese, Japanese--Japanese

3. 基数词的表达:0—100 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty …forty… fifty…sixty…

4. a,an,the的用法: a /an 都表示―一,一个‖,如果单词的音标是元音音标开始的,我们在前用an, an apple / a ?u‘;/ an ?s‘

Unit 2 Looking Different

Topic 1

small - big / large / wide long - shortblack – white tall - short

young – old new - old

1. a small nose 一个小鼻子2. a big head 一个大头

3. long\short hair长/短头发 4. a wide mouth 一个大嘴巴

5. round faces 圆脸6. your favorite movie star 你最喜爱的电影明星

7. guess again 再猜8. a good student 一个好学生

9. have a sister 有一个姐妹10. her/his name 他/她的名字

11. in the same school 在同一所学校 12. in different grades 在不同的年级

13. Your face is long . = 14. His hair is short. =

15. Do you have long hair? Yes, I do. No, I don‘t. Yes, we do.No, we don‘t.

16. Does she / he have big eyes? Yes, she / he does. No, she / he doesn‘t.

17. Do they have new friends?Yes, they do.No, they don‘t.

10. I know. 我知道 I don‘t know. 我不知道。 I see.我明白

11. I‘m thirteen years old. = I‘m 13 years old.= I‘m 13. = I‘m thirteen.


1. What does she look like? 她看起来怎么样? 2. that boy 那个男孩

3. my friend 我的朋友

4.look the same=have the same looks 看起来一样

5. look different =have different looks 看起来不一样

6. blond hair and blue hair金发碧眼7. good friend 好朋友

8. 表示颜色的词语:

What‘s 颜色and 颜色?It‘s……

9. 关于颜色的提问:What color…?

-- What color is the skirt? -- It‘s white. -- What color are the shirts? - They are white.

10. give something to somebody= give somebody something 给某人某物

Give the book to Maria = Give Maria the book. 把书给Maria.

11. short hair 12. look at the photo\ picture 看着这张照片

13. look (at) = have a look (at)14. the girl in yellow = the girl in a green skirt

15. in 可表示―用某种语言在…..里面, 穿着‖

in Englishin the morning \ afternoon \ evening in a green car in a red coat in red

16. which疑问词的使用 1kejian.com

Which girl? The girl in red.哪个女孩?穿红色衣服的那个女孩。

Which bag? The blue one. 哪个包?蓝色那个。

18. 区别has/have与am/is/are的用法:has/have表示―有‖,即―某人有某物‖,am/is/are表示―是‖即―…是…‖

19. 有实意动词的一般现在时态的用法:动词原形——第三人称单数形式

1)直接加―s‖,如:make----makes; come----comes.

2)动词以o,s,ch,sh,x结尾,再后加―es‖,如:do---does; watch----watches; wish---wishes;

miss----misses; guess----guesses


4)辅音字母+y,把y改为i,加—es, 如:Study---studies

20. 句型转换:

1)主语为第三人称单数,否定句,在动词前加doesn`t,再把动词改回原形,一般疑问句,在句首加does,再把动词改回原形,回答,Yes,人称代词+does。/ No, 人称代词+does+not。 She has small eyes. She doesn`t have small eyes. Does she have small eyes? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn`t.

2) 主语为除第三人称单数之外的人称,否定句,在动词前加don`t, 一般疑问句,在句首加do,回答,Yes,人称代词+do./ No, 人称代词+do+not。

They have small eyes. They don`t have small eyes. Do they have small eyes? Yes, they do./ No, they don`t.

21. 选择疑问句:选择疑问句是个一般疑问句+or+与or前同类型的单词,我们不能用Yes/No来回答,


Is he tall or short?----- He is tall.Does she have a pen or a pencil?---- She has a pencil.


1. 名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的用法区别:因为名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的汉语意思是一样的,名词性物主代词可独立使用,后面不要跟名词;形容词性物主代词不可独立使用,后面要跟名词。如:It is my shirt.= It is mine. my为形容词性物主代词,mine为名词性物主代词,your, his,her,our,its,their,my等都属于形容词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词通常置于名词前, 修饰限定名词,作定语;而名词性物主代词(mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs)相当于‖形容词性物主代词+名词‖,当主语,宾语,或表语;―如:

Is this your coat? ==Is this coat yours? 这是你的大衣吗?

2. whose cap is it? 3. It‘s Sally‘s.


5. Whose jacket is this? =

6. Is it your jacket? =

7. a new classmate一个新同学 8. in different clothes 穿不同的衣服

9. find this man 找到这位男子 10. help us find him 帮助我们找到他

11. help s(本文来自:WWw.DXF5.com 东 星 资 源 网:仁爱版英语中考)b (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

Unit 3 Getting Together 核心词汇:

could, tell, sure, call, any, study, problem, speak, live, say, want, visit, often, helpful, classmate, poor,


for short, English corner, pen pal, the Great Wall, not…at all, a little


1. Do you like the English corner?

2. May I study English with you?

3. Do you like pets?


1. - Excuse me. Could you please tell me your name? – Sure. My name is Michael.

2. – May I know your name? – No problem. I‘m…


1. do 和 does 引导的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答; 一般现在时的第三人称单数

Do you have any friends here? Yes, I do. / No, I don‘t.

Does he speak Chinese? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn‘t.

2. 人称代词的运用。

I like it very much.

You can call me Mike for short.

3. 情态动词may与 could的运用。1kejian.com 核心词汇:

yourselves, glad, parent, both, office, worker, driver, farmer, cook, work, farm, hospital, drive, aunt, uncle, grandparent, grandmother, son, daughter


come in, at home, have a seat, on a farm, in a school/a hospital/an office, a photo of, family tree, look after


1. Come in and make yourselves at home.

2. What a nice place!

3. Please have a seat.

4. My grandmother lives with us and looks after Rose at home.


1. – What does your mother do? – She is a teacher.

2. – What do your parents do? – They are both office workers.

3. – What do you do? – I‘m a student.

4. – Where does she work? – She works in a school.



What do/does…do? Where do/does…work? 核心词汇:

food, fish, meat, chicken, rice, vegetable, noodle, hamburger, bread, dumpling,

drinks: drink, tea, milk, water, juice

meals: breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner

others: why, take, wait, something, eat, love, more, full, many


would like, what about, a cup of tea, why not…, wait a moment, something to drink/eat, a bowl of noodles, have dinner with…, help oneself to…, some more…


1. – What would you like to have?

2. – Would you like something to eat/drink?

3. – Would you like to have dinner with me?


1. Help yourselves. / Help yourselves to some fish.

2. May I take your order?

3. Wait a moment, please.

4. Let me see.

5. Why not have some fish and eggs?

6. Good idea.

7. They are very friendly.



Unit 4 Having Fun 核心词汇:

madam, try, buy, thirty, ninety, hundred, pair, store, need, few, thing, salt, kilo, bottle, everything, list


1. I want some clothes for my daughter.

2. Would you like some sugar or bread?

3. I don‘t want any sugar.


1. What can I do for you?

2. Thanks a lot.

3. Not at all.

4. May / Can I help you?

5. How much is it?

6. It‘s only 70 yuan.

7. I‘m just looking.

8. What do you think of this pair of running shoes?

9. I don‘t like them at all.

10. Are you kidding?


1. some, any 的使用。

2. 可数名词与不可数名词。 核心词汇:

free, Sunday, picnic, forget, guitar, swim, plan, kite, message, ask, back, pardon, afraid, wrong, sing, song, fun, fly, carry, next


for a picnic, go swimming, go shopping, speak to, take a message, ask sb. to do sth., tell…about… give me a call, have to, French fries


1. Don‘t forget to bring your guitar.

2. May I speak to Maria?

3. Could you ask him to give me a call?


1. – Hello.

- Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang.

- Are you free this Sunday?

- Yes, What‘s up?

- Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic?

2. May I speak to Maria?

3. Can I take a message?

4. Yes, thanks. Could you ask her to call me back this evening?

5. Sure.

6. Pardon?

7. Steve, how about flying a kite with me?

8. I‘d love to, but I‘m afraid I have no time.

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