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时间:2017-04-15 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版




△girl, boy, dog, home, school, park






So many men, so many minds. Practice makes perfect. 人各有法。 熟能生巧。

Where there is a will, there is a way.


Little by little one goes far. A young idler, an old beggar.

千里之行始于足下。 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 达标检测八:


()1.city many listen again practise

()2.pair tape one have work

()3.instruction underline furniture wonderful

()4.model morning enjoy Chinese palace


go, welcome, turn, market, supermarket, down, left, listen, along,

outside, school,across, through, park, policeman, always, beautiful exhibition, suddenly

单音节: 音节: 三个音节: 个音节: 双四



handbag() fever() children’s day() three years


jim is a austrialia boy.()



()1、Can you often each other? A、Don’t worry.

()2、Here is the menu,sir?B、Sure.

()3、I’m worried about my lesson? C、No,I don’t.

()4、How old are you?D、Thank you.

()5、Do you want to go? E、I’m thirteen.


1、I want to be an(airhostess/teacher).

2、I think you have a (fever/cold).

3、We have a (science/computer) class in the morning.

4、I ’ll give her (some flower/ a watch).

5、The moon is (bigger/smaller)than the sun.


1、I want to drink some (dumplings/carrot juice).

2、 (cake/medicine)are my favorite food. 药

3、She teaches children lessons.She works in a(hospital/school).

4、It was Thanksgiving Day.We had


5、They did some shopping


(fish ball soup/pumpkin yesterday.They went to the



1).Read the text quickly and complete the main idea of the text.

Five forms of English poems:_________________ __________________ _________________ ___________________ ___________________

2). Read the poems quickly and finish the following task. Task ----- tick the correct box(es) for each question.

2. Careful reading:

1) Read the text carefully and choose the right answer.

1. What is the baby’s father going to buy if the mockingbird won’t sing


in Poem A?_____ A. A billy-goat. B. A diamond ring. C. A looking-glass.D. Another mockingbird

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Poem B?_____ A. A fish-pond on fire. B. A cottage in the sky.

C. A girl like a cat.D. A person ten-feet high

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Poem F?_____ A. Child. B. A branch. C. A butterfly.D. A blossom. 4. What kind of feeling is conveyed in Poem G?______ A. Sorrow.B. Love. C. Happiness.D. Loneliness.

5. All the following make small children like nursery rhymes EXCEPT ___. A. strong rhyme B. strong rhythm C. much meaningD. a lot of repetition

6. Which of the following are English speakers interested in copying?_____A. Chinese and Japanese poemsB. Chinese and French poemsC. Japanese and American poemsD. Japanese and Russian poems

2).Listen to the tape & pay attention to the poem rhythm and write down the characteristics of five forms of poems.

(1) ______________________________________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________________________________________ (3) _________________________________________________________________________ (4) _________________________________________________________________________ (5) ________________________________________________________________________ 3).Read the poems one by one and answer the following questions. Poem A: What is the baby’s father going to buy if

Poem C: What sports do you think the speaker is writing about? Did his or her team win the


Poem D & E: What’re Poems D & E about? Does the authors like the subjects?

Poem H: Could you tell us the woman’s story in your own words?

Q: Choose the words to show the woman’s feelings

loneliness joy love trust angerhate sorrow

Q: Why did the author write the poem?

标签:英语 年中 中考 5年中考3年模拟答案网 5年中考3年模拟电子版