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时间:2017-04-25 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版






记叙文格式:1. My great weekend clothes for me. I felt very happy. On Sunday morning, I met my classmates and we played basketball. In the afternoon, I visited my good friend Jim. He helped me with my English. In the evening, I did My weekend was great ,but a little busy. Last Saturday morning, I did my homework and practiced speaking English at home . I watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon. At night, I went to the movies. On Sunday morning , I cleaned my room and went to the beach. .On Sunday afternoon, I visited my friends and went shopping . I had a party last night.书信格式:3. A letter from Jim to Mary

Dear Mary, afternoon, I watched TV with my family for two hours. After supper I did some sports and then I went to English club to practice my English. On Sunday morning, I visited my uncle. In the afternoon, I studied for the history test. In the evening, I played chess with my father. I had fun over the weekend.】 How about your weekend? Write to me soon, OK? Best wishes Jim 日记格式:4. A diary thWednesday, June 10 【In the 7:00, I had breakfast. After that, I went to the movie with my friend Jim. It was an exciting action movie. In the afternoon, I went to the library. There were many people in it, but it was quiet. After supper, I watched sports shows on TV. Then I went to bed at about 9:30.】 日记格式:5. A diary st (注意日记的时间格式,星期—日期) Thursday, August 1 Today I went to the Palace Museum, it was cool. Then I went to the Great Wall , it was fantastic, there were many people there. In the afternoon, I visited Tian’an Men Square. There were many

beautiful .




6. How did I spend my vacation? , we had a delicious seafood (海鲜) at a restaurant. We also went to some stores. They were always crowded and the things were too expensive. 作文类型二:介绍自己有关情况

Dear Kate, Hi! I’m your new pen pal. In Australia, we speak English. I from China. And now he is my neighbor. We like playing the guitar very much. We both want to be pop singers. Please write to me soon. Lily 2.About me I want to be a doctor. I have many rules at home. I can’t go out at night and I have to get up at 6:00 am. I am reading a story book now. it is fun. 3.Dear friend,(书信格式自我介绍) My name is Mary. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers and no sisters in my family. My favorite subject in school is science, because I think it’s very interesting. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? Can you write and tell me about yourself? Yours, Mary4. My pen pal 我的笔友 I have a good pen friend. Let me tell you something about him. His name is Li Hua. His English name is Tony. He is a middle school 1.A letter from Lily

student in No.1 Middle School. He is 13 years old now. His birthday is May 10th . He likes playing basketball and listening to music, His favorite subject is English at school. He often plays basketball with his classmates after school. I like to write to him. He is my good friend.


1. In the park Dave s very Jim and Kevin are playing soccer over there. Kate and Sally are dancing under a tree. Linda is playing the violin behind the tree. Near the tree, Julie is reading a book. Where are Tom and Ken? Oh, they’re swimming at a pool. They swim very well. Brad is listening to the music near the pool. He likes music very much. 2. On the playground Today is Friday. The weather is fine. Our school is having a sports meeting. It’s very exciting, and all the students are busy. Look! Peter is running. Amy is playing volleyball. Tom is playing ping-pong. They are trying their best to win. Lots of students around are cheering them. Some students are taking photos.


Mr. Smith’s family Mr. Smith is a worker. She works in a shop. She is friendly and works hard, too. Their son, David Smith is a middle school student. He is at No. 14 Middle School in Beijing, China. He studies hard. He likes making friends. He likes playing basketball. He is learning Chinese. He can speak a little Chinese. Joy Smith, a 6-year-old girl, is Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s daughter. She likes playing with toys. They all like China. They like Chinese food and the people, too.1、My favorite animal My favorite animal is a cat. I have a cat in my family. Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China. She is two years old now. She likes to eat fish(鱼) every day. She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute. I like playing with it after school。 2、My favorite person is my father. My father is a policeman, he works late every day, he thinks his job is interesting, but I think it’s kind of dangerous. My father is tall and of medium build, he has short straight black hair. He likes going fishing with his friends, he always tells me to help the old. I love my father , he loves me, too.

3.周末一家人的活动 It is Sunday. The home .They are doing . Mrs Smith is helping him . Their son, Bob is talking on the phone . Bob’s sister ,Nancy is sitting near the pool. She is watching the dog swimming. They are having a good time . 4、天气预报的短文 Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy , it’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. will be sunny. 谢谢收听)


5. School rules Here are our class rules. We can’t arrive late for class on weekdays. We have to wear clean clothes every day. We can’t run in the hallways. We have to eat and drink in the dining room, We have to clean our classroom every day. 6、Family rules I am Sally . Every day I am very busy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I have to eat my breakfast at 7:00 o’clock . I can’t meet my friends after school .I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room. Then I have to wash my clothes . Then I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the guitar. I love music. But I can’t listen to music at home .I never have any fun. My life is so boring. What can I do ? 7.你有一家服装商店,名叫国贸服装商店,请给自己写一则广告。 Guomao Clothes Store SALE! Come and buy your clothes at Guomao’s great sale! We have many nice and cheap clothes in the store. We sell sweaters for only ¥25. Do you like socks? We have socks at a very good price – only ¥2. The pants are cheap, too. They’re ¥20. Come and see for yourself at Guomao Clothes Store! 8. 以I want to be、、、、、、为题写下自己的理想 I want to be a doctor Everyone has a beautiful dream. Somebody wants to be a reporter, somebody wants to be a musician, I hope I can become a doctor. I think it’s an interesting job and busy job, I can help many people. If I want to be a doctor, I must study hard and I will do it.













10、 我们明天将出外野餐;全体学生7点15分在学校门口集中,8点出发;请带上食物和饮料。

11、 如果你想身体健康,你必须不能抽烟喝酒;你需要吃多点蔬菜和水果;每天做运动和按时作息很重要。

12、 昨天是母亲节;我早早起了床,帮妈妈打扫卫生、做饭;我买了一些花送给妈妈,妈妈很高兴。

13、 电影院离这里不远;沿着这条路走,在第二个十字路口左转,然后向前直走直到一个交通灯;电影院是你左手边的一栋高大建筑,隔壁有一间银行。

14、 一年有四季,春天阳光明媚,气候温暖;夏天炎热,经常下雨;秋天天气转凉,冬天很冷,在有些地方会下雪。

15、 假如你想应聘成为一名志愿者到山区做老师,介绍自己:本人情况;爱好;志愿。

16、 假如你们班上星期日去公园野餐,请介绍相关情况:天气;环境;同学们的活动。

17、 描述你的好友Tom的生日:上个星期天,Tom过生日;你买了邮票作为礼物,Tom非常喜欢;你们唱歌、跳舞,玩得很开心。

18、 星期天的下午我去看电影,在路上发生了一件事,请谈谈这件事的经过:上周日下午,我去看电影;在路上,我看见一位老爷爷迷了路,我把他领到一个警察那儿求助;尽管我错过了电影开头,我仍非常高兴。

19、 水非常重要,我们的日常生活离不开水;虽然如此,有的人仍然浪费水,他们总是忘记关水龙头;我们应该节约水资源。

20、 在中国,中秋节是个很重要的节日,那一天,人们相聚畅谈,在晚上吃月饼,月饼的种类多种多样;人们总是喜欢在户外欣赏美丽的月色。

21、 上周的星期天我过得很愉快。早上我和杨静去公园骑自行车,晚上我去看了电影。

22、 每个人都有自己喜欢的运动。请根据提示说说自己爱做的运动:我最喜欢打兵乓球;我觉得它很有趣;我最喜欢的球员是王楠;我一个星期打三次兵乓球。

23、 我每天骑自行车上学。因为我家离学校很远。我喜欢骑车,它让我身体强壮。

24、 你想成为某电视台的一名小记者,请根据提示介绍自己:我是一名中学生,会讲中文和英语。我想成为一名记者,我认为我能做到。

25、 我们的学校很大,到处都有花和树木;老师热爱学生,工作勤奋。



1.Dear friend,

My name is Sally.I am from China.I want a pen pal in Australia.I am 14 years old.I have no brothers or sisters in my family.My favorite subject in school is science, because I think it’s very interesting.I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends.How about you? Can you write and tell me about yourself?



2.My favorite animal is a cat.I have a cat in my family.Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China.She is two years old now.She likes to eat fish every day.She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute.I like playing with it after school.

3.Last summer I went to the beach.My vacation was pretty good.I went there by bus and my bus trip was relaxing.The beach was very beautiful.It was sunny, cool and humid.the people were friendly and the food was delicious.I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to go there again.


My home is on Center Street.On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a post office and a library.The post office is between the library and the restaurant.Across from the post office is a pay phone.A bank is next to the pay phone.The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue.A hotel is in front of the supermarket.

5.It is Sunday.The Turners are staying at home.They are doing different kinds of things.Mr Turner is washing his car.Mrs Turener is sitting at the table.She is drinking tea.Bob is talking on the phone.Nancy is sitting near the pool.She is watching the dog swimming.They are having a good time.

6.It’s Sunday morning.My mother and I are going to the park.There are a lot of people in the park.Some children are running.A dog is running after them.Four women are sitting there They are talking.Three old men are standing under a big tree.They are watching the children.Many young people are dancing.Everyone is having a good time.We are having a good time, too.


我叫莎莉。我来自中国。我想在澳大利亚有一位笔友。我今年14岁。在我家里我没有兄弟姐妹。我在学校最喜欢的科目是科学,因为我觉得它很有趣。在周末我喜欢弹钢琴和打篮球。你呢?你会写信来告诉我有关你自己的情况吗? 此致,莎莉





6.这是星期天的早晨.我的母亲和我去公园。有很多很多人在公园里。有些孩子正在跑步。一只狗正在追赶他们。四(本文来自:Www.dXF5.com 东星资源 网:初中英语作文大全25字)名妇女正坐在那里,她们在聊天。三位老人正站在一棵大树下。他们正在看孩子。许多年轻人在跳舞。每个人都过得很愉快。我们也正享受着一段愉快的时光。


Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world.Beijing is cloudy.It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out.It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind in the afternoon.It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot.The day after tomorrow will be sunny.That’s the weather report for today.Thank you for listening.


There are three people in Jim’s family.Mr.Green is his father.He is heavy and he has short straight hair.He wears glasses.He is watching TV.His mother is Mrs.Green.She is of medium height.She has curly hair.She is cleaning the room.Jim is very thin.He is playing with the ball.They are all happy.

9.I am Sally.Every day I am very busy.I have too many rules in my house.I have to get up at six o’clock every morning.I have to eat my breakfast at 7:00 o’clock.I can’t meet my friends after school.I can’t watch TV on school nights.And I have to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock.On weekends, I have to clean my room.Then I have to wash my clothes.Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the guitar.I love music.But I can’t listen to music at home.I never have any fun.My life is so boring.What can I do ?

10.日记 Thursday, August 1st

Today I went to the Palace Museum.It was cool.Then I went to the Great Wall.It was fantastic.There were many people there.In the afternoon, I visited Tian’an Men Square.There were many beautiful flowers.It was really great.I went to a Beijing Hutung.It was really fun.I had a good time there.

11.描写周末的短文 Jenny had a busy weekend.Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking English at home.She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon.At night, she went to the movies.On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach.On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping.She had a party last night.







Here are our class rules.We can’t arrive late for class on weekdays.We have to wear clean clothes every day.We can’t run in the hallways.We have to eat and drink in the dining room.We have to clean our classroom every day.

13.We went to a summer camp today.The weather was great.The mountains were really beautiful.We had great fun singing and dancing there.We had a lot of food and drinks with us.So we had a big lunch.I ate two hamburgers and some orange juice.my friends all enjoyed their lunch very much.It was so nice eating in the open air。I was really tired but I had a good time.


This is my family.There are four people in my family.They are my father, mother, sister and I.We all like to go to the mountains.On weekends, we usually go to the mountains.When it rains, we stay at home, watch TV, read books or play cards.We usually have a good time.I have a happy family.And I love them.


Guomao Clothes Store SALE!

Come and buy your clothes at Guomao’s great sale! We have many nice and cheap clothes in the store.We sell sweaters for only ¥25.Do you like socks? We have socks at a very good price – only ¥2.The pants are cheap,

too.They’re ¥20.

Come and see for yourself at Guomao Clothes Store!

16.Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends.They all love to watch different TV shows.Tom likes sports, so he likes sports shows.Nancy watches comedies and she loves sitcoms.But Lily can’t stand them.She just likes game shows.Jack doesn’t like sitcoms either.He enjoys talk shows.So you know they are all TV shows fans.





在大减价时快来国贸买你的衣服吧!我们店里有许多又好又便宜的衣服。我们出售只有25元的毛衣。你喜欢袜子吗?我们有一个非常好的价格的袜子 - 只卖2元。裤子也很便宜了。他们是20元。快来国贸服装商店为自己看看衣服吧!



It’s Sunday today.I’m going to cook a nice dinner for my family.What will I cook? Well, my mother would like some dumplings, vegetable salad and ice cream.My father would like rice, beef and potato.He wants to drink coffee, too.I would like a small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles.What about my cat? Well, he likes fish and soup.So I’ll cook some for him.


We have a cat at my home.I like her, and I often play with her.In fact, she is my good friend.My backpack is too old, and I don’t like it.I want to have a new one.I have a wallet.My mother bought it for me.I don’t mind it and sometimes I take it.I can’t stand my school uniform, but I have to wear it on weekdays.I have a colorful skirt, and I love it very much.I love all beautiful clothes.

19.假如你叔叔是一名警察。请根据提示词汇写一篇短文,介绍一下你叔叔的情况。要求:条理清楚,语句通顺;不少于60词。提示词:early, late, help students go across, the lost people, find, fight with(打击), thieves, safe(安全的), busy, dangerous.

My uncle is a policeman.He goes to work early and comes back very late every day.Sometimes he helps students go across the streets.Sometimes he helps the lost people find their homes.And at other times, he fights with thieves to keep families and people safe.His job is busy and dangerous, but it’s good for people.My uncle is great.I like him very much.

20.Tom has many rules.He has to get up at 6:30 every morning.He can’t watch TV or play computer games on school nights.He has to do his homework every day.He has to be in bed by ten o’clock.He can’t eat outside.He has to be back home by 6:00 in the afternoon.





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