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时间:2020-11-24 21:03:19 来源:东星资源网

太阳能手机充电器设计中文摘要 摘 要 21世纪,是消费的世纪,人类面临的自然问题和能源问题,逐渐成为人类的最大的消费,如石油煤炭等一些不可再生资源的消耗与浪费,最后会被人类取之殆尽,所以,人类必须寻求新的路径找到新的能源来代替传统的不可再生资源,这时候太阳能等清洁能源的应用随之走进人们的视线。现阶段的技术限制,人们想完美地利用太阳的资源不太现实,太阳光却拥有着无限的价值,只要被合理正确的利用起来,就是众人皆知的太阳能。并且太阳能属于清洁类能源,能够对地球无危害、无污染,是人们最值得利用的新型能源。


关键词 新能源,太阳能,单片机,智能电池 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title Solar cell phone charger design Abstract In the 21st century, the century is consumption, nature and energy problems facing humanity, gradually become human's biggest consumer, coal oil and other non-renewable resources is the last of the earth, and these assets, will be human take out, so, must seek a new path to find new sources of energy for human instead of the traditional non-renewable resources, then the application of the clean energy such as solar energy then walked into the line of sight of people. With the current technological limitations, it's impossible to make the best use of the sun's resources, but the sun's rays can be put to good use, known as solar energy. As a kind of clean energy, solar energy can achieve zero emission and no pollution, and it is a kind of energy that is really worth making ...

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标签: 充电器 太阳能 设计 手机


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