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时间:2020-05-29 21:36:46 来源:东星资源网

 澳门的回归 The Return of Macau

 In December 20,1999,Macau returned to China,with the witness of thousands of people.People waited for this moment for almost 50 years,at the effort of the government,the Portuguesemoved away from Macau,leaving Macau go to her mother—China.It is known thatMacauis part ofChina,even we lost it for about half a century,the government wouldn’t give up taking it back.Finally we did it,the return ofMacaureminds us ofTaiwan,which also is part of our country,today we still haven’t taken it back.Though the process is long to make it return,we are confident that somedayTaiwanwill return to our country. 1999 年 12 月 20 号,在成千上万人的目睹下,澳门回归中国。人们等待这个时刻将近50年,在政府的努力下,葡萄牙撤离澳门,让澳门回到了她的母亲—中国。众所周知,澳门是中国的一部分,即使我们失去了它大概半个世纪,政府不会放弃把它要回来。最后我们成功了,澳门的回归让我们想起了台湾,台湾也是中国的一部分,今天我们还没把台湾收回来。虽然让台湾回归的过程很漫长,但是我们有信心台湾总有一天会回归祖国。

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标签: 澳门回归 Return Macau


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