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时间:2018-11-15 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

课件网权威发布广东版开心小学三年级下册英语课件:Unit 6 Outdoor Fun(3),更多广东版开心小学三年级下册英语课件相关信息请访问课件网。

2017春广东版开心英语三下unit 6《Outdoor Fun》ppt课件3
AB栏配对,从B栏中选出A栏的答案 A B ( )Do you have cups? A. Yes, they are. ( )Does she have glasses? B. Yes, they do. ( )Do they have plates? C. No, we don’t. ( )What’s that? D. No, she doesn’t.

标签:广东版开心小学三年级下册英语课件:Unit 6 Outdoor Fun(3) unit6 outdoor fun 初三英语unit6课件