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时间:2020-07-31 00:06:10 来源:东星资源网

人体免疫系统与健康的关系 姓名:郭瀚泽 学号:201802001068 计算机学院学员一队 摘要:

关键词:免疫系统、人体健康、致病因素 Abstract This article focuses on the relationship between human immunity and health, in order to avoid the panic caused by the lack of scientific guidance, as well as many blind and wrong actions due to the lack of common sense and professional guidance.Introduces in detail the role of the body's immune system principle and mechanism, emphasized on the skin, mucous membrane, and the principle of antiseptic material such as nonspecific immunity and in a timely manner to respond to the invaders and keep the memory of specific immune plays the important role in people's life, and details the specific immune function process as well as important participants.Then sums up the main factors that influence the health life focus: biological infectious, autoimmune factors, genetic factors, physical factors, chemical factors, etc., introduces the principle of their pathogenic, and its structure and function of the associated with the body's immune system or other body functions, use scientific knowledge to introduce and give some advices to deal with related pathogenic factors. Keywords:The immune system, health, pathogenic factors 一、引言:

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标签: 免疫系统 人体 关系 计算机 健康


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