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时间:2020-08-04 14:05:14 来源:东星资源网

国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语(1)》形考网络课网考作业及答案(第五套) 课程总成绩 = 形成性考核×100% ;
形考任务3(30分) 形考任务1 题目1 At the moment, I _________ lots of new friends. 选择一项:
A. 's making B. make C. makes D. 'm making 题目2 _________ you _________ the supporters club's Internet address? 选择一项:
A. Are · knowing B. Do · know C. Does · know D. Can · know 题目3 You ____ have seen her at the station – she was at home with me! 选择一项:
A. mustn't B. couldn't C. may D. should 题目4 He _____ be hungry – he's just had lunch. 选择一项:
A. must B. ought to C. might D. can't 题目5 _____ people prefer reality to the virtual world. 选择一项:
A. Much B. Most C. Not any D. A little 题目6 The best game to buy is _____ Alien Control 3 or Virtual History. 选择一项:
A. either B. none C. some D. any 题目7 I ___ buying her a cookery book for her birthday. 选择一项:
A. expect B. thought about C. might D. manage 题目8 He asked her__________ a degree. 选择一项:
A. did she have B. if she had C. does she have D. if she has 题目9 Critical Age ___ in Japan yet. 选择一项:
A. don't play B. haven't been playing C. aren't playing D. haven't played 题目10 ___ the band ___ at the Rock Garden before? 选择一项:
A. Is · playing B. Does · play C. Has · played D. Has · been playing 题目11 When he crashed the car, he _____ six bottles of beer. 选择一项:
A. had drunk B. drank C. drinks D. was drinking 题目12 When her brother was in prison, she ___ him every month. 选择一项:
A. visited B. had visited C. was visiting D. visits 题目13 Hey girls, ___...

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标签: 作业 电大 英语 豪华版 本科


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