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时间:2020-07-31 07:22:25 来源:东星资源网

艾弗森名言100句   艾弗森名言精选(一):  I do not to respect and fear anyone!   我不用尊重和害怕任何人!   I play every game as if it is my last   我把每一场球赛都当作我的最终一场。

  I'm far from a hater。

You got talent, I love you。


  I do not know what a pure point guard is , I just play the game & do whatever is necessary to win even it means I have to be selfish   我不明白一个控球后卫是怎样的,我只明白要全力争取胜利,就算必须做得'自私'。

  They can not break me 。

The only way to break me is to kill me,And everything that does not kill me makes me stronger   他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强!   No matter what , just do not give up 。Always believe that your dream can e true & just keep working for what you want to achieve   无论如何都不要放下。总要相信你的梦想是能够实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。

  I've learned to play when I'm struggling,I think that's what being a professional and growing up is all about。

You realize you're not going to play well every night。

You keep fighting and something good will happen。


  I always think I could miss 20 shots and believe that the 21st is going in,I just keep fighting。


  It's all about always believing, I've seen the bad side of life and I survived。Now, I plan to enjoy the good side。

And I don't plan to look back。

My past has taught me a lot, and I'm not ashamed of...

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标签: 名言 艾弗森


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