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时间:2020-11-24 14:08:55 来源:东星资源网

Module 1单元检测 一、看图,在空格中填上合适的单词 二、将代表下列图画的字母填入相应的英语前的括号内 ( ) Maomao ( ) Xiaoyong ( ) Ms Smart[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K] ( ) Parrot ( ) a nurse ( ) a farmer ( ) a doctor ( ) a driver ( ) a teacher ( ) a policeman 三、从下列四个词找出一个不同类的单词,将它的序号写在题前括号中 ( ) 1. A. naughty B. bird C. clever D. cute ( ) 2. A. girl B. little C. good D. bad ( ) 3. A. sister B. brother C. friend D. Panpan ( ) 4. A. cool B. Ms Smart C. Parrot D. Xiaoyong[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K] ( ) 5. A. she B. he C. your D. I ( ) 6. A. be B. is C. are D. am ( ) 7. A. this B. that C. when D. these 四、单项选择,选出正确的问句或答句 ( ) 1. She’s reading a book. A. What is she doing? B .What are you doing? C. What does she do? ( )2. Where are you going? A. I’m going to school. B. I’m watching TV. C. I’m cute. ( )3. Are you clever? A. Yes, you are. B. No, I am. C. Yes, we are. ( )4. No, she hasn’t. A. Have she got a new pen? B. Has she got a new pen? C. Have you got a new pen? ( ) 5. W...

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标签: 下册 四年级 单元 英语试题 含答案


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