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时间:2020-11-15 14:03:54 来源:东星资源网

教学内容:Unit one WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL(1) 教学目标和要求:
1、Learn the names. 2、Learn to say 'I am from America/Canada/China.“ 3、Learn to introduce yourself. 教学重点:Learn to say 'I am from America/Canada/China.“ 教学难点:Learn to introduce yourself. 教学用具:word cards/pictures。

Step1: 1、 Look at the picture: WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL 2、 Say out the English in the pictures Step2: Learn the names. 1、 Look at the people. 2、 Learn the names:Amy 3、 Look and say. Step3: Learn to say : WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL I am from America/Canada/China. Step4: Introduce yourself Step5: Summary Step6: homework 板书设计:
Unit 1 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL I am from America/Canada/China. 作业布置:
1、 Revise the names ;

2、 Say 'I am from America/Canada/China.“ 教学后记:
教学内容:Unit one WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL(2) 教学目标和要求:
1、Learn Part A(Let’s talk Let’s learn). 2、Learn the new words 教学重点:Let’s talk Let’s learn 教学难点:The new words and sentences. 教学用具:Tape/word cards/pictures。

Step1: Revision 1、 Revise the names. 2、 I am from America/Canada/China. Step2: Learn the sentences of Part A 1、 Look at the pictures. 2、 Listen to the recording 3、 Look at the sentences and read them after the recording 4、 Read the sentences together 5、 Try to say 'watch out“ to someone.. Step3: Let’s play Step4: Learn the new words of Part A 1、 Learn the new words. 2、 Play a game Listen and do . Step5: Summary Step6: homework 板书设计:
Unit 1 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL Watch out! boy or girl!...

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标签: 英语 英文版 下册 人教 教案


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