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时间:2020-05-29 21:37:19 来源:东星资源网

 帮妈妈煮饭 饭 Help Mom to Cook

 It is very hot and wet today.When my mom did the cooking in the kitchen,I saw her head was sweaty and she was a little bit tired.I told her I could help her to make the dinner and she accepted.But all I could do is washing the food and bringing something to her.After cooking,we were all sweaty.However,my mother and I all felt happy.She said that I have grown up and become her good assistant.I thought I was a good child of my mother. 今天天气又热又湿。妈妈在厨房里做饭的时候,我看到她的额头满是汗水,看上去也有点累了。我告诉她我可以帮她做晚饭,她同意了。但是我能做的只有洗东西和给她递东西。晚饭做好了,我们都汗流浃背。但是,我和妈妈都觉得很开心。她说我已经长大了能够当她的助手了。我觉得我是妈妈的好孩子。

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标签: 煮饭 妈妈 Cook


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