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时间:2020-05-29 21:37:19 来源:东星资源网

 保持健康的方法 法 The Way to Keep Fit

 For the big festival like Chinese New Year,the families will get together and have a big meal.The food like chicken and pork is necessary.It is easy to get fat as eating them for many days.So when people get to work,the first thing they do is to lose weight and keep fit.They often eat more vegetables and less meat,so as to control the fat.Then doing regular exercise is very important.As the saying that the meaning of life lies in moving,exercise helps us to gain strength and keep us full of energy.Some people do the regular exercise and make themselves look young.Their insistence brings them good results. 对于大型节日如春节,家人们会聚在一起吃大餐。像鸡肉和猪肉这样的食物是一定会有的。但是由于吃了很多天,就很容易发胖。所以,当人们开始工作时,他们要做的第一件事就是减肥和保持健康。他们开始经常吃很多蔬菜,少吃肉,以控制脂肪。然后经常去锻炼也是非常重要的,俗话说生命的意义在于运动,运动有助于我们获得力量,使我们充满活力。有些经常运动的人会让自己看起来很年轻,坚持让他们收获了很多。

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标签: 方法 健康 Fit


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