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时间:2020-05-29 21:36:31 来源:东星资源网

 成为一个好的谈话者和聆听者 者 To Be a Good Talker and Listener

 We need to communicate every day,because it happens all the time.It is important to be a good talker,so that other people will understand what we say.At the same time,being a good listener is also of great importance.We need to listen to other people,because mutual understanding is the basis of good communication.My friends and I respect each other and we listen to each other when we are in conversation.The reason why we keep friendship is we have mutual understanding.I learn the good lesson of being a good talker and listener.It will help me be successful someday. 我们每天都要与人进行交流。成为一个好的说话者是很重要得,因为只有这样别人才会理解我们所说的,与此同时,作为一个好的倾听者也是非常重要的。我们也需要倾听他人,因为相互理解是良好沟通的基础。我和我的朋友们都相互尊重,相互倾听对方。我们保持友谊的原因在于我们相互了解。我从中学到了成为一名好的说话者和倾听者的经验,总有一天这些会帮助我成功的。

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标签: 成为一个 谈话 聆听


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