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时间:2017-05-23 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

篇一:你不知道的 关于留学推荐信的那些事

你不知道的 关于留学推荐信的那些事

推荐信作为前往各国留学时,学校审核的必需材料,在你是否被录取的过程中往往占据了十分重要的地位,为了不出岔子,我们在这里为大家带来了由棕榈大道留学带来的有关推荐信的讲座,希望能对各位即将准备留学的同学有所帮助。接下来介绍一下主讲人,他毕业于上海大学应用数学专业,以GPA 3.68、TOFEL 102、GRE 318的成绩拿到了Cornell, NYU, Rice, USC,

Rutgers, Maryland六所学校三个方向的offer。目前纽大金融工程研一在读,并且获得每年$6,000奖学金。


1.学校对推荐信的要求 (01:20—06:00)

1.1推荐信的内容 (01:20—02:20)

1)两到三封推荐信,主要看中你的学术成就和科研能力 2)选择上司或者教授而不是亲戚朋友。

1.2 推荐信上传流程 (02:22—03:53)

1)进入网申页面,填8到9页的个人信息 2)提交之后大部分情况由导师把提交推荐信链接转发给你,会有导师的账号和密码



2. 常见错误举例

2.1推荐信的内容 (06:30—07:30)


2.2 该不该自己写推荐信视情况而定 (07:49—08:52)






a. 用心筛选:列出可以撰写推荐函的人选,然后再一个一个划掉。跳过任何可能对自己有一点负面看法的人。最后留在名单上的二、三位人选不但应该与自己熟识,而且还乐意提携自己拓展生涯。

b. 及早着手:应该让推荐人和自己都有充裕的时间,绝不可在燃眉之急时才匆匆丢给推荐人一大堆表格文件。如果与推荐人已断了音讯好一阵子了,应利用恰当时机再次取得联系〔如寄送年节贺卡等〕--不过暂且还不要提出推荐信一事。正式提出时,应该与对方约好时间,当面说明自己的需要。

c. 准备周详:与推荐人会面时应准备好能让他/她能写出一份漂亮推荐信的资料,记得列举自己希望他/她能在信里提到的事项〔切勿假设对他/她对一切细节都还记得清清楚楚〕。

d. 自行撰写:有些推荐人要求申请人自己动笔。有些申请人则算准考季前去找推荐人,因为在接下来的期间教授们可能忙得无法亲自执笔〔不过这样做还是有风险的〕。申请人若有机会自己撰写,宜避免过度自吹自擂,因如此不但是滥用推荐人信誉,且必然引起审查委员质疑。

e. 紧迫盯人:申请人应充分掌握进度,确定推荐函能配合截止日期。因此,当第一次与推荐人洽谈时,即应确定他/她们清楚推荐函的完稿时间;而日期渐渐接近时则应主动致电,询问他/她们清是否有任何问题,等等。此外,申请人能取得推荐函的日期至少应定在学校截止日一个月前,以防原推荐人没完成的状况下自己必须另觅人选。


一般来说学校有不同的推荐信格式,可能是几个问答题、一个申论题、或能力评量表。校方自然希望申请人的文件格式统一,但对申请人而言,与其请自己的主管或指导教授填写许多份表格,还不如请他们写一份各校可以通用的推荐函来得务实─当然如果他们愿意分别填写每一份推荐表最理想了。若不愿意,则申请人应过滤各校推荐表的问答题目,汇整出一份可以答覆各校的总表,请推荐人就这份汇整表来撰写。 能力评量表

许多学校的推荐信包括「能力评量」,是请推荐人就某些范畴〔如领导能力、道德观等〕给予评分〔「特优」、「最优」(top 1 percent, top 10 percent)….等〕。虽然有些推荐人喜欢自己评选,但也有推荐人会要求申请人自行填写。申请人若自行评分,宜把握此原则:诚实,宽大。如果每一项都是「特优」,必定引起查委员疑心;然而也不宜都给自己「普通(average)」等级,因为审查委员绝不乐见商学院坐满表现平平的学生。若无法给自己「良好」、「优」、「特优」,最好填在「无从判断(unable to judge)」一栏。




此外也宜避免请不认识的名人背书推荐;让远房亲戚找来政治人物或明星朋友写推荐函绝对是弊大于利:首先应考虑:审查委员很可能不知道这号人物是谁?其次,显而易见的,这位「知名人物」是否能判断研读MBA应具有的能力?内容?推荐信内容应该具体而正面,必须引用明确的例证或经历,清楚地表现出对申请人能力的充分了解。用词模糊笼统的推荐信,会让人不禁质疑申请人是否找不到了解自己能力、且愿意执笔的人选。叙述特定的课题、议题、方案或计划,藉这些事由可以看出推荐人对申请人的评价,包括克服难题完成的任务更好。此外同一份推荐函专注于在同一事件,又比蜻蜓点水带过多事件要来得好。 信件及论文范本

Letter from a client

Dear Sir,

I am writing to recommend Andrew Ho for graduate studies in your university. As an Assistant Manager of ______________ Securities Corp., Mr. Ho has worked closely with me. I first met Andrew one and a half years ago in the planning stage of our FAB. OPTO Tech is the No. 1 LED Chip manufacturing firm in the world. In order to meet our future needs and enhance our competitiveness, we had to start the expansion project.

The crucial issue we confronted was how to meet cash flow demands during and after construction. We needed an expert who had a clear understanding of the electronics industry and had the ability to provide various financial tools suitable for our company's needs. After contacting ______________, Mr. Ho developed a detailed proposal, which demonstrated the procedures and cash injection plans we should follow. His proposal, the release of an SPO, addressed our situation perfectly. As the project leader for ______________, he not only had his finger 'on the pulse' of the electronics industry but also showed great ability in management talent in such a tight schedule.

Andrew coordinated his crew, and worked diligently towards the satisfactory completion of the assignment. He led this new venture from its inception to its ultimate conclusion. Andrew demonstrated keen foresight towards the direction of the LED industry development and its derivative use. When the project confronted problems, Andrew led his team in working with our colleagues to find proper solutions and saved much time by minimizing the paperwork involved. To be frank, I think the project worked out beautifully for both OPTO Tech and

______________. OPTO Tech is very satisfied with Mr. Ho's service, and ______________ has gained the opportunity to work with my company in the coming years. He is a diligent supervisor, a competent Assistant Manager and courageous leader. Without Andrew's broad financial and technological background and excellent strategic planning ability, the results would not have happened so quickly and perfectly. The success of this venture has to be credited at least in part to Andrew's work.

Last, but not least, Andrew volunteered to negotiate the cash injection plan with the SEC. He used his considerable people skills and excellent information to convince the SEC officers. Because of his assistance and contribution, the cash injection plan went smoothly.

I am happy to learn that Andrew is applying to your MBA program. I strongly believe that he will perform well. He is an intelligent person who has the ambition and the drive to succeed at anything he undertakes. His rich experience will definitely be an asset to your program. Please accept his application to your program. He is an excellent candidate.

Best Regards,

Letter from a manager

Dear Admissions Officer,

It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Wang Tien-jen to your MBA program in business administration. I worked with Mr. Wang for over six years while he was at _________ and I feel he is an excellent candidate for your program.

Mr. Wang came to us straight from his compulsory military service with no previous work experience in the electronics field. Despite this, his solid background both in electronic engineering and marketing, plus his

remarkable ambition and determination, enabled him to rise to sales and marketing manager within two and a half years of entering the company.

_________, which manufactures semi-conductors, was the first Taiwanese company to list on the NASDAQ and during Mr. Wang's first year as sales manager had revenues of NT$5 billion. By the time he left _________ three and a half years later, he had helped us increase revenues to NT$13 billion. In addition to sales and marketing, Mr. Wang was also responsible for public relations and customer relations. At the time I was in charge of research and development and I worked closely with Mr. Wang to learn about and respond to the needs of our clients. Mr. Wang's deep understanding of both the technical aspect of our industry and the needs of our clients helped me evaluate our R&D effectiveness from the client's perspective. He established procedures and channels of

communication which helped us increase our customer satisfaction rate from 40% to 80% within four years. These procedures and channels are still in use at _________and are very important to our success.

As sales manager, he also took charge of working with SAP and HP to develop our online presence, an effort which took nearly a year of extremely detailed work. Today, thanks to his effort, _________'s online customer service network is considered one of the best in Taiwan's electronics industry and has helped us


further increase efficiency and reduce costs.

When Mr. Wang left _________to go to _________, I tried to convince him to stay, but I respect his decision. Mr. Wang has a very curious mind and needs to be constantly challenged. I feel that he would find that challenge in research and that he is the ideal candidate for your program. I wish him well.


Letter from a professor

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am very pleased to support and recommend Mr. Andrew Ho who was my student for your MBA program.

Mr. Ho took Accounting and Financial Management with me during the academic year 1993-1994. Mr. Ho

demonstrated strong abilities in both quantitative analysis ability and critical thinking. He stood out from his peers as a student who was able to grasp the critical factors of complex financial issues. Academically, he impressed me as one of the hardest working and most promising students in his class. He also graduated with the Presidential Award, given each semester to students ranking in the top 5% of their class.

Moreover, Mr. Ho performed very well in extra-curricular activities. As an outgoing and optimistic young man, Mr. Ho successfully played a competent role as student leader. In the position of Activities Director of the NTU Finance Department Students Association, Mr. Ho formulated excellent and high quality activities that greatly enhanced the students' lives. Being the captain of the NTU finance department menˇs basketball team, he led the team to an inter-collegiate championship. He also shows a talent of expressing his views clearly and convincingly, and has excellent skills in organizing and motivating others, as well as working within a group setting.

I am delighted to learn that Mr. Ho is applying for your MBA program. I firmly believe that he has a clear picture of his future plan and long-term career goals. He is an outstanding person who has the ambition and drive to succeed in any endeavor he undertakes. Without reservation, I strongly recommend Mr. Ho . If you have any questions, or require any additional information, I would urge you to contact me directly.

Sincerely yours,











评估申请人的各方面能力,比如intelligence(聪明)、diligence(勤奋)、innovation(创新)等,并且最重要的是,在你认识的学生当中,此申请人是TOP1%、TOP5%、TOP10%、更低,还是Not Applicable(也就是你没办法评价)?



很明显,如果你是从非学术的角度甚至你拐弯抹角缠上推荐人的,那么,以上几类问题该如何回答?这样的推荐信该怎么写? 尤其是需要给你打等级的时候,他会选择TOP20%还是更低的?









标签:推荐信 亲戚 推荐信找谁写 找老师写推荐信