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时间:2020-11-23 12:06:57 来源:东星资源网

 尼采有一句名言 Nietzsche famously said that 没有音乐

 人生将是一场错误 without music, life would be a mistake. 德国的哲学家总喜欢夸大 German philosophers tend to exaggerate. 但他的确有道理 But he did have a point. 如果没有音乐 I know that without music 我的人生根蒂上 my own life would"ve been 就会留有缺陷 incomplete in some fundamental way. 就像是我没有朊友 Like if I"d had no friends 或者没有记忆一样 or no memories. 有段时间我甚至努力成为一名钢琴家 I even tried to be a pianist for a while 直到我意识到 until I realized just how fragile 钢琴演奏是多么薄如蝉翼 piano playing really is. 尤其是当你在 2000 人面前演奏时 Especially in front of 2,000 people. 最困难的 The most difficult thing 是让你的手指不受干扰 is to leave your fingers alone, 只去演奏

 而不要思考 to just play and not think, 千万别打开这扇思考之门 never open that door, 否则你的演奏持续不了多久 otherwise you won"t be making music for long. 你会陷入这泥潭挣扎不已 You"ll be running for dear life. 妈的 Fuck. 我没事

 I"m fine. 可不可以 Can I have... 所有保安前往正门入口 Security to the front entrance. 亨利 Henry? 亨利 Henry. 只是抽根烟而已 Just having a smoke. 你不抽烟的 You don"t smoke. 你特别紧张吗 You got the heebie-jeebies? 你知道在观众面前演奏 Do you realize how reckless it is 是多么如履薄冰吗 to play in front of an audience? 他们就是为此而来的 It"s why they come, you know. 就像前几天在电视上看到的悬崖跳水者 Like those cliff divers I saw the other day on TV. 人们享受这种表演

 但是 People enjoy the show but real...

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