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时间:2020-11-21 21:04:44 来源:东星资源网

剑桥英语青少版English in mind第二册unit6 重点词语 Unit 6 Have fun! 背诵卷 Page 46 一、基本词汇 1. 幽默的力量 the power of humour 2. 笑声 laughter 3. 对··有益处 be good for 4. 血液循环 blood circulation 5. 免疫系统 immune system 6. 对··感到焦虑/紧张 feel stressed about 7. 功课 school work 8. 多笑 laugh a lot 9. 培养幽默感 develope a sense of humour 10. 滑稽电影 funny films 11. 戏剧救济会 Comic Relief 12. 慈善机构 charity 13. 需要帮助的人 people in need 14. 用欢笑来筹集资金 use laughter to raise money 15. 在每两年的春天 every two years in spring 16. 戴上一个红鼻子 put on a red nose 17. 取笑某人 make fun of sb 18. 做‘愚蠢’的事情以使他们自己和别人开怀大笑 do ‘silly ’ things to make themselves and others laugh 19. 邀请你的朋友们到你家来 invite friends round to your house 20. 坐着最舒服椅子的那些人 those with the most comfortable chairs 21. 举办一个才艺展示 hold a talent show 22. 向学校其余人卖演出的门票 sell tickets for the show to the rest of the school 23. 出售你的红鼻子日展览的门票 sell tickets to your Red Nose Day exhibition 24. 在你家举办一个‘红鼻子派对’ have a ‘red nose party’ at your house 25. 穿一身红过来 come dressed in red 26. 包括红鼻子 including red nose 27. 提供食物和饮料 serve food and drinks 28. 穿红色的衣服 wear red 29. 支付罚款 pay a fine 30. 在超市 at supermarkets 31. 对··作出反应 react to 二、 句子 1. 一些人认为笑对健康没有什么作用。Some people think that laughing has no effect on health. 2. 英格兰每年春天都庆祝红鼻子日。Red Nose Day is celebrated in England every spring. 3. 人们庆祝红鼻子日有四十多年了。People have celebrated Red Nose Day for more than 40 years. 4. 喜剧救济会筹集资金帮助穷人。Comic Relief collects money to help poor people. 5. 笑声如何有助于我们的健康?How does laughter...

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标签: 剑桥 英语 词语 第二册 重点


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