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[傲慢与偏见读后感英文版] 傲慢与偏见读后感50字英文

时间:2019-11-23 07:10:41 来源:东星资源网


  After a terms reading, I finished ten more books, however, what impressed me most is Jane Austen and her two classical books.

  In China maybe we all know LiQingzhao, a great female poet whose poetry are full of the emotions from the bottom of her heart. However, in England the figure maybe is my most admirable authoress Miss Austen who can never have too many respects from the common people just like me. After read her two masterpieces of books Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, I feel so proud of being female to see a world-famous authoress using her independent thoughts, humor words to show us the relationship between the so-called superiors and the lower-class.

  At that time, neither in the east nor in the west, it is not so easy for a woman to become a great figure with literary reputation. In China Li made it, while in England Miss Austen with her unique characteristic also realized her dream after a long struggle with the temporal points. It seems that all in Janes life, she made a decision between sense and sensibility; once there was an old saying Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable. She resolutely chose her true love but not a splendid life or a comfortable home, what a pity she can not marry the one she did not really love even a beloved one, in her short life, she finished six famous books with her heart and soul but never married and stayed single for ever.

  When reading Pride and Prejudice, I wondered why the oldest sister in the Bennet family also was named Jane, is there any possibility Jane Bennet is the soul of Miss Austen; and Miss Austen expected to realize all t...

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《[傲慢与偏见读后感英文版] 傲慢与偏见读后感50字英文.doc》


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