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时间:2021-09-16 09:13:32 来源:东星资源网




  This book describes that the hero came to Kazan with the desire to go to college and his dream was shattered. He had to work hard for survival, live in a compound, sell coolies, and make friends with small citizens and college students. Since then, the slums and docks in Kashan have become his social university. He had nowhere to live, shared a bed board with others, and worked around the dock and grocery store. Later, because of contact with college students, members of secret groups and revolutionaries exiled from Siberia, their thoughts also changed. He read the works of revolutionary democracy and Marxist democracy, and even participated in revolutionary activities. Under the guidance of revolutionaries, he got rid of the spiritual crisis of suicide. Ten years he was thinking; Knowledge; Great progress has been made in social experience.

  After reading this book, I can't help but think of the difficulties I have encountered since high school. Countless pressures once plunged me into anxiety. In des...

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标签: 《我的大学》 英语 读后感


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