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时间:2019-11-23 07:07:01 来源:东星资源网


  Sophie"s World is a novel by Jostein Gaarder, published in 1991. It was originally written in Norwegian, but has been translated into English and many other languages.

  I have to admit that I chose this book because of my curiosity. I have heard that Sophie"s World is a book with many difficulties because its a philosophy book. This book relates to some philosophy knowledge that we have not learnt form our textbooks. I have planned to spend plenty of time to study this book, but because of the limit of time, I can only take several days to finish it during the National Day holiday. So there are still some theories that I cant understand.

  In this book, Sophie Amundsen is a fifteen year old girl living in Norway in 1990. She lives with her cat, her goldfish, a tortoise, two budgerigars and her mother. Her father is a captain of an oil tanker, and is away for most of the year. He does not appear in the book. Sophie"s life is rattled as the book begins, when she receives two anonymous messages in her mailbox (Who are you? Where does the world come from? )。 Shortly afterwards she receives a packet of papers, part of a course in philosophy. With these mysterious communications, Sophie becomes a fifteen-year-old philosopher. Alberto Knox teaches her about the history of philosophy. Sophie learns about philosophy while being lectured by Alberto, dressed as a monk, in an ancient church, and she learns about Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Various philosophical questions and methods of reasoning are put before Sophie, as she attempts to work them out on her own.

  I thought philosophy is an unreasonable study. However, af...

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《苏菲的世界英语读后感 .doc》


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