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【中外合资合作企业设立审批申报材料】 设立中外合资企业的条件

时间:2020-05-23 07:11:33 来源:东星资源网

(一) 合营企业
I. Joint Enterprises

1. The application of establishing joint enterprises (with one original, signed and sealed by each party);

2. The research report on feasibility which is compiled by each party (with three originals, signed and sealed by each party);

3. The contract and the constitution of the joint enterprise which are signed by the authorized representatives of each party (with four originals on each party, signed by the legal representatives or the authorized representatives of each party, with official seals of each party);
4.合营各方的开业证明文件(营业执照或者注册登记证明)(复印件各1份,中方企业法人营业执照加盖企业公章, 外方投资者为自然人的提供其身份证明文件);

4. The business certificates of each party (the Business License or the Registration Certificate) (with one copy on each party, Business License of Juridical Person of Sino Party with official seal; Identification certificate for foreign investors who were natural persons);

5. The name list of the joint enterprise’s Chairman of the board, Vice-chairman of the board and Directors who are delegated by each party (with one original);

6. The Ratification of Name of the Enterprises issued by Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau (with one copy);

7. Pre-endowed Code Notification of National Organizational Code (The first copy);

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标签: 审批 申报材料 中外
《【中外合资合作企业设立审批申报材料】 设立中外合资企业的条件.doc》


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