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时间:2019-11-30 07:10:50 来源:东星资源网

  'Great expectations“ is one of Dicken’s most maturest works. After Dicken had experienced large part of meaningful life, he had a deeper cognition for people, environment, as well as the life which he had gone through. And all the mature cognitions are included in this writing---Great expectations.


  Pip was pought up by his sister who was unpleasant as well as crude and her friendly blacksmith husband”Joe. Joe himself had arranged a common hard but satisfied path for Pip to go through, and on the other hand, Pip beheld this as his highest goal to achieve.


  But the two things which he had experienced later had changed his pursue and his fate as well. Met Abel Magwith(an escaped convict) in the swamp, and unwillingly helped him out of danger by stealing food from his own home. If say that had changed his attitude for material life, then, his introduction to Miss Havisham, an aging woman who had been jilted at the alter and Estella who had been pought up by Havisham only to revenge for her own pain had pought vast shock for his world of spirit.


  Aspiring to be a gentleman despite his humble born, Pip fortunately or unfortunately received a fund of wealth from an unknown source and being sent to London with a lawyer. From then on, he became a gentleman without question at the price of losing everything.


  The title of this book is ‘Great expectations“ which make an impression on us that the character would have great expectations just as the title goes. But in fact this title has a tone of sarcastic on the other way around.


  This story full of quirkiness from the very beginning to the end, the relations among characte...

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