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时间:2021-09-02 13:52:49 来源:东星资源网




  Dear XX

  hello everyone!

  The pace of the Mid Autumn Festival is getting closer and closer, and the light of the full moon is quietly approaching one night after another.

  "I don't know what year it is in the palace." The days in the sky seem to be much slower than those in the world. However, students, don't sigh about the passage of time, and don't waste it. Every day has its value. Hold the time tightly and use every minute to create full time.

  Focus on books, not comics. Because we have grown up.

  Focus on learning, not playing. Because we are no longer young.

  Time wasted, will only make people feel old faster; Substantial learning, people will appreciate the joy of success, time can not help but slow down the pace.

  How many mid autumn moons slip away at night,

  How many full moons will come soon?

  We entered junior high school, we gradually mature, we have our own ideals, such as the bright moon. However, we can dream to our heart's content and how to salvage the beautiful moon.

  "The world is full of joys and sorrows, and the moon is full of ups and downs." Setbacks are inevitable. In the face of failure, we can't be defe...

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标签: 中秋节 演讲稿 英语


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