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时间:2020-05-29 21:37:16 来源:东星资源网

 保护人类的朋友 友 Protect Our Friends

 In foreigners’eyes,most Chinese people eat cats and dogs,because the media always report the negative news about how we mistreat animals.In fact,most young people love animals and they have been educated to be a kind person all the time,so what the media reported is not all true.Still some people kill animals for eating or trading,and they have been condemned by the public strongly.Cats and dogs are our friends,and they deserved to be treated well.The reason that we should protect the animals is that we are protecting ourselves,because if they die out,human lose the balance and will face the disaster. 因为媒体总是报道中国人虐待动物的负面新闻,所以在外国人眼中,大多数中国人都是吃猫肉、狗肉的。事实上,大多数年轻人热爱动物,他们总是被教育要做一个善良的人,所以,媒体报道的做法是不正确的。但是仍然有些人杀动物吃或是拿来买卖,他们也受到了公众的强烈谴责。猫和狗都是我们的朋友,我们应该善待它们。我们应该保护动物的是因为我们也是在保护自己,如果他们灭绝了,人类就会失去平衡,就会将面临灾难。

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标签: 人类 保护 朋友


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