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时间:2017-04-17 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版



爱是阳光,能融化心头的坚冰,爱是清泉,能滋润干涸的心田。但一味无节制的爱,就成了溺爱会把孩子推向成长的(原文来自:wWW.DxF5.com 东 星资源网:关于小学生溺爱的作文)边缘,甚至在成长路上跌得粉身碎骨。






篇三:don't spoil our children 不要溺爱孩子 英语作文


Don't Spoil our Children



2. 我认为该采取什么样的教育方式对待孩子的成长,为什么?


It is children that related to the future of countries. Accordingly parents don’t spoil them.

For example, in Japan, parents tell their children that their motherland is really small and they must be strong when they are young. As for Europe or America, parents tell their children must be independent. When they are 18 years old, they must do some part-time jobs to pay for the tuition and cost of living in the flesh. While in china, parents always spoil their children. He only a child becomes the center or even the “emperor” of the family. In order to provide a bright future for the only child, many parents show too much love to them. They do almost everything for their children to keep from any hardship. What’s more, in too many families not only do children come to take their parents’ generosity for granted, but also the effects of this can actually be somewhat harmful to children. In summary, our country should make their children independent like America.

In my opinion, I think parents should teach their children to bear hardships and tell them the correct way to communicate with others.

Only by a correct pattern of education, can the children be useful in the future. In addition, the key is to be satisfied with gradual improvement, expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any change.

In a word, parents should not spoil their children. If parents make it, both of them and their children can be happier for it.

标签:作文 溺爱 小学生 关于溺爱的作文 漫画溺爱作文