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时间:2020-11-24 21:03:53 来源:东星资源网

气体测量系统设计 中文摘要 现代科技技术水平在日益发展中,一些燃气的使用已经逐步普及起来,在提高了人们生活水准的同时,也导致人类针对生活品质有了一定的追求并且想要改善生活的环境,同时造成了一些风险发生,这之中的CO 的危害是最大的,对于这个现象,进行对燃气的泄露的检验进行研发。这个课题运用的对于气体的报警装置是以单片机为主题,气体的传播感应装置以及对其数据的转换的芯片等装置的连接起来,经过单片机进行运作,并对处理后的数据进行分析,查看其和设定的气体的浓度值是否超过了,如果超过了就能够自动开启报警装置,反之则不会报警。这个系统的运用很简单快捷、检测的准确度高,能够拥有一定程度的市场的价值以及进行研究的意义。

关键词 单机 气体的传感装置 报警装置 PCF8591 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title Gas measurement system design Abstract With the rapid development of economic level and science and technology, liquefied petroleum gas, gas, and natural gas have entered ordinary households. While improving people's living standards, people have paid more and more attention to the improvement of their quality of life and living environment. People have brought certain potential dangers, among which carbon monoxide is the most important source of danger. To solve this problem, a flammable gas detection system is proposed. The design gas alarm adopts STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the main control. The MQ-2 gas sensor is connected with the PCF8591 A/D analog-to-digital conversion chip. The analog signal is converted into a digital signal and transmitted to the single-chip microcomputer. It is processed by the STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer and processed. The data is analyzed to see if it is greater than the set gas concentration value. If it is, it will automatically start the alarm circuit to send an alarm sound, otherwise it will ...

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标签: 气体 测量 设计 系统


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