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时间:2017-04-18 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版



The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?







Nowadays, many people argue that the government should control the amount of violence in films and on television, in order to reduce social crimes. In my view, this assertion is partially wise, and my reasons would be explored as below.

Admittedly, there are many good reasons for controlling the amount of violence in films and on television. First, violent films and television are mental poisons for the audience It is because they contains numerous of erotic, corrupt and provoking episode, with long exposure to which, viewers might become aggressive and eccentric. In addition, violence contents set negative role models for young viewers, especially the youth. Activities like fighting, shooting or killing done by movie stars send teenagers a wrong message that violence is an effective or even essential solution to all troubles. Therefore, these youngsters with immature minds begin to admire violence and disrespect social rules, which leads to the increasing of the juvenile delinquents. According to the analysis above,

it is clear that the measure of limiting violent information on media should be encouraged, for the reason that it can directly cut off the access to those illegal and evil behaviors and thoughts, thus keeping people from imitating them.

Advocates claim that the practice of controlling the amount of violence in mass media is a brazen violation of the people's basic right to know the truth of the world. For example, some films contain some violence, but they reflect the things happened around us. Rather than producing(本文来自:WwW.dXf5.coM 东星 资源网:媒体雅思作文) negative effects on audience, to some extent, these films educate them. Furthermore, violence in films or on television programs cultivates people's senses of crisis and responsibility, which makes ordinary people and police work better for public security. Consequently, it is

irresponsible and foolish to blame the media for violence in our society. As far as I am concern, I strongly believe that the amount of violence in films and TV should be controlled. At the same time, we cannot deny the advantages brought by them. And the best policy is to develop the merits of the violent films and television, while grading and filtering them.




摘要: 今天小编为大家带来了关于雅思写作范文新闻媒体小马过河小编下面为考生们带来一篇雅思写作范文新闻媒体类,希望考生们可以参考一下写作思路,改善自身写作方式,希望能够为考生们带来一些帮助。

小马 过河小编下面为考生们带来一篇 雅思 写作范文新闻媒体类,希望考生们可以参考一下写作思路,改善自身写作方式,希望能够为考生们带来一些帮助。

Essay topic:

News Media is more influential nowadays and some people think it is a negative development. to what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is true that with the advancement of new technology such as internet, wifi etc, it has becoming easier and faster for media to deliver information and news into the public. nevertheless, it has brought a stronger influence than they were before in older days. some people believe that these influence may bring into negative development. To a certain extend, I agree that media could bring negative impact. however, I also believe that media has a good intention in sharing their information. this essay intend to share some of the reasons.

Media has play a vital role in delivering message to people in the mode of magazine, television, radio or internet.

With the easy access of internet, more news channel and other television programme available, getting information has becoming faster and more interesting to the viewer. The advantages people could gain from news media is that, it gives us information on events happening around us and on other country. in addition, receiving different kind of news, it gives us a broader option and hence enhance our critical thinking in making everyday-life decision making. Apart from that, the development of well-known social media network such us 'Facebook', has enable people to share 'Status', photos, events etc on the internet without having to send a print-out photos or invitation to an up-coming event to events that has already occured.

On the other hand, media could also bring a bad influence to the viewer especially to young children. Many television programme nowadays had broadcast channel that project more of social problem such divorce among celebrity, criminal, pornography etc. This type of programme could bring a negative impact on children as children tend to act upon on what they saw. Additionally, media which include advertisement that uses actresses and actor, could influence children to follow and buy certain product although it is not necessary to buy as they want to look similar like their idol.

In conclusion there are convincing arguments both for and against positive and negative development a news media

could bring. Some people believe that media dominantly bring negative impact to the society. In my opinion, media could bring positive development if it is being use wisely and appropriately.

以上就是 小马过河 教育雅思频道为考生们整理的一篇 雅思写作 范文新闻媒体类,考生们可以取其精华,运

用在自己的写作中,考生们可以拿做参考,但实战中最好不要完全照搬, 雅思写作范文 只是为考生们做个示范,实战中写作还是要发挥自身的特色。小马过河教育小编相信经过一段时间的练习,考生们也能写出范文水平的作文。





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摘要: 在雅思写作考试中,媒体类话题是高频话题之一。在2013年5月16日的雅思写作中,就考到了媒体类中广告类话题。

Advertising which can be seen everywhere in daily life influences what people think is important and has negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


一、 广告类

l If a product is good or it meets people's needs, people will buy it. Advertising is no more than a form of

entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

l The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of the advertising but not the real need of the whole society in which they sell. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

l Advertising discourages us from being different individuals and makes us look the same. Do you agree?

l Society would benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purposes and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

l Customers are faced with increasing amounts of advertising due to the competition among companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisement?

l Many parents think advertising only tells information about snacks and toys to children. But companies think advertising also tells useful information. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


ü 广告是消费者与生产商之间的桥梁(bridge the gap between consumers and manufacturers),消费者获取自己想要的产品信息,生产商销售产品获取盈利

ü 广告提供消费者想要的信息----广告的画面感很强、用语简单诙谐可以促进小孩发展想象力以及创造力;消费者可以了解产品外表、功能以及价格,挑选适合自己的产品

ü 广告促进了竞争----商家会不断地完善产品,消费者能买到质量最好、价格最合理的物品


ü 广告夸大产品的功能,掩饰产品的缺点,误导观众做出不正确的购买决定

ü 广告挑起消费者的消费欲望----例如引起小孩购买产品(包括食品以及玩具广告);甚至可能导致过度消费

二、 新闻类

l Today, there are more images of disasters and violence in the media. What are the causes and what are your solutions.

l Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

l We can get knowledge from news. But some people think we should not trust the journalists. And what do you think are the important qualities that a journalist should have?

l Newspapers have an enormous influence on people's opinions and ideas. Do you think it is a positive or a negative situation?

l The news media are increasingly influential today. To what extent do you think this is a positive development?

l What are the advantages and disadvantages of the international media such as international TV, radio and magazines?

l The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?


ü 新闻给人们提供了大量有用的信息。了解最新时事----政治动向、政策变化的报道可以指导个人和公司的发展计划、投资理财

ü 了解与社会生活相关新闻----天气预报、路况信息方便人们日常生活;犯罪类新闻帮助大家提高防范意识;社会弱势群体的社会新闻也唤起公众的同情心,使有困难的人得到社会的帮助


ü 有些新闻来源不靠谱(具有欺骗性和误导性),特别是网络媒体。

ü 由于人人都可以通过twitter之类的社交网站social network来传播信息,因此给谣言rumour的传播提供了可能。

ü 有些新闻媒体只是报道读者想要的新闻,传递的是一些带偏见biased的消息,公众无法客观地从媒体中获

取真相。甚至有些无良记者unscrupulous journalists为了引起轰动sensation,吸引读者的眼球,通过捏造一些假新闻chequebook journalism来吸引读者眼球。


ü 国家可以出台相关的法律法规related laws and regulations should be constituted

ü 媒体应该进行自我审查impose auto-censorship,来规范媒体和记者的行为

ü 公众应当有独立思考能力和批判性思维能力independent thinking and critical thinking ability,来辨别新闻的真假。

三、 对比类

l People think the public library will be replaced by the computer in our homes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

l Some people think reading books is more useful in developing young people's language skills and imagination than surfing the Internet. To what extent do you agree?


ü 培养良好的阅读习惯----需要更大的耐心以及细心

ü 有利于身体健康----不会产生近视、身体姿势不正以及鼠标手

ü 更能培养语言能力以及想象力----不是纯粹被动地接受其他人呈现的画面而是自己创造这个故事


ü 网络信息量更广----对于同一个话题会有各种评论而不是单一的观点

ü 网络更便捷----书本不宜携带,而网络可以通过很多便携的电子设备获得,例如手机

很多考生虽然对于媒体类的话题思路非常明了,但是往往卡在了单词上面,浪费了很多时间在想高分单词以及词组。下面是 小马 过河的老师总结的高频单词以及词组:

侵犯隐私 violate someone’s privacy

丑闻 scandals

无处不在 prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive

媒体炒作(n.) media hype

有误导性的 misleading

诈骗性的 fraudulent

虚假的 false

夸大事实 exaggerate(vt.) things

不客观的,不公正的 unobjective

如实的报道 factual accounts(n.)

可信的 reliable

客观公正的 objective and balanced

信息量大的 informative

有新闻价值的 newsworthy

监督 scrutinize/monitor

揭露 expose/reveal(vt.)

大众传媒mass media


欺骗大众trick the public

渗透,打入(团队、集体等) penetrate(v.)


bring reality to the public 把现实展现在我们的面前

penetrates every corner of our life 渗透到我们生活的每一个角落

educate/ entertain people of all ages 教育/娱乐各年龄段的人

the pernicious effect of the media on 传媒的有害影响

unable to distinguish good from bad 没有辨别是非的能力

rely on powerful communication technologies to spread their messages 依靠强大的通讯技术传播信息

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