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1.在力学理论建立的过程中,有许多伟大的科学家做出了贡献。关于科学家和他们的贡献,下列说法正确的是( )

A.伽利略发现了行星运动的规律 B.卡文迪许通过实验测出了静电力恒量

C.牛顿最早指出力不是维持物体运动的原因 D.笛卡尔对牛顿第一定律的建立做出了贡献

2.如图所示,小车上固定着一硬杆,杆的端点固定着一个质量为m的小球.当小车水平向右加速且加速度逐渐增大时,杆对小球的作用力的变化(用F1至F4表示变化)可能是下图中的(OO’沿杆方向)( )

3.电动势为E、内阻为r的电源与定值电阻R1、R2及滑动变阻器R连接成如图所示的电路,当滑动变阻器的触头由中点a滑向下端b时,下列说法正确的是( ) A.电压表和电流表读数都增大 B.电压表和电流表读数都减小 C.电压表读数增大,电流表读数减小 D.电压表读数减小,电流表读数增大

4.如图所示,M、N是平行板电容器的两个极板,R0为定值电阻,R1、R2为可调电阻,用绝缘细线将质量为m、带正电的小球悬于电容器内部。闭合电键S,小球静止时受到悬线的拉力为F,下列关于F的大小变化的判断正确的是( )

A.保持R2不变,缓慢增大R1时,F将变大 B.保持R1不变,缓慢增大R2时,F将变小

C.保持R1、R2不变,减小平行板MN的间距,F保持不变 D.保持R1、R2不变,减小平行板MN的间距,F将变小

5.如图所示,带电小球在匀强磁场中沿光滑绝缘的圆弧形轨道的内侧来回往复运动,它向左或向右运动通过最低点时( )

A.速度相同 B.加速度相同

C.所受洛伦兹力相同 D.轨道给它的弹力相同

1 2

6.如图所示匀强电场E的区域内,在O点处放置一点电荷+Q,a、b、c、d、 e、f为以O点为球心的球面上的点,aecf平面与电场线平行,bedf平面与电场线垂直,则下列说法中正确的是( ) A.b、d两点的电场强度相同




7.质量为2×10kg,发动机额定功率为80 kW的汽车在平直公路上行驶;若汽车所受阻力大小恒为4×10 N,则下列判断中不正确的有( ) .




B.汽车以加速度2 m/s匀加速启动,启动后第2秒末时发动机实际功率是32 kW

C.汽车以加速度2 m/s做初速度为0的匀加速运动中,达到最大速度过程中摩擦力做功为4×10 J D.若汽车保持额定功率启动,则当汽车速度为5 m/s时,其加速度为6 m/s

8.如图所示,光滑的金属轨道分水平段和圆弧段两部分,O点为圆弧的圆心.两金属轨道之间的宽度为0.5 m,匀强磁场方向竖直向上,大小为0.5 T.质量为0.05 kg、长为0.5 m的金属细杆置于金属轨道上的M点.当在金属细杆内通以大小为2 A的恒定电流时,金属细杆可以在轨道上由静止开始向右运动.已知MN=OP=1 m,则( )

A.金属细杆开始运动的加速度为5 m/s2 B.金属细杆运动到P点时的速度大小为5 m/s C.金属细杆运动到P点时的向心加速度大小10 m/s2





D.金属细杆运动到P点时对每一条轨道的作用力大小为 0.75 N


弹簧,弹簧下端连一个质量为2kg的小球,球被一垂直于斜面的挡板A挡住,此时弹簧没有形变。若挡板A以4m/s2的加速度沿斜面向下匀加速运动,则( )

A.小球向下运动0.1m时速度最大 B.小球向下运动0.1m时与挡板分离



11.如图所示,MN是纸面内的一条直线,其所在空间充满与纸面平行的匀强电场或与纸面垂直的匀强磁场(场区都足够大),现有一个重力不计的带电粒子从MN上的O点以水平初速度v0射入场区,下列判断正确的是( )





12.如图所示,在足够长的斜面上的某一点给某小物体一个沿斜面向上的瞬时初速度v0,已知斜面倾角一定,各处粗糙程度相同,则物体在这斜面上运动的整个过程中,以下说法正确的是( )A.物体的动能一定先减小后增大


C.如果某段时间内摩擦力对物体做的功与物体动能的改变量相同,则此后物体动能将不断增大 D.如果某段时间内摩擦力对物体做功为W,在此后的相同时间段内,摩擦力对物体做功可能还为W


13.(8分)(1)一种游标卡尺,它的游标尺有50个等分度,总长度为49 mm。现用它测量某工件宽度,

示数如图甲所示,其读数为cm。 乙图中螺旋测微器读数为 mm。





②小球初速度的测量值为 m/s。(g=9.8m/s2保留三位有效数字)



A.待测水果电池E B.电流表G(量程10mA,内阻约40Ω) C.电阻箱R(0~999.9Ω) D.开关S及导线

(1) 因为电流表G内阻的准确值未知,所以他用如图甲所示的电路测量其内阻rG。已知图中电流表A的内

阻为rA。在某次测量中,读出电流表A、电流表G的读数分别为IA、IG,则内阻rG =。 (2) 若电流表G内阻的测量值rG = 40.0Ω。现采用图乙所示的电路测量水果电池的电动势E和内阻r。 根



–R图象如图丙所示,则图线斜率表示的物理意义是 。根据图象求出该电I

池的电动势E = V、内阻r = Ω。(结果保留整数)




(2)若汽车立即做匀减速直线运动,恰好能紧靠停车线停下的条件是什么? 16.(10分)如图所示,在场强为E的竖直向下匀强电场中有一块水平放置的足够大的接地金属板,在金属板的正上方高为h


释放质量为m、电量为q、初速度为v0的带电粒子,粒子最后落在金属板上,不计粒子重力.试求: (1)粒子打在板上时的动能;


17.(12分)如图所示,为一传送装置,其中AB段粗糙,AB段长为L=0.2 m,动摩擦因数μ=0.6,BC、DEN段均可视为光滑,且BC的始、末端均水平,具有h=0.1 m的高度差,DEN是半径为r=0.4 m的半圆形轨道,其直径DN沿竖直方向,C位于DN竖直线上,CD间的距离恰能让小球自由通过.在左端竖直墙上固定一轻质弹簧,现有一可视为质点的小球,小球质量m=0.2 kg,压缩轻质弹簧至A点后由静止释放(小球和弹簧不粘连),小球刚好能沿DEN轨道滑下.(g=10m/s)求: (1)小球到达N点时的速度;







You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below:

Reading passage 1 has eight sections A-H.

Choose the correct heading for A-G from the list of headings below.














1. Section A

2. Section B

3. Section C

4. Section D

5. Section E

6. Section F

7. Section G

Example Section H viii Research on earphones harm Beyond comfortable of hearing The maximum noise level of the 'Walkman' Harmful noise pollution Noise everywhere Reasons for harm The maximum safe noise dosage The curse of silence A cure for 'tinnitus' Alarming statistical evidence A chronic hearing loss impairment The danger of falling asleep

A It is by old saying that the virtue of silence by claiming it is golden, yet experience tells us that silence is as hard to come by as the precious metal itself. The benefit of silence to the human ear is scientifically demonstrable. Less superfluous noise; less impairment to the hearing. Yet this precious commodity is no longer valued. Noise is ever present in modern life and is an accumulative experience. The ill effects of noise pollution are of two kinds: acute -- exposure to an individual instance of a very loud noise, such as a gunshot or explosion; and chronic -- the experience of too much noise over an extended period of time.

B City and urban dwellers exist in an increasingly noise-ridden environment, and it is now almost impossible to escape exposure to high noise levels. Even if we exclude the more obvious sources of noise pollution such as jet plane engines, road works, power tools, loud music at dance parties and so on, it is clear that noise is a constant and often unwelcome companion. We have only to walk through a suburban shopping mall or department store, or catch a bus or train to be subjected to noise levels that a few decades ago would have been considered beyond human endurance. The popular practice of 'layering' sound, by adding a louder source of noise to that which already exists in order to mask it, merely compounds the problem. Because of the accumulative nature of noise abuse, constant noise is worse than noisy periods interspersed with silence.

C Our noise level acceptance threshold is rising in step with the number of persons developing hearing problems. Data available from a recent survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that 7.4% of people over 14 years of age have some discernible hearing problem. According to the survey, 24.6% of the 7.4% of persons with affected hearing have problems caused by subjection to a constant barrage of noise, either at work, in the everyday living environment, or as the result of a particular choice of leisure activity. The problem is most severe for males aged between 25 and 64 years of age, 9.1%of whom have a hearing disability, and for which the cause is constant noise in 44.4% of cases.

D Of current concern to acoustical engineers and psychologists at the National Acoustics Laboratories in Sydney, Australia, is the potential for damage to the eardrum caused by the transmission of loud sound through earphones placed directly into the ear canal. An almost universal fad among young people, the pocket-sized radio-cassette player (commonly known by the brand name 'Walkman') may be exposing its owner to greater than the maximum safe dosage of noise recommended for industrial workers - 90 decibels* over a period of 8 hours. This dosage, called Dose 1, can be achieved much sooner by exposing the ear to only slightly more than 90 decibels. Increases to the decibel level logarithmically shorten the exposure time required to reach a given dose. For instance, to achieve Dose 1 in 4 hours, it is necessary to raise the decibel exposure level by a mere 3 decibels.

E One danger posed to young ears is that the peak sound level from these radio-cassette players is often far too great; at high volume it is all too easy to receive Dose 1 in a short period of time. Any further noise heard above 90 decibels that day and the recipient is causing measurable damage to his or her ears. Another danger is the likelihood of a change in the pain threshold of noise resulting in users compensating by increasing the volume to levels way above what is considered safe. Finally, insertable earphones block the ear canal, thereby further increasing the noise level absorbed.

F But perhaps the most alarming potential for danger caused by insertable earphones is the ease with which the listener can exceed the safe time length of exposure to noise. The small earphones can be comfortably worn for extended periods of time. What is more, there is the danger of falling asleep with the earphones inserted, leading to an accumulation of excess noise while unconscious. G Noise abuse soon leads to varying degrees of hearing loss. What may begin as an acute temporary condition, in time becomes a chronic and irreversible disability. A common complaint

is 'tinnitus', or a 'ringing in the ears' which fails to subside after the ears are subjected to a short but extreme dose of noise. It is an exhausting condition that can seriously threaten the composure of the sufferer who can be driven to near madness. It is believed the composer Beethoven was particularly aggravated by this malady. At present, there is little that can be done in the majority of cases, although the victim might be able to obtain some temporary relief by using am asking device which blocks out the offending frequencies of sound with other, less annoying frequencies. H Inevitably, though, years of excessive noise accumulation take their toll and partial or complete deafness results. If silence is the cure for ailing ears (or, at least, the best way to prevent further deterioration of one's hearing), it is sobering to realise that it is also the unfortunate and permanent curse of a lifetime of noise abuse caused by ignoring the warnings.

Questions 8-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in reading passage 1?


8. It is not easy to achieve silence as usual in the past. Not given

9. Gunshot or explosion will be bracketed with long-time noise experience in one category of noise pollution. False

10. 'Layering' sound reduces the overall amount of sound by masking it. False

11. Australian Bureau of Statistics surveyed that less than 20 percent people affected hearing have problems caused by constant barrage of noise at work or in the everyday living environment. False

12. To achieve Dose 1 in 4 hours, the ear needs to be exposed to 93 decibels for that period of time. True

13. Beethoven ever believed that his ability to compose music was threatened by his 'tinnitus'. Not given

TRUE FALSENOT GIVEN if the statement agrees with the information if the statement contradicts the information if there is no information on this


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Every year many Cantonese visit Beijing. Some of them travel by air, while others travel by train.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of these two travel modes. Write at least 80 words.


Global IELTS Placement Test




A 测试时间:50分钟(本次考试分为听力,词汇语法,阅读三部分。其中听力测试只能听一遍,并在5分钟内将答案填写在答题卡上)

B 请将答案直接写在答题卡上,禁止在试卷上填写答案,谢谢

I Listening

You are going to listen to a talk about the Student Union. As

you listen, fill in the gaps in the blanks below.

Now, I’d like to tell you a little bit about the Student Union in this college. All ① students automatically belong to the Student Union and have voting and membership rights, which means you can vote in Union meetings and infor the student officers. Part-time students also have access to what the union has to offer. Further details of this are from the Student Union offices.

The Union is ④ to the National Union of Students (NUS), which represents students on a nationwide . Through the Student Union and its parent body students can take advantage of reduced price travel , Endsleigh insurance, the main student insurance company, and a wide range of reductions in goods through the Student Discount Card.

The Social Committee of the Student Union organizes dances and other ⑧ , including the Folk Club, Womb Cinema, and the Third Eye, which caters for a more developedin music, theatre, art and poetry.

The Student Union also finances over twenty clubs and societies for a wide range of . You can get details of these from the Student Union offices.

II Vocabulary & Grammar

Questions 11-35

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 11-35 on your answer sheet.

11. —When shall we meet again?

—Make it____day you like.

It’s all the same to me.

A) one B) any C) another D) some

12. —She can’t help___

the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A) to clean B) cleaning C) cleaned D) being cleaned

13. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Green went to the market____some

bananas and visited his cousin.

A) bought B) buying C) to buy D) buy

14. Is this factory____you visited last Friday﹖

A) which B) where C) the one D) there

15. —Can you come on Monday or Tuesday﹖

—I’m afraid____

day is possible.

A) either B) neither C) some D) any

16. John plays football____if not better than


A) as well B) as well as C) so well D) so well as

17. —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary﹖



A) Yes, you may borrow B) Yes, you could

C) Yes, help yourself D) Yes, go on

18. The machine looked like a large, ___, old-fashioned typewriter.

A) forceful B) clumsy C) intense D) tricky

19. Though she began her ___ by singing in a local pop group, she is a famous Hollywood movie star.

A) employment B) career C) occupation D) profession

20. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to ___ with the local police.

A)inquire B) consult C) register D) resolve

21. Mrs. Morris’s daughter is pretty and ___, and many girls envy her.

A) slender B) light C) faint D) minor

22. Salaries for ___ positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones.

A) legal B) optionalC) voluntary D) temporary

23. It is obvious that this new rule is applicable to everyone without ___.

A) exception B) exclusion C) modification D) substitution

24. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally ___ his point by relating his own experiences.

A) illustrated B) hinted C) cited D) displayed

25. Only those who can ___ to lose their money should make high-risk investments.

A) maintain B) sustain C) endure D) afford

26.She ought to stop work,she has a headache because she ______ too long.

A) has been reading B) had read C) is readingD) read

27. Niagara Falls is a great tourist ______ drawing millions of visitors every


A) attentionB) attraction C) appointment D) arrangement

28. I don’t mind ______ the decision as long as it is not too late.

A) you to delay making B) your delaying making

C) your delaying to makeD) you delay to make

29.The sale usually takes place outside the house,with the audience _____ on benches, chairs or boxes.

A) having seated B) seatingC) seated D) having been seated

30. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______


A) is worn B) wears C) wearingD) are worn

31. Mike’s uncle insists ______ in this hotel.

A) staying not B) not to stayC) that he would not stayD) that he not stay

32.Between 1974 and 1997,the number of overseas visitors expanded _____ 27%.

A) by B) for C) to D) in

33. ______ she realized it was too late to go home.

A) No sooner it grew dark than B) Hardly did it grow dark that

C) Scarcely had it grown dark than D) It was not until dark that

34. ______ in this way,the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.

A) To look atB) Looking at C) Looked at D) To be looked at

35.Some women ______ a good salary in a job instead of staying home

but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.

A) must make B) should have made C) would make D) must have made ,

III Reading

Question 36-42

Read the article, which has eight paragraphs A-H. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-H from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers i-x in boxes 36-42 on your answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an example. There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.

36 Paragraph B

37 Paragraph C ……… 41 Paragraph G ………

38 Paragraph D ……… 42 Paragraph H ………

39 Paragraph E ………

The Darling Pit

A Situated in the Great Barrier Mountains, near the headwaters of the Darling River, is one of Australia’s earliest industrial monuments, the Darling Pit. Darling Pit is mine that started industrial development in Australia, Providing coal to power the factories, help run ships and the railways, make steel and heat homes.

B Begun in 1809 on Paul Darling’s farmstead when resources of coal and iron were found near the

surface, the Darling Pit was rapidly transformed from a simple drift mine into the Word’s biggest, and deepest, coal mine. 94miles of tunnels extending up to 600 feet below ground were all dug by hand. At its height in 1850,over 15,000 men were employed in the pit and it produced over 1.5 million tons of coal annually. It continued as a working mine until 1978 and is now preserved as museum and a monument to the men who worked here

C A glance from the surrounding hillside as you approach the Darling will show you how mining transformed the local scenery as well as the local economy. The Darling Pit retains its 19th century ironworks, pit head machinery, 3,000 terraced houses built to accommodate the workforce, a chapel and 4 pubs. Even the original farmhouse survives. This tight-knit community is now surrounded by slag heaps – the mountains of soil and other waste dug out to get to the coal.

D Mining was a dangerous occupation in the 19th century. Most mines suffered deaths from tunnel collapse and from flooding. Pneumoconiosis, an inflammation of the lungs brought about by prolonged exposure to coal dust, was also a common problem and historical works from the last century refer to the ease of identifying examiners by the ‘Darling cough’. The major problem in the Darling mine, however, was the prevalence of inflammable coal gas in the area, which resulted in the underground explosions of 1854 and 1910. Monuments to the 485 miners who died in these tragedies can be seen in the chapel.

E The Darling Pit is still a real colliery, even though it no longer produces coal. There is still a staff of over 100 who maintain the mine and assist the visitors. The Pit now allows tourists and visitors to undertake guided tours of the works, including a tour of selected shafts underground. Many of the guides are ex-miners who will explain the workings of the mine and tell you many stories from their personal experience. Helmets, lamps and protective clothing are provided, although visitors are reminded that it can(本文来自:Www.dXF5.com 东星资源 网:安阳环球雅思) be cold underground and they are advised to wear something warm as well as sensible protective footwear.

F The Darling Pit now has all the amenities needed for a major tourist attraction. Many of the buildings on the surface are open for exploration: the engine house at the pit head, the blacksmith’s shop, the pit head baths and the stables ( remember pit ponies provided much of the power for moving coal before the electric engine became available ). The miners’ pubs now feature as canteens and restaurants, offering a range of fast and high quality food and drink. There are picnic areas, toilets, a gift shop and even a photographic studio. The miners’ chapel is also available for those who would like to spend time in quiet contemplation or prayer.

G It is regretted that children under 5 cannot be taken on tours underground, although they can visit all the surface exhibits. Visitors in wheelchairs can be accommodated, even underground, but please notify the ticket office of this on entry.

H Opening hours are 9.30 am to 5.00 pm daily in summer from the beginning of April to the end of September. During winter opening is from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. The site is open every day including weekends and bank holidays except for Christmas Day. Please note, however, that the underground section of the Pit may be closed for maintenance during the winter and visitors should ring in advance to avoid disappointment. Underground tours start from 10.00 am in the summer and 11.00 am in winter and last admissions are at 3.30 pm throughout the year. A complete tour will take at least 3 hours and could last all day. Group rates are available, as are concessions for school parties and OAPs. There is a free car park.

标签:雅思 安阳 环球 环球雅思招聘河南安阳 环球雅思骗局