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小学英语优秀教案《Let’s make a fruit salad》

时间:2020-05-07 10:17:03 来源:东星资源网

  小学英语优秀教案《Let’s make a fruit salad》

  Teaching aims:

  Knowledge aim:Students can read and recognize the words such as banana, grape, mango and understand the meaning of sentences “do you have...?” and the answer “Yes, I do.” “No, I don’t.”.Ability aim:Through the activities and games, students ability of speaking and listening can be improved.Emotional aims:Students can cooperate with others when they work in groups and finish the tasks.Students can know fruits are good for their health.

  Teaching key point and difficult point:

  Key point:Students can master the pronunciation and the meaning of the new words and can master the usage of the sentence.Difficult Point:Students can have a basic understanding about the usage of “some” and “any”.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Lead-inGreet students and ask students to sing a song together named “PPAP”.(Justification: this song is very funny and can create an interesting atmosphere in class. It also conclude the words such as apple, pineapple. Students will have a basic understanding of today’s topic.)

  Step 2 Pre-listeningDo a survey among students about their favorite fruits and use the real fruits and free talk to...

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标签: 小学英语 优秀教案 Let’s make a fruit salad
《小学英语优秀教案《Let’s make a fruit salad》.doc》


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