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bailiedu.com 怎样利用蓝宝书解决GRE词汇难题 孤独地背单词很痛苦,怎么办?迅速进入到做题状态。因为作题是思考的过程,在思考(大脑很兴奋)的状态下再词汇效率比孤立地死记硬背要好很多。如何迅速入门,我推荐蓝宝。然后在进入做题状态后的中后期用红宝甚至韦氏等工具扩大词汇量。因为蓝宝的核心词汇有3600个,红宝是7500个。入门既然要迅速,那么背这3600词显然是最划算的。







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List 1abandon-----align

abdomen[????????] n. 腹,下腹(stomach and bowels)


accolade [????????] n. 推崇备至,赞扬(an expression of praise)vt. 赞扬,赞誉

(类)accolade·praise=blandishment·cajole 赞美的言辞用来赞扬=哄骗的话语用来哄骗

(反)accolade ◆ cutting remark / speak ill/ derogate称赞 ◆ 苛评/ 挑毛病/ 贬损

accolade ◆ criticism/ excoriate /disapprobation 赞扬 ◆ 批评/ 严厉的责难/ 不赞成

accolade ◆ reprobate/ reproof /denigration极力赞扬 ◆ 斥责/ 谴责/ 毁誉 accolade ◆ swearword / denunciation / castigation极力赞扬 ◆ 咒骂/ 谴责/ 斥责

(记)cola 联想可乐,可乐产品在全球得到赞誉

(例)The play received accolades from the press. 这部戏受到报纸的称赞。

abominate [ ???????????] v. 憎恶(to hate or loathe intensely)

(反)abominate ◆ esteem憎恶 ◆ 尊敬

(同)abhor, detest, execrate, loathe

(记)ab+omin(=词根:omen 预兆)→不好的兆头→憎恶;参考:ominous:预兆的,恶兆的


(2)abominate a+报名+ate→“憎恶”GRE的报名和不让吃东西

alcove[ ??????? ] n. 凹室, 壁橱(niche,recess)

(记)cove=cave 洞“凹室黑洞洞”

agog[?????] adj 热切渴望的;极度兴奋的(eager)

(类)interested·agog=careful·meticulous 感兴趣的·热切的=仔细的·小心翼翼的(程度)

(记)agog “我高歌”

albino[?????????] n. 白化病 (an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation)


(记)albino 谐音“俺病喏”

amortize[?????????] v. 分期付款(To liquidate (a debt, such as a mortgage) by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund)


amputate[ ????????????] vt.截肢(to cut off (a part of the body), especially by surgery)


amuse [ ????????] vt. 娱乐,使发笑,使愉快(to cause to laugh or smile by giving pleasure)

(例)The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games.



animosity [ ????????????] n.仇恨, 憎恶(bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred)

(记)ani+mosity “爱你most” →爱之深恨之切啊

ankle[ ??????] n. 踝,脚脖子

(区)uncle [ ????? ] 伯父

array[ ??????] n. 排列, 编队 vt.部署


bromide [?????????] n.陈腐的意见(a commonplace or hackneyed statement or notion)



(反)bromide ◆ unhackneyed 陈腐的 ◆ 新奇的

(同)commonplace, banality, platitude, tag


cantata [ ????????? ] n.清唱剧, 大合唱

(记)cantata can+ta+ta←节奏声

canvass [???????] v. 细查;民意调查(to conduct a survey of (public opinion))

(类)pollster·canvass=exponent·advocate 民意测验者·民意调查=倡导者·提倡(正面特征)

(记)canvass 可挖大s和小s(很红的台湾艺人啊)

cautionary[??????????] adj. 劝人谨慎的;警戒的

(例)cautionary advice. 忠告


caveat[???????] n.警告; 告诫(a warning enjoining one from certain acts)

(类)overture/preamble·introductory=caveat·warning/ cautionary


(同)warning, caution, forewarning, monition

(记)caveat cave+at → at cave外有告诫

charade [???????] n. 看手势猜字谜游戏;装模作样


charade·dissimulate=void·emptiness 装模作样·假装=空洞·空(同义) (记)charade 夏利

chastise[ ????????? ] v. 严责,惩戒(to punish, as by beating)


(记2)chastise “掐死太子”

confound[?????????] v. 混淆(to fail to discern differences between)

(反)confound ◆ discriminate between混淆 ◆ 区分

(例)confound fiction and fact. 把事实与假设混为一谈


conspiracy [???????????] n. 共谋, 阴谋(treacherous plot)





(同)plot, cabal, intrigue, machination, scheme

crest [?????] n.鸡冠,顶部,顶峰(the highest or culminating point; the peak)


(同)apex, crown, peak,summit, vertex, acme, apogee, climax, culmination, pinnacle (记)到了山顶“可rest”

cult [ ?????] n. 狂热崇拜;秘密团体

(例)a cult figure崇拜偶像;cult films 风靡一时的电影


heinous [???????] adj.可憎的,十恶不赦的(hatefully or shockingly


(反)heinous ◆ commendable/laudable/admirable 可憎的 ◆ 值得赞美的 (记)hei谐音“黑”+nous →心肠够黑,十恶不赦的

(同)atrocious, desperate, monstrous, shocking

respire[????????] v.呼吸(breathe; specifically:to inhale and exhale air successively)


stomach·digestion=lung ·respiration 胃·消化=肺·呼吸


(记)spire (呼吸)参考:spiracle 通气孔

morality [ ?????????? ] n.死亡率(Death rate)

(类)population·morality=membership·absenteeism 人口·死亡率=成员·缺席率


torrid [??????] adj. 酷热的(giving off intense heat·scorching)

(反)torrid ◆ arctic酷热的 ◆ 极寒的

torridness ◆ frigidity酷热 ◆ 寒冷

torrid ◆ icy酷热的 ◆ 冰冷的


(同)scalding, scorching, sizzling, sweltering

dissipate [?????????] vt. 驱散(dispel);浪费(squander);放纵(to be dissolute)



(反)dissipate ◆ accumulate/ gather/amass驱散 ◆ 积累/积聚/积聚

dissipate ◆ pile up 驱散 ◆ 积聚



strait [??????] n. 海峡;(pl) 困境,窘迫

(类)isthmus·land=strait·water地峡·陆地=海峡·海水(连接关系) (记)海峡两岸的关系面临困境。

churlish[????????] adj. 粗野的 (lack of civility or graciousness;boorish; rude)


churl·affront=instigator·foment 粗野的人·冒犯=煽动者·促进(容易关系)


(反)complaisance ◆ churlishness 彬彬有礼的 ◆ 粗野的

genteel ◆ churlish文雅的 ◆ 粗野的

(同)surly, clownish, coarse, loutish, uncultured, unpolished

correlative [??????????] adj.相关的,关联的(reciprocally related)

(反)correlative ◆ uelated 相关的 ◆ 无关的

参考:correlaten.相关的(人)物 adj.关连的 vt.使相互关联vi.和...相关

drawl [?????] v. 懒洋洋地说,慢慢地说(to utter in a slow lengthened tone)


drawl:slow=deaden:impassive (干扰:whine:monotony 哭诉·单调)


(记)draw拉 拉着长音说话→懒洋洋地说,慢慢地说

ecstasy [????????] n.v.狂喜(a state of being overwhelming emotion)


tired·exhausted=pleased·ecstatic 疲劳的·疲惫的 = 高兴的·狂喜的(程度) (反)ecstasy ◆ self-control / reserved狂喜 ◆ 自制

(同)rapture, exultant, exhilaration


espouse [???????] vt.支持;拥护(adopt; support)参加婚礼,结婚(to take in marriage;marry)

(类)espouse·marriage=lurk·concealment 结婚·婚姻=潜伏·隐藏(动名同义) 根据9月机经这个搭配是错误的:删掉 参考下边的lurk (反)espouse ◆ abjure/repudiate 拥护 ◆ 誓绝/拒绝

(记)spouse 配偶

lurk[????] vi. 潜藏,潜伏(to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose)


(干扰:purloin·appropriate 偷窃·盗用)

lurk·concealment= =purloin·appropriation潜伏·潜藏=偷窃·盗用(同义) (干扰:espouse·marriage=嫁娶·结婚 同义关系)

(同)sneak, creep, gumshoe, pussyfoot, skulk, slide, slink, slip

filth [????] n.污秽, 污物(foul or dirty matter), 猥亵

(类)sanitation·filth=order·chaos 卫生·污秽=有序·混乱

gauche [????] adj.笨拙的;粗鲁无礼的;缺乏社交经验的(lacking social polish; tactless)


gauche·refined= indecorous·proper 笨拙的·优雅的=不得体的·适当的 (反)gaucheness ◆ polish缺乏社交经验 ◆ 有修养

interim[????????] n. 中间时期,过渡时期,暂定(an intervening time)adj. 暂时的

(类)respite·labor=interim·concert {mediate·confliction}间歇·劳动=中间间隔·音乐会

(反)interim ◆ permanent暂时的 ◆ 永恒

interim ◆ continuous 间歇的,过渡的 ◆ 连续的

(同)forbid, enjoin, inhibit, prohibit

plaudit[????????] n.喝采 (enthusiastic expression of praise or approval )

(反)plaudit ◆ disapprobation 喝采 ◆ 非难

quartet [????????] n. 四重奏(a musical composition for four instruments or voices);四重唱

(类)quartet·singer=triptych·panel 四重唱·歌手=三张相连的版画·版画(组成关系)


retrogress[???????????] v. 后退,退步,倒退(to move backward:revert)

(反)retrogression ◆ forward movement 后退 ◆ 前进



List 1abandon-----align

abandon[????????] vt. 放弃(to give up without intent to return)n. 放任,放纵

(类)abandon·inhibition=voluble·terseness 放纵·压抑=罗嗦的·简洁(反义)

abandon·inhibition=conscious·numbness 放任·压抑=有意识的·麻木(反义) abandon·inhibition=tranquility·agitation放纵·压抑=冷静·激动(反义)

abandon·inhibition=despair·hope 放纵·压抑=绝望·希望(反义)

(反)salvage ◆ abandon救助 ◆ 放弃(to withdraw one's support or help from) (例)He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。

abase [??????] v. 贬低降低地位、威望或尊严(to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem)

(类)abase·prestige=damp·ardor降低·声望=抑制·热情 (动作及其相关对象)

abase·status=shorten·length降低·地位=缩短·长度 (动作及其相关对象)

curtail·duration=abase·strength缩减·持续时间=降低·力量 (动作及其相关对象) (记)a+base(降低)→贬低(同)bemean, degrade, demean, humiliate

(例)A man who betrays a friend abases himself. 叛友者实为自贬身份。

abash [?????] vt. 使不安,使愧疚(to destroy the self-possession沉着 or self-confidence of)



【注:unabashed:not abashed 意思是不知羞耻的。同undisguised, unapologetic, brazen, shameless, barefaced, blatant, brassy, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unblushing】 (反)embolden ◆ abash/ faze使大胆 ◆ 使不安/ 使狼狈

(同)confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, faze


abate [??????] v. 减轻,减低(to reduce in degree or intensity)



abate·intensity=taper·width减轻·强度=逐渐变细·宽(动作与其相关对象) abate·degree=discount·price减轻·程度=减价·价格(动作与其相关对象)

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(反)intensify 强化 promote促进 augment 增加 increase in intensity 剧烈增长 (例)the storm abated slowly 暴风雨逐渐减弱。

(同)lull, moderate, relent, slacken, subside, wane

(记)ab(否定)+ ate(吃)联想:不吃是为了减轻体重。

abbreviate [???????????] v. 缩写,缩短,(to make briefer)







(反)extend 扩增protract 延长 (同)abridge, curtail, cut,retrench, slash

(例)to abbreviate the December to Dec把December 简写为 Dec

abdicate [?????????] v. 让位,放弃(to relinquish formally)

(类)abdicate·throne=recant·belief让位·王位=放弃信仰·信仰(动作及其相关对象) (反)abdicate ◆ constitute让位 ◆ 任命

abdicate ◆ assume放弃 ◆ 采纳

abdicate ◆ usurp让位 ◆ 篡位

(记)ab+dic(说话,命令)+ate 联想:不再命令→退位

(同)discard, shed,slough, renounce, resign

abdomen[????????] n. 腹,下腹(stomach and bowels)

aberrant [????????] adj. 异常的,非常规的(deviating from the usual or natural type)


(反)aberrant ◆ normal异常的 ◆ 正常的


(同)anomalous, atypical, deviant

(例)a rocket on an aber


rant course 逸出轨道的火箭

abet [?????] v. 帮助、支持、怂恿(to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose)


abet·encouragement=elucidate·clarity协助·鼓励=阐明·清晰(行为及其结果) (反)stymie;frustrate;obstruct;thwart;impede;forestall(阻挠)


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(例)abetted the thief in robbing the bank. 怂恿盗贼抢劫银行

abeyance [????????] n. 中止,暂停,搁置(temporary inactivity)

(反)abeyance ◆ continuance暂停 ◆ 继续

abeyance ◆ fulfillment中止 ◆ 施行

(同)doldrums,latency, quiescence, suspension

(记)abey=obey 遵守。联想:遵守停火(暂停)协议。

(例)The law go into abeyance. 这项法律停止生效。

abhor [??????] vt. 憎恶,痛恨(to regard with extreme repugnance)

(类)abhorrence·dislike=adoration·fondness 厌恶·不喜欢=崇拜·爱(程度) (反)abhor ◆ greatly admire痛恨 ◆ 非常崇拜

(记)ab+hor(恨,怕) 参考:horrible 可怕的

(同)detest, execrate, loathe, contemn, disdain

abiding[????????] adj. 永久的,持久的(to remain stable or fixed in a state)


(同)enduring, firm, steadfast, steady

(记)来自abide容忍 联想:能忍的人能够持久地做一件事

(例)an abiding love of music. 对音乐持久的爱好an abiding friendship 永恒的友谊

abject[????????] adj. 卑微的;精神不振的(cast down in spirit)

(反)exultant(得意洋洋的) spirited(生气勃勃地) exciting(兴奋的)

(记)ab+ject(抛扔)→抛掉的→可怜的,精神不振的 参考:reject拒绝,丢弃;project投射 (例)He was made abject by suffering他被痛苦折磨得无精打采。

abjure[???????] v. 发誓放弃(renounce upon oath)

(反)affirm 肯定espouse支持embrace支持(干扰:insist)

(记)ab+jure(发誓)→发誓不要 参考:jury 陪审团perjury 伪证adjure恳请 conjure 恳求 (例)He abjured the errors of his former faith他发誓放弃以前信念的错误。

ablution n. 洗澡;洗礼(a washing of the body, especially as part of a religious rite)

(记)词根:lut(洗)参考:dilute 稀释;另类记忆:参看pollution 联想:被污染所以要洗干净。

abnegation[??????????] v. 放弃,自我牺牲(renunciation;self-sacrifice)

(反)abnegate ◆ reaffirm放弃 ◆ 重新肯定

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(记)neg(反对,否认)→放弃; 参考:negative(消极的)renege(背信,否认) abolition[????????] n. 废除,废除奴隶制



(反)abolition ◆ persist in slavery废除奴隶制 ◆ 坚持奴隶制

(记)参考:abolish(废除)abolish ◆ establish 废除 ◆ 建立

abominate [ ???????????] v. 憎恶(to hate or loathe intensely)

(反)abominate ◆ esteem憎恶 ◆ 尊敬

(同)abhor, detest, execrate, loathe

(记)ab+omin(=词根:omen 预兆)→不好的兆头→憎恶;参考:ominous:预兆的,恶兆的


aboriginal [ ????????????l ] adj.土著的, 原来的n.土著居民


abortive [????????] adj. 早产的, 流产的, 失败的(failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless)

(例)We had to abandon our abortive attempts. 我们不得不放弃我们失败的尝试。 (记)Abort,Retry,Fail?异常中断,重试,失败?计算机上经常出现的提示

abound[???????] vi. 多, 大量存在, 富于, 充满(to be great in number or amount) aboveboard adj. 无欺诈的(free from all traces of deceit)adv. 光明磊落地(forthright,straight)

(反)surreptitious ◆ barefaced/ aboveboard暗中的 ◆ 公然的/ 无欺诈的

chicanery ◆ aboveboard action欺诈 ◆ 光明磊落

abreast [ ??????? ] adv 并排地,齐头并进的,比肩的(up to a particular standard or level)

(例)keeps abreast of the latest trends 与最新的潮流齐头并进。

(记)a+breast 胸

abridge [???????] v. 删减,缩短,压缩(to reduce the length of a written text;condense)

(反)condensed ◆ unabridged 浓缩的 ◆ 未压缩的

(反)amplify(扩大) extend in length;protract(延长)


(例)The rights of citizens must not be abridged. 公民权利不能擅予削减。

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abrogate [??????????] v. 废除(法令等);取消(to abolish by authoritative action)


(记)ab(否定)+rog(问)+ate→不再值得过问→干脆取消;参考:interrogate(审问) (例)This custom was abrogated years ago. 这一惯例多年前业已废除。

abrupt [????????] adj. 突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的(unexpectedly sudden)

(记)rupt折断 参考:rupture 破裂,裂开bankrupt破产corrupt v. 腐败,堕落

abscission [???????] v. 切断

(反)abscission ◆ process of grafting切断 ◆ 嫁接


absolve [???????] v. 赦免;使无罪(to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt)



(反)inculpate 治罪 indict起诉

(记)ab+solve(解决) 联想:问题解决→无罪赦免 参考:solvent(可溶解的) (同)exempt, discharge, dispense, excuse, relieve

(例)They agree to absolve us from our obligation. 他们同意免除我们的责任。

absorb [ ??????? ] vt. 吸收, 吸引;对光线吸收(不反射)

(反)exude流出;dissipate驱散 reflect反射

abstain [????????] v. 主动戒绝,自我抑制 (to refrain from something by one's own choice)

(类)mandatory·comply=forbidden·abstain 强制的·服从=禁止的·戒除(前者要求后者) (记)ab(否定)+ stain(污点) 联想:不要污点→主动戒绝坏毛病

(例)abstain from traditional political rhetoric. 避开不用传统的政治修辞

abstemious [???????????] adj. 有节制的(restraint especially in the consumption of food)


(类)abstemious·indulge=austere·decorate有节制的不放纵=简朴的不修饰(反面特征) 参考:timeworn·novelty=convolution·simplicity 陈旧·新颖=复杂·简单(反义)


(反)abstemious ◆ indulgent节制的 ◆ 放纵的

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