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时间:2017-05-11 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版





1. 2017年元旦早晨,小林在家中发现暖水瓶的瓶盖打开不冒“白气”,小林问自己为什么?他想到可能是暖水瓶不保温,倒了一碗尝尝发现“烫”.又想到可能是因为房间的温度较高,将暖水瓶拿到屋外,看到很多“白气”.就小林“倒了一碗尝尝”属于科学探究哪个环节( )

A.提出问题 B.猜想与假设 C.进行实验与收集证据 D.交流与合作

2. 关于声现象,下列说法中正确的是( )





3. 小李每天坚持用“微信运动”来统计当天行走的步数,如图为


常的步伐及频率,可以估测出( )





4. 在大海上想要获得淡水,可采用如图所示的“充气式太阳能蒸馏



变化是( )



5. 为改变过度依赖激素促进植物生长的种植状态,江南农科所着手研究利用夜间光照促进植物生长的技术.对于绿色植物而言,下列颜色的灯光照明中,效能最低的是( )

A.红光 B.绿光 C.蓝光 D.黄光

6. 炎热的夏天,课桌上一个杯子中有一把金属勺,把热水瓶中的开水(略低于100℃)倒入杯中,一会儿金属勺熔化了.当杯中的水温降为室温(26℃)后,杯中凝固出一金属块.关于这种金属的下列判断正确的是( )


C.该金属凝固点高于100℃ D.该金属凝固点低于100℃

7. 我国古代诗词中有许多描述光现象的精彩诗句,如辛弃疾的“溪边照影行,天在清溪底,天上有行云,人在行云里”.其中“天在清溪底”的现象与图中哪个现象相似?(

A.小孔成像 B.平面镜成像C.分解太阳光D.矫正视力

8. 甲、乙两物体同时同地向东做匀速直线运动,它们的s-t

图像如图所示.由图象可知( )





9. 当物体距离凸透镜8cm时,在透镜另一侧光屏上成一个清晰放大的实像,若保持物体与光屏的位置不变,把凸透镜向光屏方向移动2cm,则在光屏上又成一清晰的缩小的像.则凸透镜的焦距为( )

A.f<2cm B.2cm<f<4cm C.4cm<f<5cm D.5cm<f<8cm

10. 在如图所示的各图像中,用来表示同一种运动规律的图像是( )

A.(1)(2)B.(2)(4) C.(1)(4) D.(2)(3)

11. 如图所示,小明将盛满水的圆柱形透明玻璃杯贴近书本,透过玻璃杯看书上的透过玻璃杯观看书上的鹦鹉图片(圆圈中的鹦鹉图与书本中的鹦鹉图实际大小相等),改变鹦鹉和杯子之间的距离,他所看到的像不可能是( )

12. “蜻蜓点水”是常见的自然现象,蜻蜓点水后在平静的水面上会出现波纹.某同学在研究蜻蜓运动的过程中获得了一张蜻蜓点水的俯视照片,照片反映了蜻蜓连续三次点水后某瞬间的水面波纹.如果蜻蜒飞行的速度恰好与水波的传播速度相等,不考虑蜻蜓每次点水所用的时间,在下列四幅图中,与照片相吻合的是( )


13. 晚上小明家楼上的孩子正在拉小提琴,优美的琴声是由琴弦的产生的,琴声影响了小明的学习,他关上窗户,这是在控制噪声.

14. 小林在家打开冰箱门,发现冷冻室的侧壁上有很多霜,这是由于水蒸气(填物态变化的名称)形成的,在这个过程中水蒸气(填“吸收”或“放出”)热量,当她用湿抹布去擦霜时,抹布却粘在了侧壁上,这是由于发生了(填物态变化名称)现象.

15. 人生活在光的世界里,伴随着“影”的存在.“人影相随”中的“影”是光在空气中形成的.人在水中的“倒影”是指光在水面形成的(选填“虚”、“实”)像.若人蹲下来看水中自己的脸时,水中的像(选填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”);看“电影”中的“影”是光通过放映机发生形成的(选填“虚”、“实”)像.

16. 一些人看不见的光、听不到的声音在生活中有有广泛的应用,如电视机、空调器等家用电器可以用遥控器控制,遥控器使用时发射的是线,声呐



17. 如图是一种天文望远镜的光路图该天文望远镜的目镜是,物


18. 人脸识别门禁一体机是通过摄像机镜头来捕捉人脸信息.该









19. 如图是鱼眼与人眼的结构示













21. 下面是某班甲、乙两位同学在体育课上进行实验所记录的甲、乙两同学经过各处时刻请仔细分析数据,回答下列问题:




22. 如图甲所示,被测物体的长度是cm;如乙图是测量体温的温度计,此时它的示数是℃;如图丙所示的时间为s.

23. 完成下列作图:




24. “十一”长假期间,小军随父母到“六朝古都”南京旅游,从植物园出来后,小军看到如图甲所示的标志牌,然后他随父母“打的”去海洋馆.在去海洋馆的旅途中,小军感觉到出租车开得过快,下车后小军凭乘车的发票(如图所示)举报了驾驶员的违章行为--超速行驶.请你思考后并回答下列问题:



25. “探究水沸腾时温度变化的特点”是初中物理实验课老师要安排学生做的实验.


盖,请另外说也两种合理的方法①;② .

(2)经过实际操作,在实验过程中可以观察到①加热初温水升温 ,快


移开,水的沸点会 (选填“升高”“降低”或“不变”)

26. 如图所示,学习光学知识后,小聪对对有关实验进行了思







27. 如图所示,在探究“光的反射定律”




九年级冲刺满分化学试题 2010 05 28

可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16Mg-24 Ca-40 Fe-56 Zn-65 S-32Na-23Ba-137K-39 Al-27



1.下列造成空气污染的物质主要不是由化学反应产生的是 ..

A.焚烧垃圾产生的大量烟尘 B.建筑施工时飞扬起的灰尘

C.燃放烟花爆竹产生的气体 D.机动车行驶时排放的尾气


A.金刚石、干冰B.煤、石油 C.硬水、软水D.大理石、天然气


A.合成材料 B.非金属单质 C.化合物 D.复合材料










A.翡翠是一种纯净物 B.硬玉中,硅元素的化合价为+4价

C.硬玉含有10个原子 D.翡翠仅由钠、铝、硅、氧四种元素构成



8.某同学在实验室将水蒸气通过盛有铁粉的玻璃管,同时对铁粉持续高温加热,一段时间后,发现管内有黑色固体,该同学对黑色固体的组成作了如下几种猜测:①Fe ②Fe2O3③Fe3O4 ④Fe(OH)3 。你认为该同学的上述猜测可能合理的是:

A.②④ B.①③ C.①② D.③④



C.元素与人体健康 D.环保与能源

10.比较、推理是化学学习常用的方法,以下是根据一些反应事实推导出的影响化学反应的因素,其中推理不合理的是 ...


光滑面朝上 光滑面朝上 磨砂面朝上 磨砂面朝上




不正确的是 ...







增加,则下列对气体组成的推断不正确的是 ...

A.可能只有甲烷 B.可能只有氢气



中溶液是什么作了如下猜想,你认为她的猜想一定不合理的是 ...


C.硫酸钾溶液 D.碳酸钾溶液




16.氧化钠溶于水发生如下反应:Na2O + H2。在NaOH的饱和溶液中, 投入一小块Na2O固体, 充分搅拌后, 静止一段时间, 恢复至原来温度。下列有关说法正确的是


C.溶质的质量不变 B.溶液中NaOH的溶解度不变 D.溶剂的质量不变

17.下列物质的转化中,只有加入酸才能一步实现的是 ..

A.Fe→FeSO4B.Cu(OH)2 →CuCl2


18.氯化氢气体溶于水得到盐酸。如图所示,将气体X和气体Y同时通入液体Z,最终一 .



19.向用盐酸酸化的MgSO4溶液(溶质既有氯化氢又有硫酸镁)中加入Ba(OH)2溶液,产生的沉淀质量m与加入的体积V之间的关系,不可能是下图中的 ...










三、填空题(本题包括6小题,共26 分)



一、听力 25分

(一)听句子,选择正确答案。 10分

1. A. It is a blue sweater.

B. I want to have a look at the blue sweater.

C. The sweater is blue.

2. A. It’s five yuan.

B. I don’t have enough money.

C. Five yuan, please.

3. A. 210 yuan.

B. 90 yuan.

C. 270 yuan.

4. A. Seldom (很少) B. Sometimes C. Often

5. A. A supermarket.

B. A football field.

C. A bank.

6. A. I usually come to school at eight.

B. I usually come by bike

C. I usually come to school at 7:00.

7. A. Yes, we are.

B. Yes, we like playing basketball.

C. No, we aren’t playing football.

8. A. Let’s go by bike.

B. I usually go there by bike.

C. It doesn’t matter. I can mend it.

9. A. I like walking very much.

B. That’s right.

C. I usually have a walk after supper.

10.A. It’s Tuesday.

B. It’s September 10th.

C. It’s nine o’clock.

(二)听对话,选择正确答案。 10分

1. Where are the two persons?

A. In a bookshop.

B. In a restaurant.

C. At the man’s house.

2. What is their relationship(关系)?

A. They are teacher and student.

B. They are classmates.

C. The are husband and wife.

3. Why is Kate late for school?

A. Because she is ill.

B. Because her bike is broken.

C. Because she does her homework.

4. Where was Mrs Bill born?

A. She was born in France.

B. She was born in Germany.

C. She was born in Japan.

5. How much will two bags cost?

A. Three yuan

B. Six yuan.

C. Two yuan.

6. How long does the woman have her bike?

A. Four years.

B. Five years.

C. Six years.

7. What does the woman want to do?

A. She wants to cook supper.

B. She wants to go out for supper.

C. She wants to stay at home.

8. Where is Mr Baker?

A. He is at home.

B. He is in the office.

C. He is out.

9. What is the man reading?

A. English books.

B. English magazines.

C. English newspapers.

10. When is their son’s birthday?

A. On October 2nd.

B. On November 2nd.

C. On December 2nd.

(三)(三)听短文,选择正确答案。 5分

1. In winter, it is very _____.

A. cool B. hotC. warm D. cold

2.We need ____sweaters in winter.

A. heavyB. light C. hotD. cool

3.3.Every season is nice. I like_____.

A. autumnB. springC. winterD. them all

4.The weather in summer ____very much.

A. changes B. have changedC. do not changes D. does not change

5.5. We ______ heavy sweaters in spring.

A. take off B. put onC. put off D. take on


1. Hello, can I help you? What are you looking _____ ?

A. A. AtB. afterC. forD. out of

2. She _____ to Gaoyou Restaurant.

A. A. Prefer to go B. prefer going

C. prefer goes D. prefers to go

3. Daniel wants _____ to stay with _____ today.

A. A. us, he B. us, himC. we, he D. we, him

4. Jim, a boy _____ you at the school gate right now

A. A. is waiting for B. is waiting

C. waits forD. waits

5. He often borrows money _____ his father to buy CDs.

A. to B. from C. with D. on

6. There are some girls _____ under the tree over there.

A. A. SingB. singingC. singsD. are singing

7. There _____ some water in the glass.

A. isB. hasC. areD. have

8. My favourite T-shirt _____ me about 100 yuan.

A. uses B. costsC. spendsD. pays

9. The Class Two students _____ a fashion show yesterday.

A. tookB. gaveC. showedD. got

10. Tomorrow he will give us a talk _____ the English names.

A. ofB. withC. at D. on

11. -You look very cool today, Amy.

-_____ .

A. Oh, I don’t look itB. Thank you

C. No. I am not cool at all D. The same you

12. The new shoes fit me very _____ .

A. good B. muchC. wellD. nice

13. - How _____ do you sleep every night?

- More than 8 hours.

A. often B. muchC. longD. many

14. - When _____ Simon _____ school yesterday?

- About 5:30

A. A. Does, leave B. did, leave C. did, leftD. was, leave

15. - What does _____ come from?

- It’s from sheep.

A. silk B. cottonC. leatherD. wool

16. – When did you start to go to school?

- _____

A. Two months B. In two months

C. After two months D. Two months ago

17. Then the shoemaker cut me_____ the shape of a shoe.

A. A. at B. onC. ofD. into

18. - _____ do you want to buy?

- Size Eight.

A. A. WhichB. How bigC. What sizeD. How much

19. - _____ do you take your dog for a walk every day?

- Once.

A. How oftenB. How many times C. How longD. How much

20. - What do you have _____ breakfast?

- Some _____ and milk.

A. for, biscuitsB. with, bread C. for, cakeD. with eggs

21. It’s raining outside. You must _____ araincoat.

A. put onB. wearC. haveD. dress

22. Jim likes to wear _____ .

A. a jeansB. some jeansC. a blue jean D. a pair of jeans

23. I didn’t have _____ to say. So I said _____.

A. something, anythingB. anything, something

C. anything, nothing D. nothing, anything

24. Won’t you let _____ help you?

A. I and my friend to B. my friend and I

C. My friend and meD. my friend and I to

25. Your bag is different _____ mine.

A. toB. withC. fromD. for



Hank lives in a small town, but then he finds a job(工作)in a big city and begins to live there with his wife and his two children.

On the first Saturday in their new house, Hank takes his new red car out of the garage(车库) and washes it. A friend comes. When he sees Hank’s new car, he looks at it for a minute. Then, Hank turns and sees him.

The friend says, “ That’s a nice car. Is it yours?”

“Sometimes!” Hank answers.

The friend is surprised. “Sometimes!” he says, “What do you mean?”

“Well,” answers Hank slowly, “When there’s a party, it belongs(属于) to my daughter, Jane. When there’s a football game, it belongs to my son, Joe. When I wash it, and it looks nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it is not clean, it belongs to me.”

1. 1. Hank is Jane and Joe’s father.

2. 2. Hank lives in a small town but he works in a big city.

3. 3. Joe goes to watch football games in the car.

4. 4. Hank’s wife can’t drive a car.

5. 5. Only Hank washes the car.



A frog (青蛙)is born in a small river. When he is young, the river is his home. He doesn’t know his parents, but he has hundreds of brothers and sisters. He swims about and plays with them all the time. At that time, he doesn’t look like his parents. He has no legs and he has a big tail(尾巴). So he looks like a fish.

Then his tail gets shorter and shorter. And he has four legs and a very short tail. He looks like his parents now. Then he’s going to eat a lot of bad insects(害虫).

1. 1. Where is a frog born?

A. On a farm B. On the land

C. In the river D. In the sea

2. 2. Which of the following is right?

A. A baby frog stays at home and knows only his parents.

B. A baby frog looks like a bird and he doesn’t know his parents

C. A baby frog looks like his parents but he doesn’t know them.

D. A baby frog looks like a fish and he has a lot of brothers and sisters.

3. 3. Who does a frog play with all the time ?

A. His parentsB. His brothers and sisters C. FishD. Insects

4. 4. A frog has .

A. four legs and a very short tail.

B. four legs but he has a long tail.

C. no legs but he has a long tail.

D. no legs and he looks like a fish.

5. 5. A baby frog .

A. can’t swim B. can’t eat bad insects

C. has no tailD. can eat bad insects


Mike didn’t go to bed until very late last night. He watched a very interesting film on TV. He had to stay up till(坚持到) two o’clock this morning because he wanted to see the end of the film.

This morning his mother had to wake him up. He got up and washed his face in a hurry(匆忙). He didn’t eat anything for breakfast. He ran fast all the way to the bus stop. When he saw the bus coming, he suddenly(突然) remembered that he left his schoolbag at home. He put his textbooks(课本) and homework in the bag last night. He had to go back to get it. When he finally(终于) got to school, his English class was already over.

1. 1. What did Mike do before he went to bed last night?

A. A. He did his homework.

B. B. He watched an interesting film.

C. C. He played computer games.

D. D. He did some reading.

2. 2. Why couldn’t Mike wake up this morning?

A. A. Because he was ill.

B. B. Because he didn’t have a clock.

C. C. because he didn’t want to go to school today.

D. D. Because he went to bed late last night.

3. 3. What did Mike have for breakfast this morning?

A. A. He had a big breakfast.

B. B. He had nothing.

C. C. He had a little food.

D. D. We don’t know.

4. 4. Why did Mike have to go back home?

A. A. He left his schoolbag at home.

B. B. He wanted to go back home to have breakfast.

C. C. His mother asked him to go back home quickly.

D. D. Both B and C.

5. 5. How do you think Mike would feel this morning?

A. happyB. worriedC. tired D. excited (激动的)

(3) All students need to have good habits(好习惯): When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.

Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.

Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light(台灯) is important, too. You’ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light(光线). 1. When you have good study habits, you will.

A. learn things quicklyB. remember things easily

C. think about one thing D. both A and B 2. The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too.

A. quietB. noisyC. goodD. clean

3. You’ll feel tired easily if the light is .

A. good B. enoughC. badD. wonderful 4. You should remember to before you study.

A. clean the deskB. tidy the room

C. turn on the lightD. go to the bedroom

5. The best title(标题)


for this passage(文章) is .

A. Study in the bedroomB. Good study habits

C. How to study D. Desk light is important(重要的)

四、完形填空 10分

Christmas will come soon. The radio stations(广播电台) are playing Christmas music, and the stores1 very busy. People are doing their Christmas shopping. Many families have got Christmas trees 2 their homes already.

At this time of the year people make or 3presents(礼物) for their families. Lisa is going to buy a new book for her elder sister. Her elder sister likes 4 .

Her families usually get together 5Christmas Day. Her elder sister lives in another city far away,6she always come by plane. 7is going to arrive on Christmas Eve. Then Lisa is going to put a8in the living room, and put the presents under the tree. They don’t open them until Christmas9 . They are very10 to receive(收到) presents.

1. A.beB. are C.is D. have

2. A.toB. atC. from D. on

标签:高邮市 中考 化学 高邮赞化中学 高邮赞化在线