茶花女读后感英语 茶花女读后感200字英文

时间:2019-11-23 07:13:32 来源:东星资源网


  The Lady of the Camellias is a classic book that written by famous author called Alexandre Dumas. The story set in Paris. There are two main characters in this book, Marguerite Gautier and Armand Duval. Marguerite is a pretty and young courtesan, or kept woman.A courtesan can"t have the true love. But she falls love with a young man, Armand. She tries to get away from her questionable past and lives with Armand forever. But when Armand"s father, Madame Duval knows that his son is falling love with a courtesan, he separates them. After Armand finds that his father lied him, he goes back to Paris, but Marguerite dies painfully and alone.

  I really enjoy this when i was reading it. Marguerite taught me a lot. (www.9xwang.com)To love someone is just let him or her be happy.Marguerite throws out the lord who can repays her all debts and lives with Armand.But when Armand"s father reminds her that she is just a courtesan, she realized she can"t be recognized in Armand"s family, she will stain Armand"s reputation. So she leaves him. Marguerite"s love is unselfish. Her self-sacrifice saved Armand"s reputation.

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《茶花女读后感英语 茶花女读后感200字英文.doc》


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