
时间:2019-11-23 07:14:08 来源:东星资源网


  Red and Black introduces to us about how does a carpenter"s son grow into a star from ordinary. The biography of the heroine Julien even told us many things . One of the most important thingsis that only efforts can make our dream come true.

  At first , he became the mayor sons" tutor because his proficient in Latin.As times went by Julien makes some affairs with the hostess but he deals well with the social relations. Then he seize the chance to be a priest and plays in a wider state which he look forward to many times. Although he was punished to die finally.,he had reached the top of authority beyond his dream.

  Whats more, seizing chances as well as creating opportunities by ourselves can also help us reach our goal faster and faster. Just as Julien ,if he wasted the chances to be the tutor, his future would have been much more boring than what he get from then on .

  All in all , Red and Black totally tells us that efforts decides everything.


  The book I read this week entittled the Red and the Black, which is undoubtedly among the best liturature works. As a person who havent had much knowledge in literature, any comments on this work seem to be rather naive and even sort of reckless. But this is the only book I have access to recently. With much deliberation, I would like to write down following words.

  The book mainly tells a story about a man named Julien, who came from a carpenters family and got a shrewd father and two elder pothers characterized by huge size and rudeness. Though he wasnt quite athletic, he got talent with his memory. He could recite ...

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