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时间:2017-04-01 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版

篇一:小学英语作文:Yummy fruit 美味的水果

Yummy fruit

I like to eat fruit and almost all the fruits are tasty and good for your body.

I love hami melons they're sweeter than candy and they smell really good.

My mammy and daddy like to eat sour fruits.


I like to eat fruit because almost all fruits are tasty and good for your body.I like sweet fruits better than sour fruits.My favourite fruit is hami melon I think it is the sweetest fruit in the world.

I love hami melons.They're sweeter than candy and they smell really good.I hate lemons because no fruit in the world is sourer than

it.Sometimes I like to eat some grapes,too.But be carefull,sometimes they can be as sweet as hami melons and sometimes they can be as sour as lemons.

My mammy and daddy like to eat sour fruits and my little brother likes to eat sweet fruits just like me.Fruit is the most delicious thing in the world.Fruit,I love you.




在英语课上,你喜欢你的老师授课只用英语,还是英汉兼用; “how do you prefer your English class to be taught ? English only , or in both English and Chinese?”请发表你的看法。范文

I prefer my English classes to be taught both in Chinese and English . In my opinion , learning is a step-to-step process. As middle school students , we only have a small vocabulary. If the teacher can use some Chinese in an English class, we will understand the lesson better.

Of course , an English class taught in both languages has its shortcomings. Such a class can’t create a good atmosphere for English learning. Some students will speak Chinese all the time and can’t learn English well.


假设你叫王平,李华是你的同窗好友,根据要点用英文给李华写一篇毕业留言。1。简要表达李华在你心目中的印象 2。用一到两个相关事例进行具体描述 3。对李华表达的祝愿。


Dear Li Hua ,

It’s time to say goodbye . It’s time to recall those beautiful days we spent together . You are the very person who gives me a hand when necessary . You are the most considerate person who knows exactly what I need.

Still remember that night two years ago? When I suddenly fell ill, it was you who carried me on your back to a nearby hospital . You took care of me while I was having an injection. Later, you helped me with my lessons. Without your help, I would have failed in the examination.

I still have hundreds of stories to share with you. I still have thousands of blessings for you. May all your dreams come true ! May our friendship last till the end of the universe !

Yours Wang Ping



启 事


1. 你个人的情况

2. 你对项目申请的具体设想

3. 项目经费的使用计划



Dear Sir /Madam ,

My name is Li Ming , a student currently studying at Qi Ming high school. I am writing, on behalf of my classmates ,to apply for the 2000 yuan worth of fund in a bid to initiate a program aimed at helping those students who are financially disadvantaged.

Being raised in families that don’t have to worry about putting food on the table need not mean oblivion to our less fortunate peers. On this account , we would appreciate it if you could sponsor our poverty –relief endeavor . The following is how we would go about using the money. We would spend 1500yuan purchasing some stationery for the needy students in our school .We would inform them to pick up the school supplies themselves instead of us handing the supplies out so that we wouldn’t embarrass those who we want to help . The remainder of the fund would be used to invite a motivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by making right academic and professional decisions .

Modest as our efforts may sound, we believe they will warm some hearts . We would be much obliged if you could reply at your earliest convenience .

Yours sincerely ,

Li Ming


你校学生会招聘一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文的形式写一则招聘启事。 1. 母语是英语,汉语流利者优先 2. 解答英语学习问题,协助组织英语活动 3.每周4小时,报酬面议 4.联系人:李华 Telephone:13011223344


English adviser wanted

The students’ union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English study adviser next term . The responsibilities of the adviser include helping students to practice their oral English ,answering their questions , and helping organize activities such as singing English songs , English evenings , or lectures on interesting topics.

The applicant should be a native speaker of English . Fluency in Chinese is preferred . The adviser is expected to work 4 hours per week.

If you are interested , please call Li Hua at 13011223344 for an interview . Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview .

Students’ union


最近,李岳被评为你们班的“每周之星”,请你根据她的事迹(在上周六下午,不顾天气炎热,为班级选购歌咏比赛服装),用英语写一篇短文 1.李岳的事迹及对同学的影响 2. 你的评论 参考词汇:singing contest . costume(服装)


Star student of the week

Li Yue has been awarded the title of “star student of the week” for what she did for our class.

On the hot afternoon of last Saturday , Li Yue went downtown and walked from one store to another ,looking for the costumes we would wear in the singing contest. While the rest of us were enjoying our leisure time in cool and comfortable rooms , she spent the whole afternoon searching and selecting . Finally, she found the right clothes. Deeply moved by her efforts , we tried our best and won the first prize in the contest.

Li Yue is always warmhearted and cares a lot about the class. Besides, she often devotes her spare time to helping others. She has set a good example for us . Therefore, she deserves the honor and we should learn from her.


假定你住在一个涉外小区。社区委员会请你帮忙用英文写一封电子邮件,将周末农家采摘活动的安排传达给住户。 时间:下周六上午8:00----11:00 内容:采摘苹果 报名:办公室,下周四下午5:00前 提示:戴帽子,手套 。欢迎踊跃参加 。


Hi, everyone ,

We’ll have an important activity—picking apples. The picking will go on from 8:00 am to 11:00 am next Saturday and welcome all of the people in our community to join in the activity .To join in the activity , you should sign your name in the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday ,which is the deadline ! Don’t miss it !

Attention! It is suggested that all the people who will join in picking apples should wear a hat and a pair of gloves because


there will be a lot of leaves or dirty things that will otherwise fall on your head and make your hands dirty .

Be active , everyone in our community !

The community board


5月1日高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue 和Zhang Hua 去阳光敬老院(sunshine nursing home)开展志愿者活动(送水果,打扫,聊天等)。假设你校英语报的记者,请写一则新闻报道 1. 时间,地点,人物,活动 2. 老人们的反映 3. 简短评论。


Students volunteers brought sunshine to the elderly

On May Day , Li Yue and Zhang Hua , students from class three ,Grade two , went to sunshine nursing home and did some voluntary work . Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed ,and respectfully, they presented the elderly with fruits and flowers .Then they started working at once ,cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor . Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.

When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness . They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.

Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to other people and eiched their own lives.

By Chen Jie , school newspaper


一家宾馆新开业,为了吸引外国宾客,希望在the internet上宣传,请为其写一篇介绍

1、地点,距白山入口处500米 2、单人间(共20),100元/天 ;双人间(共15),150元/天 3、热水淋浴 4、中西餐厅,咖啡厅 5、游泳池免费开放 6、欢迎预定。范文:

Welcome to Baishang Mountain Hotel, Baishang Mountain Hotel is now open for business. Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance of Baishang Mountain . It has 20 single rooms and 15 double rooms ,all with hot showers . A single room is 100 yuan and double room 150 yuan for one night. Your are advised to book in advance. The hotel serves three meal a day and there are Chinese food ad western food for you to choose from . You can also enjoy yourself at the cafe drinking tea or coffee in the evening . We also have a swimming pool , which is open all day and free of charge.

All are welcome !


根据材料写短文给Lora .

English horizons 第26期 总228期

Dear editor, I’m a senior high school student and I want to work part-time this summer .I think it is good to do so ,but my parents don’t agree with me .I just can’t understand them ,I need your help.


I think Lora wants to work part-time for these reasons. First , she can make some pocket money to meet pet needs and thus develop a sense of independence. Second, she can learn how to deal with various problems in the workplace . Third , she can build up new friendships and improve better social skills.

But her parents may regard learning as an increasingly important task for Lora. This holiday should be a catch-up time for independent study . Besides , personal safety may also be one of their major considerations .

My advice for Lora is this : make a detailed plan for her study and work ; ask her friends to work together with her and tell her parents she can manage things properly . I wish Lora a pleasant summer.










Dear teachers and classmates, it’s a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you. I’m interested in English , and hope to be an interpreter in the future . Naturally it’s very important for me to learn English well. As everybody knows, vocabulary is an important part of language ,just like bricks in a building .I usually memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible . After class , I often listen to English programs on TV and on the radio . Besides, I’ve a lot from the internet and other sources.Now , I ’d like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school. Firstly, we should be given more opportunities to use what we’ve learned in order to have a better grasp of it. Secondly, I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting and magazines and give us more free time to read them . Finally, I suggest we have more English activities ,such as English contest and festivals.

Thank you for your listening.




1. 吃太多肉类,糖类食物和垃圾食物, 暴饮暴食。须平衡饮食结构,多吃蔬菜水果。

2. 花太多时间看电视,上网或玩游戏,肥胖问题较多。应当摆脱不良生活习惯,须增加户外活动,加强锻炼

3. 睡眠不足。须劳逸结合,早睡早起



It is reported that Chinese middle school students are not as healthy as they used to be. There are quite a few reasons for this situation.

Firstly, we often eat too much meat, sugar, or junk food. It's our healthy diet that can keep us fit. We are supposed to balance our diet to eat food in a proper amount. We should take in more fruit and vegetables which are abundant in vitamins. Secondly, some of us kill time by playing computer games, watching TV and surfing the Internet, which contribute to being overweight. It is essential to get rid of those bad habits and take more exercise, like playing football,basketball. It goes without saying that outdoor activities can save us from being overweight. Thirdly, some often work deep into the night. But teenagers should sleep for at least 8 hours a day. Early to bed and early to rise.

As middle school students, we should take it seriously and immediate action should be taken to cope with the problem. Health is the guarantee of everything.

谈谈你对高三生活的体会和建议 书面表达(满分25 分)


1. 对老师与家长的关爱表示感谢;

2. 向与自己发生过矛盾的同学表达歉意;

3. 努力学习,实现人生梦想;

4. 对学弟、学妹的建议。


1. 可适当加入细节,使行文连贯;

2. 词数:100 左右(开头已给出,不计入总字数)。

High school is always considered as the most cherished period of one's life. As a Senior 3 student, it won't be long before I



High school is always considered as the most cherished period of one's life. As a Senior 3 student, it won't be long before I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow students.

Firstly ,I would like to show my appreciation to those standing by me all the way, teachers, parents and friends included. Without their help and advice, my life would be different. Secondly, it's high time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood. Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship .Above all, I've made up my mind to make every effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying goes, "No pains, no gains."

Finally I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no men.

标签:作文 英语 水果 关于水果的英语作文 水果沙拉英语作文