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时间:2020-11-20 14:03:39 来源:东星资源网

冀教版 六年级上册 Lesson1:At the Airport 教学目标 知识目标:1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:home, time, clock 2. 句型'What time is it? It’s _____.“ 能力目标:1. 能运用句型'What time is it? It’s _____.“ 来表达时间 如: seven o’clock, half past four, four forty-five 2. 可以运用所学对话熟练进行口语交际。


教学重难点 教学重点:学生对单词clock和airport的熟练掌握以及对关于时间句型'What time is it? It’s ____. '的灵活运用。


教学准备 教学过程 1. Greetings Free talk: T: Hello! How are you? S: I’m fine, and you? / Just so so. / I’m not bad· T: Summer holiday is coming. What do you want to do? S:I want to go on a trip· T: But on September 1, what will you do? S: I will go back to school. T: Do you know what Li Ming will do on September 1? (Let’s listen) 2.New concept S: (after listening) He will go to school in Canada. T: Why does Li Ming go to school in Canada? Do you go to school in Canada? S: No. T: So why does Li Ming go to school in Canada? S: He wants to learn English. T: Yes, Li Ming wants to go to school to learn English in Canada. Can you guess how Li Ming goes to Canada and what happens? (Please read part 1 and part 2 silently) T: Can you find some questions about our text? 分小组(Question Team and Answer Team) Q: 1. When will Li Ming arrive? 2. When will Li Ming go home? 3. How long will Li Ming be in Canada? 4. How does Li Ming feel after the trip? 5. Where are Danny and Jenny now?(讲airport) S...

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标签: 英语 教学设计 上学期 教案 教版


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