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  北京新东方学校 罗蓓

  62 C.out

  63 A.convince

  64 C.Amid

  65 B.emerge

  66 C.describe

  67 A.ones

  68 D.through

  69 B.realized

  70 A.pursuing

  71 D.competitive

  72 B.horror

  73 C.with

  74 A.threw

  75 D.which

  76 C.rushed

  77 A.successive

  78 C.through

  79 D.furiously

  80 B.about

  81 A.curious


  北京新东方学校 陈科

  1. (A) Raising efficiency

  2. (B) Cut energy consumption

  3. (C) get rid of air-conditioners

  4. (D) A small proportion

  5. (D) providing subsidies

  6. (A) recycling heat and energy

  7. (D) we choose the most efficient models of refrigerators and other white goods

  8. annual utility-bill savings

  9. self-denial

  10. market itself

  47. role models

  48. climb the corporate ladders

  49. taken seriously

  50. from a home office

  51. stress

  52. (C) one’s occupation affects the way one is treated as a person

  53. (A) Some customers simply

  54. (D) She found it natural for professionals to treat her as inferior.

  55. (B) Those working in the service industry shouldn’t be treated as servants

  56. (A) see what kind of person they are

  57. (C) The inequality in the distribution of wealth

  58. (D) The majority of Americans benefit little from the nation’s growing wealth

  59. (B) the very rich are politically sensitive

  60. (C) They want to gain support for global economic integration

  61. (D) Foreign countries will place the same economic barriers in return


  北京新东方学校 傅思遥

  Short conversation

  11 C Compromise with his colleague.

  12 B Nancy reGREts buying the dress.

  13 A Wash the dishes.

  14 C She is eager is share news with the woman.

  15 B A mechanic.

  16 D There isn’t much business downtown now.

  17 B The lounge is not a place for him to study in.

  18 C To prevent mosquito bites.

  Long conversation

  19 A in a studio.

  20 B To stay there for half a year.

  21 A Designing a fashion items for several companies.

  22 B It has BECome much more competitive.

  23 D It enables her to understand people better.

  24 B Positively.

  25 C It vanishes the moment she steps into her role.


  26 D To set up an express train network throughout Europe.

  27 C Traveling time by train between major European cites will be cut by half.

  28 D Traveling by train may be as quick as, or even quicker then by air.

  29 A In 1981.

  30 C The mind and body should be taken as an integral whole.

  31 D A patient’s expectations of a drug have an effect on their recovery.

  32 B The workings of the mind may help patients recover.

  33 A Enjoying strong feelings and emotions.

  34 D Doing daily routines.

  35 B A psychologist.

  Compound Dictation

  36 squarely

  37 floating

  38 Occasionaly

  39 dutifully

  40 witty

  41 humorous

  42 guilt

  43 material

  44 the instructor's talking about road construction in ancient Rome, and nothing could be more boring.

  4dazhihui008.cnour blank expression, and the faraway look in your eyes are the cues that betray you inattentiveness.

  46 they automatically start daydreaming when a speaker begins talking on something complex or uninteresting.


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