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总体原则(3C):Correct (正确),Clear (清楚);Concise (简洁)。

1 论文题名

1.1 基本要求 (1) 准确 (Accuracy)。题名要准确地反映论文的内容。作为论文的“标签”,题名既不能过于空泛和一般化,也不宜过于烦琐,使人得不出鲜明的印象。如果题名中无吸引读者的信息,或写得不堪理解。为确保题名的含义准确,应尽量避免使用非定量的、含义不明的词,如"rapid","new"等;并力求用词具有专指性,如"a vanadium-iron alloy"明显优于"a magnetic alloy"。(2) 简洁

(Brevity)。题名需用词简短、明了,以最少的文字概括尽可能多的内容。题名最好不超过10 ~ 12个单词,或100个英文字符(含空格和标点),如若能用一行文字表达,就尽量不要用2 行(超过2行有可能会削弱读者的印象)。在内容层次很多的情况下,如果难以简短化,最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法,如:Importance of replication in microarray gene expression studies: statistical methods and evidence from repetitive CDNA hybridizations (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2000, 97(18): 9834 ~ 9839). 其中的副题名起补充、阐明作用,可起到很好的效果。(3) 清楚(Clarity)。题名要清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色, 明确表明研究工作的独到之处,力求简洁有效、重点突出。为表达直接、清楚,以便引起读者的注意,应尽可能地将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头。如The effectiveness of

vaccination against in healthy, working adults (N Engl J Med, 1995, 333: 889-893)中,如果作者用关键词vaccination作为题名的开头,读者可能会误认为这是一篇方法性文章:How to vaccinate this population? 相反,用effectiveness作为题名中第一个主题词,就直接指明了研究问题:Is vaccination in this population effective? 题名中应慎重使用缩略语。尤其对于可有多个解释的缩略语,应严加限制,必要时应在括号中注明全称。对那些全称较长,缩写后已得到科技界公认的,才可使用。为方便二次检索,题名中应避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式、不常用的专业术语和非英语词汇(包括拉丁语)等。

1.2 题名的句法结构 题名通常由名词性短语构成,如果出现动词,多为分词或动名词形式。由于陈述句易使题名具有判断式的语意,同时一般也显得不简洁,

因此,大部分编辑和学者都认为题名不应由陈述句构成。由于题名比句子简短,并且无需主、谓、宾,因此词序就也变得尤为重要。特别是如果词语间的修饰关系使用不当,就会影响读者正确理解题名的真实含意。例如:Isolation of antigens from monkeys using complement-fixation techniques. 可使人误解为“猴子使用了补体结合技术”。应改为:Using complement-fixation techniques in isolation of antigens from monkeys.即“用补体结合技术从猴体分离抗体”。

2 摘要

2.1 基本要求 (1) 确保简洁而充分地表述论文的IMRD,适当强调研究中创新、重要之处(但不要使用评价性语言);尽量包括论文中的主要论点和重要细节(重要的论证或数据)。(2) 使用短而简单的句子,表达要准确、简洁、清楚;注意表述的逻辑性,尽量使用指示性的词语来表达论文的不同部分(层次),如使用“We found that...”表示结果;使用“We suggest that...”表示讨论结果的含义等。(3) 应尽量避免引用文献、图表,用词应为潜在的读者所熟悉。若无法回避使用引文,应在引文出现的位置将引文的书目信息标注在方括号内;如确有需要(如避免多次重复较长的术语)使用非同行熟知的缩写,应在缩写符号第一次出现时给出其全称。(4) 为方便检索系统转录,应尽量避免使用化学结构式、数学表达式、角标和希腊文等特殊符号。

2.2 摘要写作的时态 摘要写作时所采用的时态应因情况而定,应力求表达自然、妥当。写作中可大致遵循以下原则:(1) 介绍背景资料时,如果句子的内容不受时间影响的普遍事实,应使用现在式;如果句子的内容为对某种研究趋势的概述,则使用现在完成式。(2) 在叙述研究目的或主要研究活动时,如果采用“论文导向”,多使用现在式(如:This paper presents...); 如果采用“研究导向”,则使用过去式(如:This study investigated...)。(3) 概述实验程序、方法和主要结果时,通常用现在式。如:We describe a new molecular approach to analyzing ...(4) 叙述结论或建议时,可使用现在式、臆测动词或may, should, could等助动词。We suggest that climate instability in the early part of the last interglacial may have...

2.3 摘要写作的人称和语态 由于主动语态的表达更为准确,且更易阅读,因而

目前大多数期刊都提倡使用主动态,国际知名科技期刊 “Nature",“Cell"等尤其如此,其中第一人称和主动语态的使用十分普遍。

3 引言

3.1 基本要求 (1) 尽量准确、清楚且简洁地指出所探讨问题的本质和范围,对研究背景的阐述做到繁简适度。 (2) 在背景介绍和问题的提出中,应引用“最相关”的文献以指引读者。要优先选择引用的文献包括相关研究中的经典、重要和最具说服力的文献,力戒刻意回避引用最重要的相关文献(甚至是对作者研究具某种“启示”性意义的文献),或者不恰当地大量引用作者本人的文献。(3) 采取适当的方式强调作者在本次研究中最重要的发现或贡献,让读者顺着逻辑的演进阅读论文。(4) 解释或定义专门术语或缩写词,以帮助编辑、审稿人和读者阅读稿件。(5) 适当地使用“I”,“We”或“Our”,以明确地指示作者本人的工作,如:最好使用“We conducted this study to determine whether...”,而不使用“This study was conducted to determine whether...”。(6) 叙述前人工作的欠缺以强调自己研究的创新时,应慎重且留有余地。可采用类似如下的表达:To the author's

knowledge...;There is little information available in literature about...;Until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about...等等。

3.2 写作要点与时态运用 (1) 叙述有关现象或普遍事实时,句子的主要动词多使用现在时。如:“little is known about X”或“little literature is available on X”。(2) 描述特定研究领域中最近的某种趋势,或者强调表示某些“最近”发生的事件对现在的影响时,常采用现在完成时。如:“few studies have been done on X”或“little attention has been devoted to X”(3) 在阐述作者本人研究目的的句子中应有类似This paper, The experiment reported here等词,以表示所涉及的内容是作者的工作,而不是指其他学者过去的研究。例如:"In summary, previous methods are all extremely inefficient. Hence a new approach is developed to process the data more

efficiently.”就容易使读者产生误解,其中的第二句应修改为:“In this paper, a new approach will be developed to process the data more efficiently.” 或者,“This paper will present (presents) a new approach that process the data more efficiently.”

4. 材料和方法

4.1 写作要点 (1) 对材料的描述应清楚、准确。材料描述中应该清楚地指出研究的对象(样品或产品、动物、植物、病人)的数量、来源和准备方法。对于实验材料的名称,应采用国际同行所熟悉的通用名,尽量避免使用只有作者所在国家的人所熟悉

专门名称。(2) 对方法的描述要详略得当、重点突出。 应遵循的原则是给出足够的细节信息以便让同行能够重复实验,避免混入有关结果或发现方面的内容。如果方法新颖、且不曾发表过,应提供所有必需的细节;如果所采用的方法已经公开报道过,引


(3) 力求语法正确、描述准确。由于材料和方法部分通常需要描述很多的内容,因此通常需要采用很简洁的语言,故使用精确的英语描述材料和方法是十分重要的。需要注意的方面通常有:(a)不要遗漏动作的执行者如:“To determine its respiratory quotient, the organism was...”显然,the organism不能来determine?又如:“Having completed the study, the bacteria were of no further interest.”显然,the bacteria不会来completed the study.(b)在简洁表达的同时要注意内容方面的逻辑性如:“Blood samples were taken from 48 informed and consenting patients...the subjects ranged in age from 6 months to 22 years”,其中的语法没有错误,但6

months的婴儿能表达informed consent?(c)如果有多种可供选择的方法能采用,在引用文献时提及一下具体的方法如:“cells were broken by as previously described[9]”不够清楚,应改为:“cells were broken by ultrasonic treatment as previously described[9]”.

4.2 时态与语态的运用 (1) 若描述的内容为不受时间影响的事实:一般现在时。如: A twin-lens reflex camera is actually a combination of two separate camera boxes. (2) 若描述的内容为特定、过去的行为或事件,则采用过去式。如:The work was carried out on the Imperial College gas atomizer, which has been described in detail elsewhere[4,5]. (3) 方法章节的焦点在于描述实验中所进行的每个步骤以及所采用的材料,由于所涉及的行为与材料是讨论的焦点,而且读者已知道进行这

些行为和采用这些材料的人就是作者自己,因而一般都习惯采用被动语态。例如:优:The samples were immersed in an ultrasonic bath for 3minutes in acetone followed by 10minutes in distilled water. 劣:We immersed the samples in an

ultrasonic bath for 3 minutes in acetone followed by 10 minutes in distilled water. (4) 如果涉及表达作者的观点或看法,则应采用主动语态,如优:For the second trial, the apparatus was covered by a sheet of plastic. We believed this modification would reduce the amount of scattering. 优:For the second trial, the apparatus was covered by a sheet of plastic to reduce the amount of scattering. 劣:For the second trial, the apparatus was covered by a sheet of plastic. It was believed that this modification would reduce the amount of scattering.

5 研究结果

5.1 写作要点 (1) 可根据需要建议建议作者是否合并“结果”(Result)与“讨

论”(Discussion)。(2) 对实验或观察结果的表达要高度概括和提炼,不能简单地将实验记录数据或观察事实堆积到论文中,尤其是要突出有科学意义和具代表性的数据,而不是没完没了地重复一般性数据。(3) 数据表达可采用文字与图表相结合的形式。如果只有一个或很少的测定结果,在正文中用文字描述即可;如果数据较多,可采用图表形式来完整、详细的表述,文字部分则用来指出图表中资料的重要特性或趋势。切忌在文字中简单地重复图表中的数据,而忽略叙述其趋势、意义以及相关推论。(4) 适当解释原始数据,以帮助读者的理解。如果论文中还包括独立的“讨论”章节,应将对于研究结果的详细讨论留到该部分,但“结果”中应该提及必要的解释,以便让读者能清楚地了解作者此次研究结果意义或重要性。(5) 文字表达应准确、简洁、清楚。避免使用冗长的词汇或句子来介绍或解释图表。为简洁、清楚起见,不要把图表的序号作为段落的主题句,应在句子中指出图表所揭示的结论,并把图表的序号放入括号中。例如“Figure 1 shows the relationship between A and B”不如“A was Significantly higher than B at all time points hecked (Figure 1)”.又如,“It is clearly shown in Table 1 that nocillin inhibited the growth of N. gonorrhoeae.”不发“Nocillin inhibited the growth of N. gonorrhoeae (Table 1).”

篇二:英语 科技论文 word范文







Evaluation of the article entitled “Land-use Chang and

Ecological Footprint Analysis of Harbin City”


School of control and mechanical Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin, China,

300384, e-mail address)

Abstract: The academic writing style of the article entitled “land-use chang and ecological footprint analysis of Harbin city” was evaluated. It was written in good academic writing style. The introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion were all perfectly written. Keywords: Academic writing style, evaluation, article


The article entitled “land-use chang and ecological footprint analysis of Harbin city” contains 11 main sections


in the following order: title, authors and address, abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements and references.


1. Academic writing style: The writing of this article is consistent with academic writing styles with correct use of contractions, abbreviations, follow-on phrase, and capital letters.

2. Introduction:

As good saying goes, “well begun is a half done.” Best introduction contains a academic background, which shows information about your research and hypothesis, and comments on prervious research which are described in a present perfect article . What’s more , the most important is that expression to the aim of author .In this academic articles , At first the author describe the background of international and demonstic economist research . Second , the author comment on the Human-land contradictory in Harbin , shows the importance to investing ate and research the Harbin Land-use change in recent years. Third the author aims to promote the sustainable utiliation . so the introduction is a good introduction.

3. Methods:

In this method section the author illustrate the Harbin enomrous compared with 1996 with many data in this section to describle the Harbin present situation , such as the acctirated land area had come down obviously , and the pasture land was decreasing last year . and the woodland area expanded . At the end of this section , the author describle the influence of structure changes in Land-use impact on the ecougical euiorment . In this methods setion many calculations are used to testified the resource consumption . It is a pity that it was not the purpose of the purpose of the procedure ,if it has the procedural description it contains be a perfect methods . in this methods , Although it contains the contouring processing , it was not the processing of the Ecological footprint Analysis of the Harbin. The sum of eological productive area of the land that a region could offer to human beings was called the region's ecological carrying capacity

4. Discussion:

A good discussion should contain six parts ,the parts as follows the restatement of the

hypothesis . In this periodical the restatement of the hypothesis is that the selection of food consumption in Harbin calculated the ecological foot print of the cultivated laced grassland . woodland and water .the author quoted the data from “statistical Yearbook of Harbin” from 1996 to 2006,but in this section , the author hadn’t write the overview of the finds , He only to made a table 3 to explanation and comparison the ecology trail results of Harbin in 1996 ,2001and 2006 , It showed that human load had exceeded its ecological capacity ,and the development mode was under an unsustainable stage. From this results and analysis table , the author get result was that Harbin city was in the development of the relatively unsustainable state acrrently . last but not least he analysis the result though three main point . and the main reason for the grouth of ecological footprint in Harbin was as follows . Firstly , the area arable loud turning into the construction was larger . Secondly , the grouth pattern lag behind , the ability of independ innovation was poor , the efficiency of resurce and the sustainable development of the capacity were low .Thirdly , the urban-rural dual structure was distinguished , the country economic development lagged behind , the three Rural Issues was more promiuent . As to the result the author give a detailed analysis , he didn’t give a limitation of your research . and implications of his findings for the future research . so ,the analysis of this periodical isn’t a perfect thesis part.

5. Conclusion

In this paper,the analysis of the ecological footprint in Harbin in ten years showed that the ecological footprint per capital was of rising trend,and the in Harbin from 1996 to 2006 showed that the ecological footprint per capita was of rising trend in Harbin, but the ecological carrying capacity per capita was in the reduction, so all the things which indicated that the land-usesituation in Harbin overload the state .At the beginning with the author stated a ecological footprint model which is based on the continuous dependence on the land for the sustainable development of quantitative measurement .

The thesis paper is aimed to promote national economic and social information , and warned us to use the land-us reasonable , to optivnize land use structure and urban lag out and we should take measures to implement the basic national policy of resource conservation and environment protection and accerlerate the building of co-city.

In this section , There are four point to recommendation to the sustainable land-use ,At the end of the conclusion , the author repeated the purpose of the article that he want to promote the economical growth mode from extensive to intensive changes in the achievement of conservation development, clean development, secure development, and enhance the sustainable development.


In this thesis paper , at first ,title in the beginning of the article the author put forward to appraisaling the land-use change degree of urban land objectively, analyzing the reasons, and proposing the countermeasures have important meanings to promote land sustainable development at the beginning of this pager. Then the author summarize the findings what he thought, the article analyzed the dynamic change of land-use ecological footprint in Harbin City from 1996 to 2006. The author used a lot of charts and examples to illustrate his point of view what is worthy of learning. It is a pity that the author didn't write the limitathion of his reaserch and implication of his findings for future research. At last, reasonable land-use proposals were proposed.

In generally, Although this paper do not conform to the requirements of the writing, if it has

the comparision of his reaserch to other studies,it will be a a well a English scientific paper,

What a pity that!


After reading the full article ,I learnt that the article took recent years Harbin land—use as a breakthrough point , With the development of the economy and the society, the more people get the resources from our land ,the less resources become shorted. In this thesis although the author was aimed to promote the economical growth mode from extensive to intensive changes in the achievement of conservation development, clean development, secure development, and enhance the sustainable development. Although the measurement of ecological footprint to assess the social impact and the extent of sustainable land-use. The results showed that the per capita ecological footprint in Harbin had increased year by year, while the per capita ecological carrying capacity had decreased, the per capita ecological deficit was increasing, and land-use in Harbin City was in an overload status. So from the article process what the author analysised , we could get the conclusion that this article is a good English scientific thesis which meet the requirements of scientific paper writing.


The author would like to thank Mr Liu H L, Huang for analysising of arable land ecological footprint in Hubei ProvinceHarbin Statistics Bureau,taking a new road to industrialization; develop circular economy.


[1] Wackernagel M, Lewan L, Hansson C B. Evaluating the use of natural capital with the ecological foot-print [J]. Applications in Sweden and Subregions, Am-bio, 1999, 28: 604-612.

[2] Xie H Y, Wang L L, Chen X S, et al. Ecological footprint evaluation and application of model [M]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2008: 1-6.

[3] Yu W J, Wu C F. Study on Guiyang's ecological footprint and sustainability of land use [J]. Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology, 2005(7): 131-136.

[4] Long A H, Zhang Z Q, Su Z Y. Evaluation of ecological footprint and the forefront of international research [J]. Progress in Earth Science, 2004, 19(6): 971-981.





摘要(abstract)又称为概要、内容提要。国际标准化组织将摘要(Abstract)一词定义为:一份文献内容的缩短的精确的表达,而无须补充解释或评论。即摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,简明、确切的记述文献重要内容的短文(short composition)。其基本要素包括研究目的(objects)、方法(methods)、结果(results)和结论(conclusions)。具体地讲就是研究工作的主要对象(subject)和范围(scope),采用的手段(means)和方法(methods),得出的结果(results)和重要的结论(conclusions),有时也包括具有情报价值的其他重要的信息(information)。摘要应具有独立性和自明性,并且拥有与文献同等量的主要信息,即不阅读全文就能获得必要的信息。


作为科技论文的重要部分,摘要的写作特点非常鲜明。它具有全、短、精的特点。全是指科技论文摘要应是一篇相对独立的短文。这就要求把论文的研究问题、基本观点、试验方法、主要结论,用连贯的语言、严谨的结构反映出来。短是指科技论文摘要应言简意赅。一般中文稿250~300字左右;英文稿以1 000印刷符号为宜,原则上不超过全文的3%。精是指科技论文的摘要应是其原文的精华。必须准确地抓住全文的关键,使读者只通过阅读摘要便可对全文内容有明确的了解,且字字句句均具有摘要的信息价值。





















1. 报道性摘要(informative abstracts)













Effect of Adding Essential Amino Acids and Vitamin to Rations of Broilers

(1) Four experiments were carried out to investigate the amino acid(胺肌酸) and vitamin requirements of broilers(肉鸡).(2)The performance of birds fed on control diets formated according to the recommendations of the National Research Council(1977)was compared to that of birds fed on experimental diets containing additional amounts of essential amino acid and vitamin.(3)The control(对照,参照) diets varied in protein and metabolizable energy(代谢能) content; the experimental diets were obtained by adding varying amounts(10 to 50%)of one or both amino acids and vitamin to the control diets.(4)The experimental diets resulted in consistently better body weight gains than the control diets.(6)The result showed that under the conditions of these experiment,the levels of amino acids and vitamins in the control diets were not optimal for the proper growth and development of broilers and must be increased.


Abstract: C23 of Burkhloderia cepacia(洋葱伯克霍尔德菌C23)was one antagonistic bacteria (拮抗细菌)from Slash pine roots.After the antagonistic bacteria were cultured for two days, their culture exerted外露的 obvious inhibition抑制 on pathogenic fungi of Slash pine damping-- such as Rhizoctonia solani丝核菌 and Alternaria alternata链格孢菌.But C23 did not show any inhibition on Fusarium sp镰刀菌.In the indoor experiment,C23

showed certain control effects.But outdoor, C23 did not show any prevention effect. Strain C23 could be colonized in Slash pine root湿地松根部定殖. But the distribution of C23 in different parts of the root showed no rules. In the process of colonization, the number of C23 kept rising with the time passing. Forty days later, there was the most amount of C23 within the root,then gradually reduced.

(洋葱伯克霍尔德菌C23是一株从湿地松根部分离到的拮抗细菌。在培养2d后,其培养物对丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)和链格孢菌( Ahemaria alternata)均表现出明显抑制效果,但对镰刀菌(Fusarium sp)几乎没有抑制作用。在室内防病试验时,C23表现出一定的防病效果,但在室外,没有表现出防病效果。菌株C23可在湿地松根部定殖,但是在根部不同部位的分布并没有规律循。在定殖过程中,C23菌株在松苗根部的菌量随着时间的增长而增加。接种后40d, 菌量达到峰值,而后数量逐渐减少。)

2. 指示性摘要(indicative abstracts)


例1Abstract: Pentostatin喷司他丁 was a kind of purine analog拟嘌呤类物质 which was originally isolated from the species of bacteria Streptomycin 链霉素菌antibiotics. Pentostatin is used to treat hairy cell leukemia毛细胞白血病 and chronic lymphocytic leukemia慢性淋巴细胞白血病. In this paper, the total synthesis of Pentostatin was reviewed and each synthetic route was analyzed. Both merits and limitations of synthetic method were discussed.



Plant cells encase themselves within a complex polysaccharide多糖 wall, which constitutes the raw material that is used to manufacture textiles, paper, lumber, films, thickeners增稠剂 and other products. The plant cell wall is also the primary source of cellulose纤维素, the most

abundant and useful biopolymer生物高聚物 on the Earth. The cell wall not only strengthens the plant body, but also has key roles in plant growth, cell differentiation, intercellular在细胞间的 communication, water movement and defence. Recent discoveries have uncovered how plant cells synthesize wall polysaccharides, assemble them into a strong fibrous含纤维的 network and regulate wall expansion during cell growth.

(Growth of the plant cell wall Cosgrove,Daniel J.; Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology; 1471-0072; 20051100 ; 6卷11 期 ; 850-861 页; 10.1038/m1746)

3. 报道-指示性摘要(informative-indicative abstracts)

报道-指示性摘要是以报道性摘要的形式,表述论文中价值最高的部分。其余部分以指示性摘要形式表达。字数在二者之间,一般为100- 200字左右。对于论文所陈述的内容较多,用报道性摘要的形式不能完全表达清楚,而用指示性摘要的形式又不能将论文中实质性、具体性内容表达出来的这一类论文均可采用报道-指示性摘要书写。报道-指示性摘要的表达对重要的结果和结论进行具体而且实质性陈述,突出论文中的基本内容,行文有详有略,使摘要简炼且容量大,包含了更多的信息,见例3。

例:A method for simultaneous determination of harmful trace elements in unplastisized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) 聚氯乙烯 pipes by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP—AES)was studied. Under the optimum condition, the method of simultaneous determination of trace elements in PVC-U pipes such as Cd,Pb,Sn and Hg by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法was established. The detection limit检出限 for elements are 0.007-0.0l 7g/ml. The recoveries a回收率re 95.12%--106.00%. The relative standard deviations相对标准偏差 are 1.5%-- 2.9 %.This method is accurate, rapid and convenient with satisfactory results. (采用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP—AES)进行聚氯乙烯管材中微量有害元素的同时测定。在选定的最佳条件下,建立了电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法同时测定聚氯乙烯管材中镉、铅、锡、汞4种元素的方法,测得方法检出限为0.007~0.017g/ml,回收率为95.1 2%~106.00%,相对标准偏差RS为1.5%一2.9 %。该法准确、

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