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时间:2017-03-21 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版






参与人:丁远红 杜玉科周远飞

Topic 2 Cooking is fun!

Section A

Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求

1. (1)Learn adverbs of manner:

finely, lightly, immediately

(2)Learn other new words and phrases:

cut, oil, add, cooker, pork, cut up, ham, noodle, bowl, advantage, cheap

2. Know the ways to cook Chinese food:

First, cut some cooked meat very finely.

Next, you need to put some oil in the pan.

Then fry the meat lightly.

You need to add the rice slowly.

Finally, add some salt.

3. Talk about sequences:

First … Second … Next … Then … After that … Finally …

4. Learn object clauses with “whether”:

But I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.

Ⅱ.Teaching aids教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)


1. (出示迈克尔关于美食节的海报,复习食品名称。)

T: Let’s look at the poster that Michael made for the food festival. Can you speak out these foods on it?

S1: Yes. There are Italian pizza and American chocolate cookies.

S2: Greek cheese pies, Indian curries …

T: Pretty well! Most of them are western foods. We can ask them to cook some Chinese food. Can you cook some Chinese food? Then what can you cook?


S3: Yes. I can cook fried rice.

S4: I can cook dumplings.

S5: I can cook porridge.

T: You are great. Then can you tell me the ways to cook porridge?

2. (学生可能不能熟练地用英语讲述,教师可以让学生分组讨论,教师给予一些提示词,然后再选几名学生汇报,呈现本课的目标语言。)

T: Maybe you can’t tell me now. Never mind. I’ll give you some key words. Then you can

discuss in groups. After that, I’ll ask some students to report the results of their discussions. Please look at the blackboard carefully.


First, Second,


Then, Finally, boil water wash rice cook



Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 6分钟)


1. (教学新单词。)

T: Porridge is nice. But if we want to cook nicer food, we may use more materials and cookers. Now let’s learn some new materials and cookers.

(出示关于厨具和食物原材料的图片教学新单词,并板书。并要求学生掌握:oil, cooker, pork, ham, noodle, bowl;理解:pan, onion。)

oil n.油 pan n.平底锅 cooker n.炊具 pork n.猪肉 ham n.火腿 onion n.洋葱(头) noodle n.面条 bowl n.碗,盒


T: Repeat the new words. Then match the words with the pictures. Make sure you understand

the words.

2. (呈现本课1a。)


T: Suppose Kangkang has these materials and cookers. What will Kangkang cook? Do you want to know? Please listen to 1a and answer this question.

3. (让学生阅读对话,猜测生词词义。)

T: Good. Read the conversation carefully and guess the meanings of the new words.

(板书并教学新单词及方式副词的构成和用法。并要求学生掌握cut;理解:finely, fry, lightly。)




slow+ly→slowly cook … carefully cut … finely fry … lightly add … slowly

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 11分钟)

巩固1a, 完成1b。

1. (再次阅读1a对话,注意做炒饭的步骤。)

T: Read 1a again and pay attention to the process of cooking fried rice.


T: Boys act as Kangkang and girls act as Mother. Please act out the dialog.

(表演结束后,找两名学生表演做炒饭的步骤。一个表演做炒饭的动作,另一个根据表演用英语描述。注意表演方式副词如finely, lightly, slowly时,动作要到位。)

2. (根据1a复述做炒饭的步骤,完成1b。)

T: Let’s retell the steps of making fried rice according to 1a. Then finish 1b.


Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)


1. (组织学生完成2a和2b。)

T: We’ve learned how to cook fried rice. Would you like to learn how to cook a bowl of


SS: Yes.


T: OK! What do we need to cook a bowl of noodles?

S1: We need some water, some noodles …


materials: water, noodles, pork bones, ham, cabbage, green onions


T: We have got the materials. Who can tell me how to cook it? Please have a discussion in groups.


T: Pretty well. Now please turn to Page 62, read 2a and try to guess the meanings of the new




T: Read 2a again. I’ll show you the key words on the blackboard. Then finish 2b.


Second—cut up



After that—fill—slowly



T: Good. Now, I’ll ask some students to tell me how to cook noodles without looking at yourbooks. You can look at the key words and the pictures in 2b. Who will try?

S2: …

T: Well done!

2. (提问学生西方有哪些快餐食品,导入3。)

T: We have learned how to cook fried rice and noodles. Now let’s talk about western fast food. When we talk about western fast food, we mean …

SS: Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips …


T: Good! Please go through 3 and try to guess the meanings of the new words. Listen to 3 and

give me the right answers.


advantage n.优点;好处 cheap adj.便宜的

(核对答案。(本文来自:WWw.DXF5.com 东 星 资 源 网:仁爱英语八年级下册英语说课稿))

T: Who can give me the answers?

S3: … S4: … …


T: Well done!

T: Do you often go to the fast food restaurant?

S5: Yes.

T: What do you think of the food there?

S6: It’s served fast.

T: Is it delicious?

S7: Yes. / No.

T: Is it good for our health?

S8: Yes. / No.

T: I think we shouldn’t eat too much fast food. It’s bad for our health. We should try to cook at home.

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 6分钟)


1. (要求学生分组讨论自己最喜欢的饭菜以及制作步骤,然后记录下来,接着向全班学生汇报。)

T: Do you want to cook by yourselves? Please discuss in groups of five and try to write down how to cook your favorite food, and then report it to us. You can do it like this.


T: Excellent! / Great! I’ll try it, too.

2. Homework:


T: In this lesson we’ve learned how to cook porridge, fried rice and noodles. Please cook one of them for your parents.

(2)预习Section B。



onC 说课稿



本单元围绕各种服装名称、日常穿着及在特定场合的得体穿着这个题材开展多种教学活动,学会由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。本节课是本话题的第三节课,它承接前一节课学习的在不同场合穿不同服装和It′s+adj.+ for sb. to do sth .句型。进一步加深对特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句的语法现象的理解和运用,同时学习和掌握在不同场合穿不同服装的必要性及得体性,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写的综合素质能力。

2、教学目标 :(知识目标、能力目标、情感目标、学习策略目标)


1、Learn that different jobs require different uniforms.

2、Learn the functions of different uniforms:









重点:Object clause(宾语从句)

难点:The functions of different uniforms:








Report(5分钟)--Presentation(15分钟)--Consolidation(5分钟)--retell(5分钟)-listening(10分钟)-Sum up(1分钟)--Homework(1分钟)


StepⅠReport 一个值日生报告有关服装的文章,让学生认真听后回答老师的提问


StepⅡ Presentation(15分钟)

1、结合图像,认识新词及重点短语。 直观教学,加深印象,促进单词记忆,为新课的活动做准备。



StepⅢ Consolidation.


StepIV listening(10分钟)



StepV Sum up(1分钟)

1、The functions of different uniforms:

2、The useful phases

StepⅤI Homework(1分钟)

为了巩固课堂上所学知识,给学生布置课外作业 :

2、Preview Section D


Unit8 Topic 2 Section C

1.protect sb./sth from … 保护……不受……

eg.We should protect our mothers from harm .

2. 1】require sth. = need sth. 需要某物

eg.She requires lots of healthy food .

2】require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事

eg.They require me to go out at once .

3.falling ceilings 坍塌的天花板

4. Key words of the passage :

…have many uses-We students-to show-Firefighters-to protect…from-Soldiers-to help …

Officials dress in-look-see airline pilots wearing-believe that-know how to fly-If…have a car accident…and-get help-doctors-patients can find-clean…safe…

…require-Some-some-and others…

篇三:【最新】仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit5Topic3 (SectionA) 说课稿



教材内容分析: 本课是八年级第五单元第一个课题的SetionA. 这是第五单元的第三课题的第一课时,本课题是以麦克生病引出事物对情感的影响,让学生学会去关心帮助别人。


1、掌握生词 calm down, bitter, sleepy

2、掌握“make + object + v./ adj.”的用法。


These days I feel very bored and lonely at home.


How long have you felt like this?

5、表达情感的用语 Don’t be afraid! Be brave! Take it easy.(安慰) I’m so sorry about your illness, but it can’t be SARS.(同情) 能力目标:指导学生进一步学习表达对他人关心和提建议的句子,掌握一些有关方面的日常用语,通过对话多说及复述填空提高学生用英语进行思维表达的能力。


重、难点分析 本部分包括1a看听说,1b、1c结对练习,2看听说和2b小组活动几部分,重点为1a和2a;简单地记住几个重要短语和句子不是难事,

标签:英语 仁爱 下册 仁爱七年级英语说课稿 八年级下册英语仁爱版