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时间:2017-05-13 来源:东星资源网 本文已影响 手机版




摘要: 2015年托福词汇机经汇总(全年版)!在托福考试中有非常重要的一项就是词汇,有很多题目都会涉及的词汇,尤其是在托福阅读中,这里为方便大家的备考复习小编特为大家整理出了2015年托福词汇机经汇总(全年版),同学们可以借鉴使用把握2015年词汇机经出题动向。

本文关于2014 托福 考试词汇题机经的相关内容包含两部分,一部分是2014 托福考试 词汇题机经,另一部分就是对应真题的一些答案,下面我们就来详细了解一下。

托福词汇 串讲PDF[ 小马 精选]:

? a pivotal figure pivotal

adj 枢纽的、关键的

? a premium price

premium n 保险金、a 高价的

a range of abandon abandonment abbreviate abrasion abrase abstract absurd abundance abundant accelerate

access have access to accessible acclaimed 受欢迎的

accommodate commodity accommodating accommodate (sb.)for the night

an accommodating person 爽快人, 好人 accompany v

accordion accord 和谐、一致 accumulate v 堆积 accustomed ?

acquaintance n quaint a

a speaking acquaintance 泛泛之交 I have no acquaintance with this book. 我不熟悉这本书。 acronym acute chronic ?

adapt adopt adaptable adaptation

additive n 添加剂/a 附加的 addictive adept a /n熟练的/老手 adjacent adjoining adjust v 调节 just“ 正确”

adjustment adobe n adopt v adorn adornment

advent n adventure adverse adj adversely

adversity n 不幸、灾难 advocate n/v ?

aesthetic adj

esthetic 感觉的

anaesthetic n 麻醉剂 ana(无)+ a esthetically ?

affect 影响 / 感动/假装

1. He was deeply affected by my words.

他听了我的话很受感动。 2. He affected not to hear me affiliate with afflict conflict inflict affluent a ?

aggravating a

aggravate v 加重 使恶化 gravity n 重力 ?

aggregate v gre在汇总 aggregation agitation akin to


alchemy n algae n 海藻 alien n/a

all but 1 +adj =almost 2. +n =all excrpt all-inclusive allocate alloy ally alternative

altitude latitude longitude aluminum ?

ambience n

The little restaurant has a pleasant ambience ? amenable a . 应服从的,会接纳的,肯服从的 This case is not

amenable to the normal rules 这件事经不起常规的检验.

amplify ancestor ?

annihilate v 消灭

The invasion force was annihilated. 侵略军被消灭了。

annual a 每年的 manual n 手册 annually

anomaly a 反常的 anonymous a antibiotic n 抗生素 ?

antiquate v 使…古旧 antiquated a 陈旧的 antiquity n

1. the heroes of antiquity古代英雄 2. in remote antiquity 在远古时代 3. since antiquity apart from appeal appeal to me

appealing a 有吸引力的 apprentice n 学徒



相关字搜索: 托福考试词汇题机经




摘要: 托福词汇精选试题汇总下载!小马托福编辑为帮助大家更好的检验托福词汇记忆效果,特给出了托福词汇精选试题汇总,大家在随后的词汇复习中可拿来练一练,相信对于的托福考试会有很大帮助的。

托福 词汇精选试题汇总下载! 小马 托福编辑为帮助大家更好的检验 托福词汇 记忆效果,特给出了托福词汇精选试题汇总,大家在随后的词汇复习中可拿来练一练,相信对于的 托福考试 会有很大帮助的。

小马针对 新托福 的考试形式特开发出相应的托福练习APP软件,分别是 托福听力 APP、托福机经APP。小马把历年的托福机经以及最新更新考前预测内容的大范围、小范围、逆天版机经从纸质型做成APP机经库,让大家直接体验托福机经在线模考环境。还没有 小马托福机经 APP、托福听力APP的同学赶快扫一扫下面的二维码来体验一下吧!

托福词汇精选模拟试题汇总下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题一 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题二 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题三 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题四 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题五 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题六 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题七 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题八 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题九 点击索取下载 托福词汇精选模拟试题十 点击索取下载





相关字搜索: 托福词汇精选试题汇总下载


鑫哥 11月吊炸天机经词汇【通用版】

1. 机经词汇我是从 14 年 3 月开始公开在网络上,每场考试都会给大家做一些更新 但是最近各种大大小小的机构都开始在盗用我的机经词汇,还标注是他们原创, 甚是气 愤,大家支持原创,多多扩散,注明:鑫哥出版

2. 本月机经词汇分为通用版+考前点词 2 部分;大家先背好通用版,如果有补充或者 重点预测,就来【考前点词】【免费】所以每次考前点词都特别特别重要!

3. 【考前点词务必都来】【9.11 考前点词逆天命中 11 个词汇题】

鑫哥 11月吊炸天鸡精词汇【通用版】

1 a case in point a good example

2 a glimpse of brief view

3 a surge of a sudden increase in

4 a wealth of an abundance of

5 abandon no longer occupied/left

6 abnormal unusual

7 abrupt sudden

8 absolutely definitely

9 abundant plentiful

10 accelerate speed up

11 accompany occur with

12 accordingly correspondingly

13 account for explain

14 accumulation buildup

15 acknowledge admit

16 acquire obtain

17 actual fact

18 acute severe

19 adapt adjust

20 adequate suitable

21 adherent supporter

22 adhesive sticky

23 adjacent nearby

24 adjoining border

25 admitted accept truth

26 adopting starting to use

27 advantageous favorable

28 advent arrival

29 adverse unfavorable

30 advocate promote

31 aggregation group/collection

32 aid assist

33 aim to do intend to do

34 albeit even though

35 allegedly supposedly

36 allow for make possible

37 alteration modification

38 alternate take turns

39 altogether fully

40 amass accumulate

41 ambiguous open to various interpretations 42 ambitious impressive but difficult to achieve 43 ample plentiful

44 annihilate destroy

45 anonymous unidentified

46 anticipate expect

47 anxiety worry

48 apparent noticeable

49 apparently seemingly

50 appeal attraction

51 approach near

52 appropriate suitable

53 approximately roughly

54 ardent enthusiastic

55 artificial not real

56 assess evaluate

57 associate connect

58 assorted various

59 assume take on

60 astonishment surprise

61 at intervals periodically

62 attest to provide evidence of

63 attribute to responsible for

64 augment add to

65 authority expert

66 autonomous independent

67 backing up supporting

68 baffled puzzled

69 barely just

70 barren unable to sustain life

71 barring excluding

72 be coupled with add to

73 besides in addition to

74 breakthrough development

75 brew develop

76 bulk large

77 burdensome d



78 burgeon rapidly expanding

79 by and large for the most part

80 capacity ability of storage

81 catastrophic disastrous

82 cautious careful

83 cease stop

84 characteristic typical

85 chronological time

86 cited mentioned

87 cling to attach to

88 cluster group

89 coexisted lived together

90 coincide at the same time

91 collaborate work jointly

92 collective all together

93 colossal huge

94 combination mixture

95 commonplace ordinary

96 communal cooperative

97 comparable similar

98 compatible consistent

99 compelling convincing

100 compensate make up for

101 compile put together

102 complexity sophistication

103 component element

104 compose consist of

105 compounded added to

106 comprehensible understandable

107 comprise consist of

108 concealed hidden

109 concede accept as true

110 conceivable imaginable

111 concentrate increase the density of population 112 concise brief and to the point

113 conducive favorable

114 configuration arrangement

115 confined limited

116 confirm prove

117 congestion overcrowding 118 congregate gather 119 consensus agree on 120 considerable significant 121 conspicuous visible 122 constant continual

123 constituent component 124 constraint limit

125 consult ask

126 consume use up

127 contention argument 128 contiguous neighboring 129 continuous unceasing 130 contradicting conflicting 131 contribute?give/add to 132 controversy disagree 133 conventional standard 134 converge come together 135 convert change

136 convey communicate

137 coordinate accommodate 138 coping with managing 139 correspond to matches 140 counter combat

141 counterpart equivalent 142 countless innumerable

143 couple with combined with 144 courteous polite

145 criteria standards

146 crude initial/primitive 147 culmination high point 148 curious strange

149 cushioned protected 150 decipher decode 151 decisive determining 152 decline refuse

153 decomposed decay 154 deep profound

155 defeat conquer

156 defer delay

157 deficient not enough 158 defining identifying

159 deflect direction

160 deliberately intentionally 161 demonstrate indicate 162 denser more crowded 163 dependable reliable 164 deplete exhaust 165 deposit sediment 166 depression hole 167 derive obtain

168 desiccated dry

169 designate identify 170 detach separate 171 detect notice

172 deter stop

173 determinant causes 174 devastate destroy 175 differential uneven 176 diffuse spread out 177 dilemma problem 178 dim weak

179 diminish reduce 180 discard throw away

181 discontent unhappiness 182 discrepancy inconsistency 183 discrete separate 184 disguise hide

185 dismissed rejected 186 dispersal distribution 187 disrupt disturb

188 dissemination disperse 189 distant far

190 distinct separate

191 distinctive characteristic 192 distortions irregularities 193 disturbance upset 194 diversify vary

195 divert redirect

196 document record

197 domain field of expertise 198 domestic household 199 dominate control 200 dormant inactive

标签:托福 词汇 托福阅读词汇机经 2027托福词汇机经