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时间:2021-01-22 11:48:19 来源:东星资源网




  Everywhere you go, you'll see people, male or female, old or young, wearing jeans. Indeed, jeans have grown more and more popular since the first pair was born. In newspapers andmagazines or on TV you often come across such ads as "Buy these jeans they are cheap. Buythem — they are hardwea ring. Buy them — they are comfortable." I think there is no cheatingin these ads.

  In the first place, jeans are so cheap that almost everyone can afford to buy a pair, especiallyfor students and wage-earners. No one would not pay less and get more.

  That jeans wear well and wash well is their second superiority to other kinds of trousers. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you'll find jeans your good companion. Made of purecotton, jeans are very comfortable. What is more, they produce a good image and make youlook casual, sporty, tough, elegant, and sophisticated.

  Modern fashions come and go quickly, but, thanks to Levi Strauss, jeans alwaysr emain people'sfirst choice.


  see...+ ing 看到做某事

  There is no cheating in these ads. 这些广告并没有欺骗。

  wage-earner n. 工薪阶层

  No one would not pay less and get more. 人人都愿要价廉物美。( 本句中用了双重否定的表达)

  wear we...

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标签: 英语 六级 作文


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