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时间:2021-08-24 14:20:15 来源:东星资源网




  During the summer vacation, I often visit my grandparents. They are 70 years old and live in the countryside. The countryside is very beautiful in summer. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning, breathing fresh air, listening to birds singing, enjoying green trees, red flowers and the river in front of my door.

  I also like fishing with my friends. When night fell, I sat under the tree and listened to grandma's beautiful story. I'll also tell her something new about the city. Every time it's time to go back to town, I'm always reluctant to part with it. I really like life in the country.


  Today, I walked into the endless desert. I heard that the sand there would make a noise when blown by the wind, so I called Shawan. The sand there was very fine, so each of us put on shoe covers.

  Niuniu and I ran up the...

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标签: 暑假生活 英语 作文


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